Sarah, I believe your assessment along with that if Katherine and Sasha is correct and you have well summarized the legal loopholes that insulate those responsible from legal accountability, it’s IRONCLAD as I see it. Certainly these lawsuits are all misguided (probably encouraged by lawyers eager to bill hours, because that’s their primary objective in practice). I’m not particularly optimistic that this tangled web can ever be undone, as our political and judicial systems have been so corrupted over the past 100 years or so as to be divorced and unrecognizable from the intent under which they were established by the founders. I agree that EVERY AMERICAN should understand what has been done to get us where we find ourselves at this point and I laud your contribution here, but again I am pessimistic as I find my fellow countrymen to be largely apathetic and, to be honest, lacking the attention span (or intellectual ability) necessary to understand the issues. May God help us somehow to right the ship!
MondoinPhx, I especially agree with your statement: "... I am pessimistic as I find my fellow countrymen to be largely apathetic and, to be honest, LACKING THE ATTENTION SPAN (OR THE INTELLECTUAL ABILITY) necessary to understand the issues." My neighbors refuse to look at anything disturbing, which this is. They want life to be easy and happy. They don't want to put in the work hours to investigate. And they don't believe awareness of the issues helps them in any way. They are not just apathetic. They are lethargic. AND I really don't believe they have the cognitive ability, due to over exposure to wireless RF radiation, nanobot infestation, propaganda, and lack of trace minerals, to physically process the required concepts. In other words, they lack adequate mental health. There are few who are mentally and physically fit to stand up to injustice. It saddens me because our shields are down leaving us vulnerable to attack. I'm thankful to Sarah for her many skills. This is one of many brilliant pieces of work. And I'm thankful to Katherine and Sasha for their documentation and inspiration. God willing, we'll all be enabled to take the required actions to correct this injustice.
Thank you for that, Robin. I always feel a little vulnerable when I tiptoe into degree-guarded territory. I just know how much research it takes...looking up all the definitions, and, in the legal realm, finding the codes and statutes and, and, and. It scrambles my brain...and I ENJOY digging into these things. I can only imagine that those who do not like to do these kinds of tasks, would find exactly ZERO time to look it up for themselves.
This is also what the monster relies on. So, I've been intentionally trying to find ways to communicate difficult, complex topics into manageable conversation chunks. I get practice in my studio, hour after hour, every day. Having very clear, concise words around some of the big pieces, like PREP Act Immunity, EUA, OTA, etc is very helpful, in my experience. Especially when it's not subjective. It's not my opinion that the PREP Act declaration SPECIFICALLY provides immunity from liability and that FDA can authorized unapproved medicine under EUA.
Anyway...I've been trying to organize at least some of my posts in a way that can be discussed outside of Substack, because I also believe that Substack is a corner utilized for corralling dissident voices. If we are only speaking to our own echo chamber, who cares? Most of the world is happy to go on like your neighbors. I see it every day.
I've found that having hooks of undeniable fact, delivered at the appropriate time, can be incredibly compelling. And we have to do it one conversation at a time. Because the big platforms, and I include "alternative" media like the Epoch Times in this swath, are not going to report anything but variations on the peddled narrative theme. For instance, someone sent my article on the quarantine camp language in all states to the ET in response to their dramatic NY state quarantine camp article. Crickets.
The "alt" media is herding the "freedom" movement, and most are blissfully unaware in this arena. The MFM and the Global Covid Summit and FLCCC and, and, and...are all using strikingly similar language. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be much stranger if the terrible nefarious people trying to murder the world did NOT try and herd the dissident movement to exactly the same goal. They would absolutely do from inside the movement.
Many folks were doing what they thought was right during the pandemic, however they were in fact, participating in a demonstration. I think most involved, on both sides, are unaware of their participation in a very large demonstration that is being organized and manipulated by a few. The demonstration phase is still in effect, because NOTHING is changing. How many hearings and conferences and law suits can we have and still not actually DO ANYTHING??? It's mind boggling.
Some group of lawyers who have been damaged need to file a class action suit against the USA pointing out these laws as unConstitutional. Plus all the life long "state of emergencies" need to be ended. Here Katherine Watt addressed our concerns to Attorney Generals, who are the chief law officers for their corporations. AGs sound like a good place to start. From a grass roots perspective, we need to address/ educate our county commissioners and the Sheriff. Am I brave enough to take action? A woman took stacks of studies to RFKjr to get his attention and support. So, a visit to CHD lawyers also might be worthwhile.
It would also be nice if Texas AG Paxton was pointed at this documentation... and he used it.
After thinking more about my comments, I'm off base. I recall that there are criminal cases and there are civil cases. Texan AG Paxton has filed a civil case against one corporation, Pfizer, for committing fraud that injured Texans. Paxton is asking for compensation from Pfizer for the damage done. This has nothing to do with the federal laws that allowed Pfizer to take the actions they did. This is a State taking action against a corporation that mislead the public. Let's see what happens, because the evidence for fraud has been presented.
As for the unethical laws that we want changed, including the PREP Act... It's going to take an act of Congress to write up a bill(s) to nullify them. And a President needs to sign those bills into law. So we'd better start educating others so we can write massive amounts of letters to our Representatives and President. Otherwise this script can and will be used again. We have to find Representatives that will support us. Vote those that won't support us out of office. That means our voice must be powerful and loud! We have a lot of education to do in order for this to happen. And we need a President that will support us.
I wish I were more well-versed in the legal arena so that I could weigh in on that. There is definitely verbiage regarding the geographical limitations (none) in the PREP Act liability shield. As I recall, this covers criminal and civil liabilities...but as I’ve mentioned, this is WELL outside my scope. I guess I go back to, if I were a terrible nefarious monster trying to murder the world, and I was using my legal language as a weapon and a shield, I would probably make damn sure that it broadly covered all my bases (individual states). However, if there’s hope, in my opinion, it’s that our country is still comprised of sovereign states...hoping Texas kicks the door open for broad reform that includes repealing the PREP Act and all the bullshit that goals along with it; Bioshield, EUA, MCM, OTA, etc...
This is where I’ve landed. I’m focusing my efforts on making this confusing fuckery understandable and that these conversations can happen. Substack is good, and the comment threads are incredibly helpful (thank you, Robin)...
I’ve been thinking a lot about the best use of my energy, and I would like to emphasize that these conversations SPECIFICALLY need to happen off of substack. Outside of this little substack corner, there are very few that are aware of any of this. Covid is over in “normie” land, and none of what you mentioned can happen unless that changes.
You are welcome for my input. I've been guided by an excellent instructor. I now feel the need to go to law school in order to understand what is taking place in the courts. But then I'd have to practice as a trial lawyer for 10 years to fully understand how their system works. Not going to happen... but I do feel the need like you to learn what's necessary... if we can understand the legal terminology. Good thing the laws are published and Black's Law Dictionary exists, because I didn't learn this in high school or college.
