It’s not conspiracy-minded to see the connections between these products, platforms, and services. The goal of bio-monitoring from internal signal devices has long been a DoD research endeavor, and as we know, these DoD research arms end up propagating in the civilian space too—almost inevitably. Nano-injectables is also not a secret or paranoid conspiracy—it has a track record and has been a focus of research for more than a decade now. Add to this the database collection services we know are in operation, in development, and coming online, and the writing in the wall is very clear (and aligns with stated goals to monitor and conduct surveillance on the populace). They’ve been telling us for decades now that ‘data is the new gold’. We should believe them.

Now whether or not the Covid injectables include these capabilities is a subject for debate. While some investigations seem to have shown the presence of graphene and nano-tech in the vials, we know that the contents of all the lots is demonstrably inconsistent and secret. So we can’t make broad conclusions about what is or is not in the shots that people have taken. That does not preclude, however, the possibility of test lots where such technology was deployed as a kind of field test.

This is speculation on my part, but I think this tech is not fully mature, but rather in development. When it is refined further, and it will be, then the net tightens further. The Covid shot campaign may have been used as a testing ground for many types of injectable tech, in addition to all of the toxic effects of the mRNA LNPs, and in addition to a means of pushing mass acceptance of the mRNA platform, which will be used in the future to deploy the kind of tech outlined by the selected companies and patents you featured.

Worrisome indeed.

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Agreed TF. My intention was to ease into the whole injectable bio-monitoring thing. People hear graphene and stop listening.

I definitely agree with you on an in-development testing situation. It was too much to get into in one fell swoop - at least for me....so I wanted to establish the framework through tech services, patents, and (of course) products.

I want to dive into the toxicology variances between the lots from the lens of an intentional experiment...and see how that lines up with some of these interpretation platforms.

All of these platforms seem like they will slide easily into social credit scoring/ESG stuff....

Worrisome. Yes.

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It's more than worrisome. It's horrifying. When you try to warn your nearest and dearest and they are plainly annoyed by your warnings. When they keep buying and bringing into your home more of these IoT gadgets that will help Big Brother to destroy you.

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Yup, hope my comment didn’t come across as a critique of your post. It was meant more as a reflection. The dovetailing of bio surveillance and social credit / CBDC is plain as day.

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Not at all, TF....I always appreciate your thoughts.

I wonder how many different experiments were, and are, going on, actually. I was reading that paper that Walter Chestnut just posted yesterday (that Ginger bombed over on Sage's Harambe cramp laugh thread last night) and it got me thinking about that again. How many different "versions" of Covid happened? How many variables were being used? The PCR could certainly be involved in more than one way - delivery, tracking, etc. But they wouldn't even need the PCR to track symptoms and experiences. Looking at all of it - patents and platforms...just our devices could create a robust "file" for each individual....symptoms and experience varied so extremely....it's hard not to imagine that Covid "the virus" wasn't part of the experiment to begin with...

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I think it was Housatonic.Live (or maybe Webby) who said in one of their videos that the real reason the Vaccine Frankenstein is suing the Breggins is because they've detailed the history of the many times our government has tried to experiment on us and attempted a plandemic (according to Malone's resume he's been involved in these terror attacks since they created the AIDS crisis). The Breggins have warned us in their books - Jill & Robert Malone were hand picked to destroy them. And yet Conservatives (including Robert Barnes) continue to support these two vicious Progressive Parasite grifters, thanks to Steve Bannon🤷‍♀️ 5th generation mind control in real time🧟

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Yes, so many unanswered questions. Food for thought and skepticism…

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



And feel free to cross-post!

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Thanks CS, for compiling all of this info- I don't have any expertise in this stuff either but it doesn't take a doctorate in bio tech to catch the drift here- it's full throttle chicanery on the most fundemental, primal level - swarming the gates of our personal physical autonomy- busily creating, patenting, designing and deploying the mechanisms to rape, impregnate and rewire the human immune system. Fucking Monsters. Unforgivable atrocities against God, against all that is sacred.

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Another mind blower. There are seriously smart people on Substack. You're one of them! ❤️🔥👍

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🙏thank you, Heather❤️

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All it takes is eyes to see. If only those of us who see it could cause our loved ones to also see it. Everybody I deal with (especially family) is willfully blind. It's unbearable to be alone in all this.

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I am sorry Consuelo. I was just lamenting the same to my partner.

My best friend and I no longer speak - outside of pleasantries around dealing with kids.

My entire immediate family is willfully blind. It's heartbreaking....and almost unbearable to consider the implications of all of this...