A wise friend keeps pointing me to peaceful revolutions within our legal system, which take time. Patience is required for them to unfold. He knows the proceedings well for various reasons based on his experience. He points out that Texas is the one state that votes every year to retain membership in the United States. Texas could always revert to the powerful nation it once was. Texas is also the one state that has enough money to hire intelligent experienced lawyers, who have the authority and will power to speak up against federal controls. This potentially puts Pfizer out of business. All pharma corporations will take notice and then think twice about repeating this script, because of the financial consequences. This case is the first to call these Pfizer managers out. The best thing we can do, imo, is tell others to watch what happens with this case. It's easier for them to comprehend and identify with fraud against the people than the federal laws that allowed this script to happen. I predict the underlying laws will be revealed when folks start wondering "how could this happen?" Then they'll turn to your work. Until then, they are still accepting "safe and effective vaccines". Only those who have gotten deathly sick from them have the experience to know otherwise... and start questioning their chosen "authority figures". They are blind to the fact they've been tricked and the wool has been pulled over their eyes.
As for the Florida Surgeon General's two letters to the FDA? They are being ignored, because the SG is being portrayed as a nut case. WE know he's not. Because of him, Florida is the only State that has not adopted the Feds suggested health emergency program. They are the last holdout. The problem is that the other states have given away their power to the Federal program. Until "We the People" start questing what is happening to us, nothing is going to change.
Think you and I may be simpatico in that this saga is so breathtakingly expansive and twisted it’s hard to see it ever come unraveled. I’m not being negative btw just pragmatic. It could come undone but you can bet your ass it will coincide with a great deal many other things going by the wayside.
It’s not much different than what we face here in West Civ on all fronts. This place is turning into a battleground as we type.
If you want a little justice to put under your hat understand they (W Elites) are losing. And they cannot win at this point IMHO. Its already lost and they will feel the sting even if that’s means being relegated to a bunker. The Russians and the Chinese have seen to it the next century is theirs. I used to be scared of that. I no longer fear it tho; only what awaits us here. lol sounds God awful i suppose. Maybe not, but it’s so fucking hard to predict.
Mostly agree, I pray you’re right about the WEFFIES losing, although the thought of the prospects of either emerging totalitarianism or advancing totalitarianism as the end result is nota comforting thought.
Am very confident they have lost. They needed either Russia and/or China to fall. They went after Russia thinking it would be a slam dunk. The sanctions were a no brainer. Remember these elites are not accustomed to losing. Had Russia crumbled the current unipolar system would have lasted for many more years as they picked the resources from the Russian carcass. China would have had little choice but to fall in line….VERY confident this is where we are at now.
I don’t think China and Russia want us to go smashing down. The world economy would go into a depression. They are far better prepared to deal with it though. Maybe if the right people can grab the reins we will avoid a very ugly situation.
Hey guys see this from MacGregor. It’s like I have conveyed. This loss was such a horrible loss for TPTB. And the nuke standoff potential is concerning. However if the GAE tried shit we will be buried in Eurasia.
Here’s another one. Please understand I’m not just pumping propaganda. Lol well maybe I am. However this is something I see as well. I’m not a psychic or have connected Intel sources to assist me.
I just understand it by watching their reactions. They’re scared and options are running low. I hate them so bad I get excited even though I know tho ramifications for me and those close are going to be hard.
This morning, my wife sent me the Thread Reader article: Sense Receptor - THE POISON NEEDLE AND THE LEGAL SHIELD🛡️ -Here’s How Illegal "Pseudo-Laws" Have Allowed the U.S. Gov’t to Deploy the C-19-Injection Bioweapons on Americans, and Given Legal Immunity to Those Who Administer The Kill Shots (Link: Conversation Sasha Latypova and writer and paralegal Katherine Watt.
That covers the same information in your great article. I believe the biggest chance for legal cases against the mRNA Gene Therapy injections (which are not vaccines) is the fact that they did their clinical trials which showed enough Severe Adverse Events and Deaths that the should not have been released) then switched to Process 2 for the manufacture of most of the injections given to the people around the world. This process was a bait and switch. It is a cheaper more sloppy manufacture based on pig e.coli. Remnants of DNA remain in the product that should not be there at all. Bottom line for litigation would be that there is no Emergency Use Authorization for this Process 2 injection. No one was told that the shots they were getting were substitutions for the shots they were told they were getting. I think it is one of the reasons for the silence and stonewalling of comments from the NIH, CDC, FDA and other country's health agencies as they are trying to figure out the legal weasel language to cover their asses.
One of the biggest problems i see is we have is we argue the legality of this or that within their framework of illegal laws. IMO the first step is to stop arguing within the confines if their illegal act if it's "legal or not". The first question to determining legality is - is the original act legal, ie meet constitutional muster. Thus #1 where in the Constitution did WE authorize Congress to weird this power, or any agency? A simple proper detailing of article and section # of that grant of power will suffice. Since under our system of government all power is derived from the people it must be somewhere.
Many of us get lost in the weeds of arguing finer pints of these illegal laws when all we need is a simple 5 lb sledge hammer of show me where that power was granted. Congress can pass laws all day long, that does not mean as our representatives (I refuse to call them law makers or leaders as they are representatives- nothing more) can delegate proper powers they have let alone powers never granted.
Sarah love your in depth well researched articles. The above is not meant to be criticism, it's just another perspective.
I just saw your article on my email. This subject is very interesting to me. I don’t know anything about the legalese or the surrounding cases you mention. I think you have measured the situation correctly though. Nevermind the innuendo and lawyer speak.
Can you imagine what would come if just one of these cases popped? I have thought about it before. It would start a chain reaction that could literally lead to a collapse of the system. It’s why I was so rattled as I told Sage around the time her and I met (circa fall 2021).
I’m a self proclaimed (of course lol) strong male figure. Had encounters with dangerous situations more than one. But the totality of this effort literally made my teeth chatter. I’m kind of embarrassed to say that. I can tell you it’s only been over time throughout the last year which has stopped the flight/fight syndrome from kicking in at least a couple times per day. The confusion since 2020 which led to it leaves me to say I would rather have a knife to my neck. It wasn’t any different.
Lol guess I am doing therapy now. I don’t even believe in the licensed bullshit. I could never trust someone who talked to me because “that was their job.” You guys are my therapist. The people on several other sites are as well. I need someone who understands NOT feels sorry.
You mentioning this topic Sarah sort of jolted me. It reminded me of what scared me the most. Regardless if it was the mass vaccination campaign and the lemmings who would partake. Or the unyielding swaths of medical professionals that readily jumped on board. It was always the enormity of the situation that shook me.
This is my therapy too, Luke. Thank goodness for this little substack nook. I might have lost my mind.
I'm sorry my post jolted you...I'm just trying to call attention - to what you already know...but so many don't. The whole thing is jolting... everyday.
“Thank goodness for this little substack nook. I might have lost my mind.”
I have said this before once or twice I think. SS was all we had as the year flipped from 20 to 21 and it no doubt kept me sane. Let me ask you Sarah (Conspiracy lol) have you guys ever discussed that? I mean about SS. It crossed my mind once before. I was curious as to why this site emerged while every thing else was ripped away? Shit it could be a miracle Idk?
I had never heard of it before summer 2021. Maybe the elite masters overlooked it? I damn well remember what the information shutdown was like. I’m thankful for how things are now in comparison. It is remarkably better now. However i have no clue how much longer that can or will last.
Please no need to apologize. You jogged my memory. I have very long one. Maybe I didn’t remember because I never fully understood what was triggering my fear. I’m not someone who easily admits that I am scared of something emotionally. I just mentioned “how much longer it could last.” Get the sensation that 2024 could get very exciting.
You know what tho, I say bring it on. I’m feeling pretty good about what I have learned here tonight lol. Feel like I am also in shape after dealing with the prior years. Guess my biggest worry was that I wanted to see the shit contained. I wanted it quarantined off (the whole covid saga) because I knew if it wasn’t we would never be able to go back. I wanted to be able to sweep it under the rug myself 😒.
I posted this comment on another thread of this post, but I think it's relevant, so I'm just going to paste it here.
I always feel a little vulnerable when I tiptoe into degree-guarded territory. I just know how much research it takes...looking up all the definitions, and, in the legal realm, finding the codes and statutes and, and, and. It scrambles my brain...and I ENJOY digging into these things. I can only imagine that those who do not like to do these kinds of tasks, would find exactly ZERO time to look it up for themselves.
This is also what the monster relies on. So, I've been intentionally trying to find ways to communicate difficult, complex topics into manageable conversation chunks. I get practice in my studio, hour after hour, every day. Having very clear, concise words around some of the big pieces, like PREP Act Immunity, EUA, OTA, etc is very helpful, in my experience. Especially when it's not subjective. It's not my opinion that the PREP Act declaration SPECIFICALLY provides immunity from liability and that FDA can authorized unapproved medicine under EUA.
Anyway...I've been trying to organize at least some of my posts in a way that can be discussed outside of Substack, because I also believe that Substack is a corner utilized for corralling dissident voices. If we are only speaking to our own echo chamber, who cares? Most of the world is happy to go on like your neighbors. I see it every day.
I've found that having hooks of undeniable fact, delivered at the appropriate time, can be incredibly compelling. And we have to do it one conversation at a time. Because the big platforms, and I include "alternative" media like the Epoch Times in this swath, are not going to report anything but variations on the peddled narrative theme. For instance, someone sent my article on the quarantine camp language in all states to the ET in response to their dramatic NY state quarantine camp article. Crickets.
The "alt" media is herding the "freedom" movement, and most are blissfully unaware in this arena. The MFM and the Global Covid Summit and FLCCC and, and, and...are all using strikingly similar language. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be much stranger if the terrible nefarious people trying to murder the world did NOT try and herd the dissident movement to exactly the same goal. They would absolutely do from inside the movement.
Many folks were doing what they thought was right during the pandemic, however they were in fact, participating in a demonstration. I think most involved, on both sides, are unaware of their participation in a very large demonstration that is being organized and manipulated by a few. The demonstration phase is still in effect, because NOTHING is changing. How many hearings and conferences and law suits can we have and still not actually DO ANYTHING??? It's mind boggling.
Ohhh you are so right about alt media (conservative). It has been co-opted to become almost a shield. Have seen it in full display as of late and the rose colored glasses are gone. Honestly Sarah I am still just coming to terms with it.
Seeing the truth can be overwhelming and it has been to a degree. However, the good news is that I do not believe these people to be untouchable. Their plans are not what scares me; it’s their potential fits of rage and panic which puts us in harms way. As they become increasingly aware of their own mortality I suspect the erratic responses to worsen.
PS echo chambers aren’t so bad. Sometimes they can give a false sense of the situation but more often than not they allow us to gather strength. Still your corralling euphemism is spot on.
I love this echo chamber, and it absolutely gives rise to more powerful ways of thinking. I just really want people to also speak outside of the echo chamber. If we are lulled by the soothing sounds of our own voices, thinking we are louder than we are, nothing changes.
Much of the world in COMPLETELY unaware about any of this...
I have been doing just that. I finally got back on Twitter a couple months ago. I am aware that sounds really juvenile. That’s the best place to reach others I had to admit. I had put it off ever since I was banished end of 2020. Lately I have targeted the right/alt media. Have learned so much last couple months but it’s not all due to Twitter. Have been throwing punches at some of them on Gab as well.
I am never rude and I try and be as charismatic as possible. If they are fucking idiots who get under my skin I deal with them appropriately. I am getting ready to write a few sentences about my recent observations in convincing format. I will post it to you off this comment. It won’t be long I promise lol.
Hey do you have a “buy a coffee” link? If not would it be hard to get one lol?
Just posted this above, but I should've read your comment first and posted here. Sorry for the repeat, but I'm in COMPLETE agreement. It's a bit disheartening to see all the "freedom warriors" fall into the same motherfucking CULL-de-sac with their heroes:
I always feel a little vulnerable when I tiptoe into degree-guarded territory. I just know how much research it takes...looking up all the definitions, and, in the legal realm, finding the codes and statutes and, and, and. It scrambles my brain...and I ENJOY digging into these things. I can only imagine that those who do not like to do these kinds of tasks, would find exactly ZERO time to look it up for themselves.
This is also what the monster relies on. So, I've been intentionally trying to find ways to communicate difficult, complex topics into manageable conversation chunks. I get practice in my studio, hour after hour, every day. Having very clear, concise words around some of the big pieces, like PREP Act Immunity, EUA, OTA, etc is very helpful, in my experience. Especially when it's not subjective. It's not my opinion that the PREP Act declaration SPECIFICALLY provides immunity from liability and that FDA can authorized unapproved medicine under EUA.
Anyway...I've been trying to organize at least some of my posts in a way that can be discussed outside of Substack, because I also believe that Substack is a corner utilized for corralling dissident voices. If we are only speaking to our own echo chamber, who cares? Most of the world is happy to go on like your neighbors. I see it every day.
I've found that having hooks of undeniable fact, delivered at the appropriate time, can be incredibly compelling. And we have to do it one conversation at a time. Because the big platforms, and I include "alternative" media like the Epoch Times in this swath, are not going to report anything but variations on the peddled narrative theme. For instance, someone sent my article on the quarantine camp language in all states to the ET in response to their dramatic NY state quarantine camp article. Crickets.
The "alt" media is herding the "freedom" movement, and most are blissfully unaware in this arena. The MFM and the Global Covid Summit and FLCCC and, and, and...are all using strikingly similar language. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be much stranger if the terrible nefarious people trying to murder the world did NOT try and herd the dissident movement to exactly the same goal. They would absolutely do from inside "the movement".
Many folks were doing what they thought was right during the pandemic, however they were in fact, participating in a demonstration. I think most involved, on both sides, are unaware of their participation in a very large demonstration that is being organized and manipulated by a few. The demonstration phase is still in effect, because NOTHING is changing. How many hearings and conferences and law suits can we have and still not actually DO ANYTHING??? It's mind boggling.
IMO, ss is a corral for the is likely the most heavily AI surveilled platform on the net. Makes it real easy to keep that algo eye on all of us...
Made an observation about my hesitancy to practice my first amendment right one time. A friend on another blog set me straight. She said our forefathers knew they would be hung for speaking against the Crown. Lol it left a mark on my psyche.
It was and still is in my opinion, a deliberate rolled out and protected cull meant to see the greatest wealth transfer in our national history and to have created unsustainable intergenerational indebtedness. In short, we were all had and are continuing to be had by thieves and murderers.
Yes this is not only mind boggling- but very unnerving......
Billy is nonchalantly chatting about his returns on his global investments in vaccines. (He was dumb enough to admit in open- we all have videos of him saying this). Meanwhile he is buying up farmland in Idaho, Wyoming....and other places.