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Ditto. My offsprings tell me that I'm a conspiracy theorist while others who have been triple jabbed or more and have now developed tumors and other serious health issues tell me that the clot shots do in fact reduce symptoms (they've been sick since they became big pharma's guinea pigs).

I don't want to outlive the members of my kids' generation (Millennials, GenZ) but if they keep injecting poison into their bodies, they're cutting years off their lives😭

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Something must have changed with the Pfizer jabs as suddenly they weren't required to be stored at extremely low temperatures any more. It was never made clear, what had changed.

"According to the updated stability data, which has been submitted to regulators in the United States, the vaccine can be kept in a normal medical freezer at between -15C and -25C for as long as two weeks. Previously, the vaccine - which uses mRNA technology and was the first in the world to be approved, by UK regulators - had to be “deep frozen” at between -60C and -80C, temperatures colder than the Antarctic winter".


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Hi Sarah,

My eyes just glazed over at the sheer mass of technical data above my paygrade, so I thank you for putting it into an understandable perspective.

I never thought I'd long for the 'good old days' of simpler STEM scams like Theranos. This is scary enough to self-identify as 'Loretta' ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgp9MPLEAqA ... oops, I meant identify as 'dead man writing'.

But then again, that might be the same healthy mind-set of Nietzsche extolling us to build our houses on the slopes of Vesuvius ... or the 'live as if today were your last' of the Stoics or Taoists of old.

Thanks again Sarah, and cheers from Japan.

We have a slowly emerging face-to-face / 'face-in-beer' underground over here.

Your thoughts, along with a handful of others, will be dancing in the froth.


p.s. Amid the time consuming links I sent about the double-edged sword of emerging A.I., I just stumbled across something far shorter (about 20 minutes) and metaphorically pithy in analyzing the danger upon us.


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Thank you, Steve...I’ll start watching with coffee and perhaps finish it this afternoon with a beer ;)

Cheers to you!

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My pleasure Sarah.

Had another few with substack writer Kitsune and friend yesterday, and next week, will be doing the same with Guy Icognito and Guy Jin ... maybe the start of a not-so-covert, subversive 'underground' in Tokyo. Hop in one of those Davos jets collecting dust in the hangar, and I'll save a seat for you. 🙃

Kampai! Uh ... I mean, Cheers!


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Wait a minute, did it really say that waste oil from barbeques would be used to coat the graphene or simulate the graphene or something like that? Something we wouldn't put into our mouths may be put into our blood, in order save money? I know I'm misunderstanding, could you clarify, Sarah?

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I thought I linked it...here it is...sounds promising 🤮


CSIRO produces graphene from soybeans

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Office (CSIRO) has developed a novel method that uses soybean oil and other waste oils to produce graphene. Called ‘GraphAir’, the method is said to make graphene production faster and simpler.

The GraphAir technology is considered simple as it eliminates the need for a highly controlled environment and grows graphene in ambient air. This ambient-air process for graphene fabrication is fast, simple, safe, potentially scalable, and integration-friendly, CSIRO researchers said. Our unique technology is expected to greatly reduce the cost of graphene production and drastically improve the uptake of graphene in new applications.

The graphene made by the CSIRO is composed of soybean and waste oils, which is cheaper to make than traditional graphene. Soybean oil, with heat, breaks down into a range of carbon building units that are essential for the synthesis of graphene. The team also transformed other types of renewable and even waste oil groups, such as those leftover from barbecues or cooking, into low-cost graphene films.

The CSIRO is looking for industry partners in order to find new uses for graphene, including replacing gold and silver in solar cells with graphene, extending battery life in energy devices and using graphene as an anti-toxic, anti-corrosion coating.

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Considering that nuclear reactors are still used to generate electricity when the track record of their 'safety' is essentially a demonstration of 'sorry, you've been booby-trapped' and the cancer rates of communities downwind from these power plants are off the charts, etc., I would put nothing past those in charge of these types of decisions.

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Cheap oil is getting harder to find so maybe that is the big reason behind the whole thing. That does beg the question, will they have the energy to implement the 4th Industrial Revolution they talk about or just a down scaled version of it? That might mean fewer people or those of us who are around, not being allowed much energy to live off!

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Excellent research, Ms. Sarah. Thank you for providing a dummy proof explanation for dummies like me😉

I've been following Corey's Diggs and Really Graceful(?) for several years- they've been warning us that we're lab rats. Corey was kicked off YT but she's on Odysee and Rumble and has a super fantastic website.

I can imagine the enormous amount of time you've dedicated to this topic but know that we appreciate it!

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