He is buying land already deemed as farming land or ranching land.
It’s very disturbing now seeing what we know now-
Like WTF!
We have been wondering why this global Elite is interested in these we know why.
100%... The plans are in full swing... My main hope is that if those lower on the food chain of authority work out they also won't be needed either once the Agenda is implemented, maybe the tide will turn ... The people who currently believe the narrative and are going alone need to know they've been played first... It's breaking people out of the subtle (and not so subtle) mind programming of the last thirty years, to realise we're ALL in danger from these elite plans... Then, I think things will turn around real quick... Even if these authority figures have been blackmailed (with whatever they'd like kept secret) I think it'd be better to have the secret out and help the world, and themselves, live to see another day.
Hola, Sarah. This is excellent! Yes, yes, yes! I've considered from the beginning of lawsuits that they would unlikely to be successful. (Nuremberg didn't work and nothing has changed since then. Thalidomide lawsuits didn't work, and nothing has changed. Etc.) You have with great care provided a superb summary of how, and suggests even why, the law has been weaponised in lockstep with Rockefeller medicine. Really, the organisers of the genocide really have taken time and care.
And it comes back to what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, paraphrased: our compliance with the injustice of the laws and the actions from those laws was created this Gulag.
Another way of putting it, metaphorically. A path (law) only has existence when we walk (accept) it. I think it was Martin Luther King Jr who stated that compliance with unjust laws is inappropriate. (My paraphrase again.)
Our challenge, as individuals here, is to figure out our own appropriate eccentric actions that synchronistically harmonise with everyone else's appropriate eccentric actions to dissolve the belief in and accepted manifestations of unjust laws. Hmmmm. Now, that's a challenge! Come on creative imagination from that which is far far bigger than me and my limited brain.
Thank you Sarah for this really excellent work. Muchas gracias.
One would think, given the announcement fanfare and the importance of the issue that the FL Grand Judy would have already issued indictments. One would be wrong.
As a now retired attorney, I can say with confidence that a GJ can and will move with lightening speed if the state wants them to.
I am waaaaayyy outside my scope on this one, and was a little hesitant to post my unschooled assessment...but if there is movement that can happen, where is it????
So far, so....
Paging Ron, line 1. Ron....ron....
Maybe we could have another unattended senate hearing. That'll probably do it.
LOL. One year ago, 22 December 2022 to be exact, the FL Sup Crt approved Ronnie’s request to impanel a GJ to ‘investigate’ Covid. The usual suspects told us this was a big deal. Haha. Actually it turned out to be no deal.
I do believe the Texas case is way more interesting. Not Becuz it will actually change anything. It will take years. But the discovery process could get very dicey for the defendants and has the potential to add to our knowledge. Every little bit helps.
Hopefully, at the very least, more information will come out of that case. I did read it and don't see how the eventual outcome will be any different than what we've already seen, but who knows...
I guess at the end of the day, if Pfizer gets taken to task, then what? In that scenario, the larger, constitutional issue still go unaddressed, but everyone feels like "We Won!".
I don't know...I definitely don't have the chops to really weigh in on any of this lol. Maybe Texas will win, Pfizer will pay all the peoples, a landslide of suits will take down the whole industrial pharmaceutical complex, and then everyone will wake up and demand that Congress repeal the bullshit, beginning with the PREP Act.💃🏻
What gives me some hope is this. A case like this takes a long time to put together before filing. While that work was underway, Pfizer obviously used their Bush cronies in TX to try and impeach Paxton on totally made up charges. That tells me they have a lot to lose. The suit will needs to survive the Motion to Dismiss. I think it will, but you never know. If it does then discovery should be interesting. Baby steps are better than no steps.
Ya. No doubt she is correct. But for purposes of discovery, it shouldn’t matter. The FDA is certainly to get sucked into this as well, and one of the most interesting things I learned is that the FDA was (quietly) refuting some of the claims Pfizer was making. I think it’s gonna be popcorn time.
Thank you Sarah, this was well written. I always have to have to read Sasha's and Katherines posts many times to really understand them. Thank you for taking the time to define the laws in simple English.
Passing on to the uninformed.
I think this will be easier for most to understand because most "normies" don't have a clue. (The monsters do and they ain't talkin' about it.) (((smile)))
Corporations in any industry change their names and re-organize all the time or sell out and the new buyer changes the name.
I know that there is disagreement between KK and Sasha.
I am hoping that the way the case is going with Abbott in Texas, will be an "opening and quick" decision, which can open the other issues that are of concern. I hate the expression that sometimes the good is better than the perfect. Could it be that it needs to be done with a domino effect and one decision will be a precedent for others?
I guess I automatically move to the next question, which is "then what?"
Yes Pfizer delivered a terrible order...but the order came from our government. The multi faceted, sweeping shields that were afforded in so many different ways is the root of the problem. Let's burn Pfizer down, yes. I just fear that a Pfizer smack will provide just enough justice for people to feel that justice has been served....when in fact, nothing will have changed.
Pfizer can easily be repackaged and rolled into a new entity. I'm suspicious that this was already the plan...and then everyone will be glad that the Baddies got theirs, meanwhile nothing has been repealed and nothing has changed.
I'm hoping I'm wrong, by the way...I'm just very skeptical, considering how it's gone over the past four years. The people trying to murder the world aren't going to throw in the towel because Covid is "over" (which it isn't). I imagine that "they" would very much like to have a patsy for which the population to aim their outrage.
I agree they predicted all this and thank you for digging into the legal issues deeper than I have. I do wonder if one avenue on the legal front is to say that the Government officials were acting fraudulently as they can't have been Govt officials at all? I recall Katherine Watt mentioning this in one of her articles.
The other things that occur to me is the advice that Niki Raapana gave when asked what to do. She knew how they wanted us to react and that was by taking a side. Argue amongst ourselves. She said they want that so we shouldn't. We can try and ignore them and their trigger events. Debate if we want to but try not to fall in to the trap of being divided into categories. Black v white, Dem v Rep, Vaxed v unvaxed etc etc. Also, do not comply. Just don't wear their masks, take their jabs, use their technology. Use cash. Do question local officials about their communitarian policies! They hate that.
Sarah, I believe your assessment along with that if Katherine and Sasha is correct and you have well summarized the legal loopholes that insulate those responsible from legal accountability, it’s IRONCLAD as I see it. Certainly these lawsuits are all misguided (probably encouraged by lawyers eager to bill hours, because that’s their primary objective in practice). I’m not particularly optimistic that this tangled web can ever be undone, as our political and judicial systems have been so corrupted over the past 100 years or so as to be divorced and unrecognizable from the intent under which they were established by the founders. I agree that EVERY AMERICAN should understand what has been done to get us where we find ourselves at this point and I laud your contribution here, but again I am pessimistic as I find my fellow countrymen to be largely apathetic and, to be honest, lacking the attention span (or intellectual ability) necessary to understand the issues. May God help us somehow to right the ship!
Doing my best to not be pessimistic.
Some days are better than others, lol...
In this I am happy for you... even a bit envious. BTW. Did I understand correctly? Are you responsible for that Sage merch? If so, Brilliant, love it.
Thank you :)
I was part of the Sage Merch endeavor, along with Heather B and of course,'s been fun. AND...there's more coming!
MondoinPhx, I especially agree with your statement: "... I am pessimistic as I find my fellow countrymen to be largely apathetic and, to be honest, LACKING THE ATTENTION SPAN (OR THE INTELLECTUAL ABILITY) necessary to understand the issues." My neighbors refuse to look at anything disturbing, which this is. They want life to be easy and happy. They don't want to put in the work hours to investigate. And they don't believe awareness of the issues helps them in any way. They are not just apathetic. They are lethargic. AND I really don't believe they have the cognitive ability, due to over exposure to wireless RF radiation, nanobot infestation, propaganda, and lack of trace minerals, to physically process the required concepts. In other words, they lack adequate mental health. There are few who are mentally and physically fit to stand up to injustice. It saddens me because our shields are down leaving us vulnerable to attack. I'm thankful to Sarah for her many skills. This is one of many brilliant pieces of work. And I'm thankful to Katherine and Sasha for their documentation and inspiration. God willing, we'll all be enabled to take the required actions to correct this injustice.
Thank you for that, Robin. I always feel a little vulnerable when I tiptoe into degree-guarded territory. I just know how much research it takes...looking up all the definitions, and, in the legal realm, finding the codes and statutes and, and, and. It scrambles my brain...and I ENJOY digging into these things. I can only imagine that those who do not like to do these kinds of tasks, would find exactly ZERO time to look it up for themselves.
This is also what the monster relies on. So, I've been intentionally trying to find ways to communicate difficult, complex topics into manageable conversation chunks. I get practice in my studio, hour after hour, every day. Having very clear, concise words around some of the big pieces, like PREP Act Immunity, EUA, OTA, etc is very helpful, in my experience. Especially when it's not subjective. It's not my opinion that the PREP Act declaration SPECIFICALLY provides immunity from liability and that FDA can authorized unapproved medicine under EUA.
Anyway...I've been trying to organize at least some of my posts in a way that can be discussed outside of Substack, because I also believe that Substack is a corner utilized for corralling dissident voices. If we are only speaking to our own echo chamber, who cares? Most of the world is happy to go on like your neighbors. I see it every day.
I've found that having hooks of undeniable fact, delivered at the appropriate time, can be incredibly compelling. And we have to do it one conversation at a time. Because the big platforms, and I include "alternative" media like the Epoch Times in this swath, are not going to report anything but variations on the peddled narrative theme. For instance, someone sent my article on the quarantine camp language in all states to the ET in response to their dramatic NY state quarantine camp article. Crickets.
The "alt" media is herding the "freedom" movement, and most are blissfully unaware in this arena. The MFM and the Global Covid Summit and FLCCC and, and, and...are all using strikingly similar language. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be much stranger if the terrible nefarious people trying to murder the world did NOT try and herd the dissident movement to exactly the same goal. They would absolutely do from inside the movement.
Many folks were doing what they thought was right during the pandemic, however they were in fact, participating in a demonstration. I think most involved, on both sides, are unaware of their participation in a very large demonstration that is being organized and manipulated by a few. The demonstration phase is still in effect, because NOTHING is changing. How many hearings and conferences and law suits can we have and still not actually DO ANYTHING??? It's mind boggling.
Some group of lawyers who have been damaged need to file a class action suit against the USA pointing out these laws as unConstitutional. Plus all the life long "state of emergencies" need to be ended. Here Katherine Watt addressed our concerns to Attorney Generals, who are the chief law officers for their corporations. AGs sound like a good place to start. From a grass roots perspective, we need to address/ educate our county commissioners and the Sheriff. Am I brave enough to take action? A woman took stacks of studies to RFKjr to get his attention and support. So, a visit to CHD lawyers also might be worthwhile.
It would also be nice if Texas AG Paxton was pointed at this documentation... and he used it.
After thinking more about my comments, I'm off base. I recall that there are criminal cases and there are civil cases. Texan AG Paxton has filed a civil case against one corporation, Pfizer, for committing fraud that injured Texans. Paxton is asking for compensation from Pfizer for the damage done. This has nothing to do with the federal laws that allowed Pfizer to take the actions they did. This is a State taking action against a corporation that mislead the public. Let's see what happens, because the evidence for fraud has been presented.
As for the unethical laws that we want changed, including the PREP Act... It's going to take an act of Congress to write up a bill(s) to nullify them. And a President needs to sign those bills into law. So we'd better start educating others so we can write massive amounts of letters to our Representatives and President. Otherwise this script can and will be used again. We have to find Representatives that will support us. Vote those that won't support us out of office. That means our voice must be powerful and loud! We have a lot of education to do in order for this to happen. And we need a President that will support us.
I wish I were more well-versed in the legal arena so that I could weigh in on that. There is definitely verbiage regarding the geographical limitations (none) in the PREP Act liability shield. As I recall, this covers criminal and civil liabilities...but as I’ve mentioned, this is WELL outside my scope. I guess I go back to, if I were a terrible nefarious monster trying to murder the world, and I was using my legal language as a weapon and a shield, I would probably make damn sure that it broadly covered all my bases (individual states). However, if there’s hope, in my opinion, it’s that our country is still comprised of sovereign states...hoping Texas kicks the door open for broad reform that includes repealing the PREP Act and all the bullshit that goals along with it; Bioshield, EUA, MCM, OTA, etc...
This is where I’ve landed. I’m focusing my efforts on making this confusing fuckery understandable and that these conversations can happen. Substack is good, and the comment threads are incredibly helpful (thank you, Robin)...
I’ve been thinking a lot about the best use of my energy, and I would like to emphasize that these conversations SPECIFICALLY need to happen off of substack. Outside of this little substack corner, there are very few that are aware of any of this. Covid is over in “normie” land, and none of what you mentioned can happen unless that changes.
I’m grateful for you. Thank you.
You are welcome for my input. I've been guided by an excellent instructor. I now feel the need to go to law school in order to understand what is taking place in the courts. But then I'd have to practice as a trial lawyer for 10 years to fully understand how their system works. Not going to happen... but I do feel the need like you to learn what's necessary... if we can understand the legal terminology. Good thing the laws are published and Black's Law Dictionary exists, because I didn't learn this in high school or college.
A wise friend keeps pointing me to peaceful revolutions within our legal system, which take time. Patience is required for them to unfold. He knows the proceedings well for various reasons based on his experience. He points out that Texas is the one state that votes every year to retain membership in the United States. Texas could always revert to the powerful nation it once was. Texas is also the one state that has enough money to hire intelligent experienced lawyers, who have the authority and will power to speak up against federal controls. This potentially puts Pfizer out of business. All pharma corporations will take notice and then think twice about repeating this script, because of the financial consequences. This case is the first to call these Pfizer managers out. The best thing we can do, imo, is tell others to watch what happens with this case. It's easier for them to comprehend and identify with fraud against the people than the federal laws that allowed this script to happen. I predict the underlying laws will be revealed when folks start wondering "how could this happen?" Then they'll turn to your work. Until then, they are still accepting "safe and effective vaccines". Only those who have gotten deathly sick from them have the experience to know otherwise... and start questioning their chosen "authority figures". They are blind to the fact they've been tricked and the wool has been pulled over their eyes.
As for the Florida Surgeon General's two letters to the FDA? They are being ignored, because the SG is being portrayed as a nut case. WE know he's not. Because of him, Florida is the only State that has not adopted the Feds suggested health emergency program. They are the last holdout. The problem is that the other states have given away their power to the Federal program. Until "We the People" start questing what is happening to us, nothing is going to change.
Here’s a great read. Ain’t nobody coming to rescue the motherfuckers. They pulled the plug too early. Seriously this guy is a fantastic writer
Think you and I may be simpatico in that this saga is so breathtakingly expansive and twisted it’s hard to see it ever come unraveled. I’m not being negative btw just pragmatic. It could come undone but you can bet your ass it will coincide with a great deal many other things going by the wayside.
It’s not much different than what we face here in West Civ on all fronts. This place is turning into a battleground as we type.
If you want a little justice to put under your hat understand they (W Elites) are losing. And they cannot win at this point IMHO. Its already lost and they will feel the sting even if that’s means being relegated to a bunker. The Russians and the Chinese have seen to it the next century is theirs. I used to be scared of that. I no longer fear it tho; only what awaits us here. lol sounds God awful i suppose. Maybe not, but it’s so fucking hard to predict.
Mostly agree, I pray you’re right about the WEFFIES losing, although the thought of the prospects of either emerging totalitarianism or advancing totalitarianism as the end result is nota comforting thought.
Am very confident they have lost. They needed either Russia and/or China to fall. They went after Russia thinking it would be a slam dunk. The sanctions were a no brainer. Remember these elites are not accustomed to losing. Had Russia crumbled the current unipolar system would have lasted for many more years as they picked the resources from the Russian carcass. China would have had little choice but to fall in line….VERY confident this is where we are at now.
I don’t think China and Russia want us to go smashing down. The world economy would go into a depression. They are far better prepared to deal with it though. Maybe if the right people can grab the reins we will avoid a very ugly situation.
Hey guys see this from MacGregor. It’s like I have conveyed. This loss was such a horrible loss for TPTB. And the nuke standoff potential is concerning. However if the GAE tried shit we will be buried in Eurasia.
Here’s another one. Please understand I’m not just pumping propaganda. Lol well maybe I am. However this is something I see as well. I’m not a psychic or have connected Intel sources to assist me.
I just understand it by watching their reactions. They’re scared and options are running low. I hate them so bad I get excited even though I know tho ramifications for me and those close are going to be hard.
This cat is always so good:
This morning, my wife sent me the Thread Reader article: Sense Receptor - THE POISON NEEDLE AND THE LEGAL SHIELD🛡️ -Here’s How Illegal "Pseudo-Laws" Have Allowed the U.S. Gov’t to Deploy the C-19-Injection Bioweapons on Americans, and Given Legal Immunity to Those Who Administer The Kill Shots (Link: Conversation Sasha Latypova and writer and paralegal Katherine Watt.
That covers the same information in your great article. I believe the biggest chance for legal cases against the mRNA Gene Therapy injections (which are not vaccines) is the fact that they did their clinical trials which showed enough Severe Adverse Events and Deaths that the should not have been released) then switched to Process 2 for the manufacture of most of the injections given to the people around the world. This process was a bait and switch. It is a cheaper more sloppy manufacture based on pig e.coli. Remnants of DNA remain in the product that should not be there at all. Bottom line for litigation would be that there is no Emergency Use Authorization for this Process 2 injection. No one was told that the shots they were getting were substitutions for the shots they were told they were getting. I think it is one of the reasons for the silence and stonewalling of comments from the NIH, CDC, FDA and other country's health agencies as they are trying to figure out the legal weasel language to cover their asses.
One of the biggest problems i see is we have is we argue the legality of this or that within their framework of illegal laws. IMO the first step is to stop arguing within the confines if their illegal act if it's "legal or not". The first question to determining legality is - is the original act legal, ie meet constitutional muster. Thus #1 where in the Constitution did WE authorize Congress to weird this power, or any agency? A simple proper detailing of article and section # of that grant of power will suffice. Since under our system of government all power is derived from the people it must be somewhere.
Many of us get lost in the weeds of arguing finer pints of these illegal laws when all we need is a simple 5 lb sledge hammer of show me where that power was granted. Congress can pass laws all day long, that does not mean as our representatives (I refuse to call them law makers or leaders as they are representatives- nothing more) can delegate proper powers they have let alone powers never granted.
Sarah love your in depth well researched articles. The above is not meant to be criticism, it's just another perspective.
Epic post!!! ❤️🎯💥🔥❤️
♥️thank you, Heather 😘
I just saw your article on my email. This subject is very interesting to me. I don’t know anything about the legalese or the surrounding cases you mention. I think you have measured the situation correctly though. Nevermind the innuendo and lawyer speak.
Can you imagine what would come if just one of these cases popped? I have thought about it before. It would start a chain reaction that could literally lead to a collapse of the system. It’s why I was so rattled as I told Sage around the time her and I met (circa fall 2021).
I’m a self proclaimed (of course lol) strong male figure. Had encounters with dangerous situations more than one. But the totality of this effort literally made my teeth chatter. I’m kind of embarrassed to say that. I can tell you it’s only been over time throughout the last year which has stopped the flight/fight syndrome from kicking in at least a couple times per day. The confusion since 2020 which led to it leaves me to say I would rather have a knife to my neck. It wasn’t any different.
Lol guess I am doing therapy now. I don’t even believe in the licensed bullshit. I could never trust someone who talked to me because “that was their job.” You guys are my therapist. The people on several other sites are as well. I need someone who understands NOT feels sorry.
You mentioning this topic Sarah sort of jolted me. It reminded me of what scared me the most. Regardless if it was the mass vaccination campaign and the lemmings who would partake. Or the unyielding swaths of medical professionals that readily jumped on board. It was always the enormity of the situation that shook me.
This is my therapy too, Luke. Thank goodness for this little substack nook. I might have lost my mind.
I'm sorry my post jolted you...I'm just trying to call attention - to what you already know...but so many don't. The whole thing is jolting... everyday.
“Thank goodness for this little substack nook. I might have lost my mind.”
I have said this before once or twice I think. SS was all we had as the year flipped from 20 to 21 and it no doubt kept me sane. Let me ask you Sarah (Conspiracy lol) have you guys ever discussed that? I mean about SS. It crossed my mind once before. I was curious as to why this site emerged while every thing else was ripped away? Shit it could be a miracle Idk?
I had never heard of it before summer 2021. Maybe the elite masters overlooked it? I damn well remember what the information shutdown was like. I’m thankful for how things are now in comparison. It is remarkably better now. However i have no clue how much longer that can or will last.
Please no need to apologize. You jogged my memory. I have very long one. Maybe I didn’t remember because I never fully understood what was triggering my fear. I’m not someone who easily admits that I am scared of something emotionally. I just mentioned “how much longer it could last.” Get the sensation that 2024 could get very exciting.
You know what tho, I say bring it on. I’m feeling pretty good about what I have learned here tonight lol. Feel like I am also in shape after dealing with the prior years. Guess my biggest worry was that I wanted to see the shit contained. I wanted it quarantined off (the whole covid saga) because I knew if it wasn’t we would never be able to go back. I wanted to be able to sweep it under the rug myself 😒.
I posted this comment on another thread of this post, but I think it's relevant, so I'm just going to paste it here.
I always feel a little vulnerable when I tiptoe into degree-guarded territory. I just know how much research it takes...looking up all the definitions, and, in the legal realm, finding the codes and statutes and, and, and. It scrambles my brain...and I ENJOY digging into these things. I can only imagine that those who do not like to do these kinds of tasks, would find exactly ZERO time to look it up for themselves.
This is also what the monster relies on. So, I've been intentionally trying to find ways to communicate difficult, complex topics into manageable conversation chunks. I get practice in my studio, hour after hour, every day. Having very clear, concise words around some of the big pieces, like PREP Act Immunity, EUA, OTA, etc is very helpful, in my experience. Especially when it's not subjective. It's not my opinion that the PREP Act declaration SPECIFICALLY provides immunity from liability and that FDA can authorized unapproved medicine under EUA.
Anyway...I've been trying to organize at least some of my posts in a way that can be discussed outside of Substack, because I also believe that Substack is a corner utilized for corralling dissident voices. If we are only speaking to our own echo chamber, who cares? Most of the world is happy to go on like your neighbors. I see it every day.
I've found that having hooks of undeniable fact, delivered at the appropriate time, can be incredibly compelling. And we have to do it one conversation at a time. Because the big platforms, and I include "alternative" media like the Epoch Times in this swath, are not going to report anything but variations on the peddled narrative theme. For instance, someone sent my article on the quarantine camp language in all states to the ET in response to their dramatic NY state quarantine camp article. Crickets.
The "alt" media is herding the "freedom" movement, and most are blissfully unaware in this arena. The MFM and the Global Covid Summit and FLCCC and, and, and...are all using strikingly similar language. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be much stranger if the terrible nefarious people trying to murder the world did NOT try and herd the dissident movement to exactly the same goal. They would absolutely do from inside the movement.
Many folks were doing what they thought was right during the pandemic, however they were in fact, participating in a demonstration. I think most involved, on both sides, are unaware of their participation in a very large demonstration that is being organized and manipulated by a few. The demonstration phase is still in effect, because NOTHING is changing. How many hearings and conferences and law suits can we have and still not actually DO ANYTHING??? It's mind boggling.
Ohhh you are so right about alt media (conservative). It has been co-opted to become almost a shield. Have seen it in full display as of late and the rose colored glasses are gone. Honestly Sarah I am still just coming to terms with it.
Seeing the truth can be overwhelming and it has been to a degree. However, the good news is that I do not believe these people to be untouchable. Their plans are not what scares me; it’s their potential fits of rage and panic which puts us in harms way. As they become increasingly aware of their own mortality I suspect the erratic responses to worsen.
PS echo chambers aren’t so bad. Sometimes they can give a false sense of the situation but more often than not they allow us to gather strength. Still your corralling euphemism is spot on.
I love this echo chamber, and it absolutely gives rise to more powerful ways of thinking. I just really want people to also speak outside of the echo chamber. If we are lulled by the soothing sounds of our own voices, thinking we are louder than we are, nothing changes.
Much of the world in COMPLETELY unaware about any of this...
I have been doing just that. I finally got back on Twitter a couple months ago. I am aware that sounds really juvenile. That’s the best place to reach others I had to admit. I had put it off ever since I was banished end of 2020. Lately I have targeted the right/alt media. Have learned so much last couple months but it’s not all due to Twitter. Have been throwing punches at some of them on Gab as well.
I am never rude and I try and be as charismatic as possible. If they are fucking idiots who get under my skin I deal with them appropriately. I am getting ready to write a few sentences about my recent observations in convincing format. I will post it to you off this comment. It won’t be long I promise lol.
Hey do you have a “buy a coffee” link? If not would it be hard to get one lol?
Perhaps we were lead to this corner of the dark web.
Is it coincidence that Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch set up shop here?
Do the echoes carry outside these confines?
Perhaps ss was started with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Just posted this above, but I should've read your comment first and posted here. Sorry for the repeat, but I'm in COMPLETE agreement. It's a bit disheartening to see all the "freedom warriors" fall into the same motherfucking CULL-de-sac with their heroes:
I always feel a little vulnerable when I tiptoe into degree-guarded territory. I just know how much research it takes...looking up all the definitions, and, in the legal realm, finding the codes and statutes and, and, and. It scrambles my brain...and I ENJOY digging into these things. I can only imagine that those who do not like to do these kinds of tasks, would find exactly ZERO time to look it up for themselves.
This is also what the monster relies on. So, I've been intentionally trying to find ways to communicate difficult, complex topics into manageable conversation chunks. I get practice in my studio, hour after hour, every day. Having very clear, concise words around some of the big pieces, like PREP Act Immunity, EUA, OTA, etc is very helpful, in my experience. Especially when it's not subjective. It's not my opinion that the PREP Act declaration SPECIFICALLY provides immunity from liability and that FDA can authorized unapproved medicine under EUA.
Anyway...I've been trying to organize at least some of my posts in a way that can be discussed outside of Substack, because I also believe that Substack is a corner utilized for corralling dissident voices. If we are only speaking to our own echo chamber, who cares? Most of the world is happy to go on like your neighbors. I see it every day.
I've found that having hooks of undeniable fact, delivered at the appropriate time, can be incredibly compelling. And we have to do it one conversation at a time. Because the big platforms, and I include "alternative" media like the Epoch Times in this swath, are not going to report anything but variations on the peddled narrative theme. For instance, someone sent my article on the quarantine camp language in all states to the ET in response to their dramatic NY state quarantine camp article. Crickets.
The "alt" media is herding the "freedom" movement, and most are blissfully unaware in this arena. The MFM and the Global Covid Summit and FLCCC and, and, and...are all using strikingly similar language. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be much stranger if the terrible nefarious people trying to murder the world did NOT try and herd the dissident movement to exactly the same goal. They would absolutely do from inside "the movement".
Many folks were doing what they thought was right during the pandemic, however they were in fact, participating in a demonstration. I think most involved, on both sides, are unaware of their participation in a very large demonstration that is being organized and manipulated by a few. The demonstration phase is still in effect, because NOTHING is changing. How many hearings and conferences and law suits can we have and still not actually DO ANYTHING??? It's mind boggling.
IMO, ss is a corral for the is likely the most heavily AI surveilled platform on the net. Makes it real easy to keep that algo eye on all of us...
But, we rant on...because we must...
Made an observation about my hesitancy to practice my first amendment right one time. A friend on another blog set me straight. She said our forefathers knew they would be hung for speaking against the Crown. Lol it left a mark on my psyche.
It was and still is in my opinion, a deliberate rolled out and protected cull meant to see the greatest wealth transfer in our national history and to have created unsustainable intergenerational indebtedness. In short, we were all had and are continuing to be had by thieves and murderers.
Holy sh!t check this out Sarah ...
Ten years ago... The "Alliance for Financial Inclusion"... what a crock... Gates wants digital money for all and vaccine innovation 🤔 hmmmm
It's all about giving poor people access of course
Only goes three minutes... Propaganda plus
You can see the planning that went into the crap unfolding right now
Found this by accident today... Wow!!!
Yes this is not only mind boggling- but very unnerving......
Billy is nonchalantly chatting about his returns on his global investments in vaccines. (He was dumb enough to admit in open- we all have videos of him saying this). Meanwhile he is buying up farmland in Idaho, Wyoming....and other places.
He is buying land already deemed as farming land or ranching land.
It’s very disturbing now seeing what we know now-
Like WTF!
We have been wondering why this global Elite is interested in these we know why.
Also Trudeau (in Canada) is doing the same.
It was mind boggling before.
Now it’s clear.
We need to stop them.
100%... The plans are in full swing... My main hope is that if those lower on the food chain of authority work out they also won't be needed either once the Agenda is implemented, maybe the tide will turn ... The people who currently believe the narrative and are going alone need to know they've been played first... It's breaking people out of the subtle (and not so subtle) mind programming of the last thirty years, to realise we're ALL in danger from these elite plans... Then, I think things will turn around real quick... Even if these authority figures have been blackmailed (with whatever they'd like kept secret) I think it'd be better to have the secret out and help the world, and themselves, live to see another day.
Sorry everyone- I completely went off topic on a different rant (sometimes I do that) 😂
Was the elite/gov power grabs that sent me there!
Will save for another day! 😜
Hola, Sarah. This is excellent! Yes, yes, yes! I've considered from the beginning of lawsuits that they would unlikely to be successful. (Nuremberg didn't work and nothing has changed since then. Thalidomide lawsuits didn't work, and nothing has changed. Etc.) You have with great care provided a superb summary of how, and suggests even why, the law has been weaponised in lockstep with Rockefeller medicine. Really, the organisers of the genocide really have taken time and care.
And it comes back to what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, paraphrased: our compliance with the injustice of the laws and the actions from those laws was created this Gulag.
Another way of putting it, metaphorically. A path (law) only has existence when we walk (accept) it. I think it was Martin Luther King Jr who stated that compliance with unjust laws is inappropriate. (My paraphrase again.)
Our challenge, as individuals here, is to figure out our own appropriate eccentric actions that synchronistically harmonise with everyone else's appropriate eccentric actions to dissolve the belief in and accepted manifestations of unjust laws. Hmmmm. Now, that's a challenge! Come on creative imagination from that which is far far bigger than me and my limited brain.
Thank you Sarah for this really excellent work. Muchas gracias.
(Restacked and Noted.)
This, Conspiracy Sarah was a very good post. Thank you for your work.
Thank you.
One would think, given the announcement fanfare and the importance of the issue that the FL Grand Judy would have already issued indictments. One would be wrong.
As a now retired attorney, I can say with confidence that a GJ can and will move with lightening speed if the state wants them to.
Your move Ron. Ron?
I am waaaaayyy outside my scope on this one, and was a little hesitant to post my unschooled assessment...but if there is movement that can happen, where is it????
So far, so....
Paging Ron, line 1. Ron....ron....
Maybe we could have another unattended senate hearing. That'll probably do it.
Paging Rand....
LOL. One year ago, 22 December 2022 to be exact, the FL Sup Crt approved Ronnie’s request to impanel a GJ to ‘investigate’ Covid. The usual suspects told us this was a big deal. Haha. Actually it turned out to be no deal.
I do believe the Texas case is way more interesting. Not Becuz it will actually change anything. It will take years. But the discovery process could get very dicey for the defendants and has the potential to add to our knowledge. Every little bit helps.
Hopefully, at the very least, more information will come out of that case. I did read it and don't see how the eventual outcome will be any different than what we've already seen, but who knows...
I guess at the end of the day, if Pfizer gets taken to task, then what? In that scenario, the larger, constitutional issue still go unaddressed, but everyone feels like "We Won!".
I don't know...I definitely don't have the chops to really weigh in on any of this lol. Maybe Texas will win, Pfizer will pay all the peoples, a landslide of suits will take down the whole industrial pharmaceutical complex, and then everyone will wake up and demand that Congress repeal the bullshit, beginning with the PREP Act.💃🏻
What gives me some hope is this. A case like this takes a long time to put together before filing. While that work was underway, Pfizer obviously used their Bush cronies in TX to try and impeach Paxton on totally made up charges. That tells me they have a lot to lose. The suit will needs to survive the Motion to Dismiss. I think it will, but you never know. If it does then discovery should be interesting. Baby steps are better than no steps.
Have you read Sasha's opinion about Paxton and Texas v Pfizer?
Ya. No doubt she is correct. But for purposes of discovery, it shouldn’t matter. The FDA is certainly to get sucked into this as well, and one of the most interesting things I learned is that the FDA was (quietly) refuting some of the claims Pfizer was making. I think it’s gonna be popcorn time.
Response from Rand?
Thank you very much-
Extremely well written and clears things up- A LOT.
Nobody sued Marie Antoinette, or Mussolini either.........I do believe people did finally get justice. Just an observation.
Thank you Sarah, this was well written. I always have to have to read Sasha's and Katherines posts many times to really understand them. Thank you for taking the time to define the laws in simple English.
Passing on to the uninformed.
I think this will be easier for most to understand because most "normies" don't have a clue. (The monsters do and they ain't talkin' about it.) (((smile)))
Corporations in any industry change their names and re-organize all the time or sell out and the new buyer changes the name.
Thank you for this. 🙏🏼
I know that there is disagreement between KK and Sasha.
I am hoping that the way the case is going with Abbott in Texas, will be an "opening and quick" decision, which can open the other issues that are of concern. I hate the expression that sometimes the good is better than the perfect. Could it be that it needs to be done with a domino effect and one decision will be a precedent for others?
I hope so...
I guess I automatically move to the next question, which is "then what?"
Yes Pfizer delivered a terrible order...but the order came from our government. The multi faceted, sweeping shields that were afforded in so many different ways is the root of the problem. Let's burn Pfizer down, yes. I just fear that a Pfizer smack will provide just enough justice for people to feel that justice has been served....when in fact, nothing will have changed.
Pfizer can easily be repackaged and rolled into a new entity. I'm suspicious that this was already the plan...and then everyone will be glad that the Baddies got theirs, meanwhile nothing has been repealed and nothing has changed.
I'm hoping I'm wrong, by the way...I'm just very skeptical, considering how it's gone over the past four years. The people trying to murder the world aren't going to throw in the towel because Covid is "over" (which it isn't). I imagine that "they" would very much like to have a patsy for which the population to aim their outrage.
Thank you for all your hard work! The attention span of people today seems to be nanoseconds and memes.
And thank you!
I agree they predicted all this and thank you for digging into the legal issues deeper than I have. I do wonder if one avenue on the legal front is to say that the Government officials were acting fraudulently as they can't have been Govt officials at all? I recall Katherine Watt mentioning this in one of her articles.
The other things that occur to me is the advice that Niki Raapana gave when asked what to do. She knew how they wanted us to react and that was by taking a side. Argue amongst ourselves. She said they want that so we shouldn't. We can try and ignore them and their trigger events. Debate if we want to but try not to fall in to the trap of being divided into categories. Black v white, Dem v Rep, Vaxed v unvaxed etc etc. Also, do not comply. Just don't wear their masks, take their jabs, use their technology. Use cash. Do question local officials about their communitarian policies! They hate that.
Beautifully written. Tip o’ the hat to ya Ms. Sarah. Terrific work.