Nov 2, 2023ยทedited Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Our taxes and public servants doing what they do best ...

"Nothing personal. Just business." ... as usual.

The 'speed of science' is exhilarating.

And accelerating.

Our future's so bright, we gotta wear shades.


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Ahhh, yes! Back when they actually played music ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

If I hadn't been so angry last night, it might've occurred to me to use this ๐Ÿ˜…

Thank you.

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Nov 2, 2023ยทedited Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Hi Sarah.

I for one am thankful for your righteous anger.

Anyone who is not angry is part of the problem.

They've been spoon-feeding us rainbows and unicorns for far too long, and all while planting the seeds of some mighty strange fruit. Same old song, but now, I don't know if even a chorus of Billie Holidays will stop what appears to be sprouting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DGY9HvChXk

Keep up the good fight Sarah ... while we whistle our merry tunes. ๐Ÿ˜…


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I know, Steve...thankful to have you! Rainbows, unicorns, and miracles...for blood clots, booster shots, and lies.

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LOL! I love that video and have used it a couple of times in my essay playlists.

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Nov 2, 2023ยทedited Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

It's too bad few people really listen to lyrics nowadays.

Or did they ever?

Grim message for such an upbeat 'pop' tune.

Had this on 'repeat' while driving my van the other day ... thinking Hal David was as much an historian / prophet as a poet ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZH8uwWskAg

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Yes. It was this fantastically expressed irony that has kept it in my mind for many many years.

My first truly experienced grimness of the situation was after my employer locked us out of work for 5 months - we called it the JASON for July August September October November. I discovered the total indifference through brainwashed ignorance of the situation, I had direct exchange with the active nature of the media in disseminating disinformation, saw direct expression of what is mostly the underlying threat of violence behind its enactment, and the basic corruption of the union executive. And the delusion blindness of the union membership itself which included me to a large extent because, even though I had previously discovered the infantile nature of the membership in a very Nietzschean way I've recently learned, the guess something still clung to the idea that they would be good parents! Another of those 'truth-traps' I've been writing about: not taking personal responsibility of and expressing the agency of my life-energy. No blame no complain came much later as a huge step towards knowing that anger is actually the expression of our own lack of agency in the situation and is pointing towards our own action-path in some way.

Anyway, after the JASON I came into our 'welcome back indoctrination meeting in which we were lovingly cudgelled with an 'awe we love you and here aren't we the greatest parents?' meeting wearing dark glasses and singing that song. I wondered if any of the middle managers there would catch my point?

I anticipated accurately the basically condescending attitude I was given. Something like 'we did this for your own good and please let us to continue to sodomise you whenever we want.' With a smile.

I didn't say it to their face, having become far earlier a compliant debt-slave, but elsewhere I said and wrote 'You totally fucked us with so little respect that you didn't even use a condom.'

That was a fascinating preliminary wake-up call and I wrote a series of long letters to a co-worker who went into a kind of total near nervous breakdown shock at the level of betrayal he felt from the communities he had felt he was a 'good' member of: his family immediate and extended, his social communities of neighbourhood, city, country and his union and employer.

So for me convidiana is not a real total shock. A bigger version of the social rape I experienced in early 2000.

All the best!

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this was interesting piece on the contamination issue that apparently goes way backโ€ฆ


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I listened to Judy Mikovitz with Dr. Mercola describe her discovery of it going back to the 1980s or 90s, and Fauci's reaction to that by basically destroying her reputation, etc.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I quite enjoy your rants, Miss Sarah.

Thank you. Donโ€™t hold back! You are the voice of millions. Keep up the great work!

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I appreciate your words...thank you.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Iโ€™m surprised anyone on these stacks even considers going to a doctor or a hospital for anything but trauma at this point. Why would you?

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The brainwashing is PROFOUND. People just cannot step off the medical carousel. They have been trained to be terrified of that. It's all propped up on fear.

They are terrified.

When they could just step off...and realize that they always could.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

A rant well worth the read. Thank you for this valuable info which I will have to read more than once to truly process. You know, I don't want my body to be reprogrammed by these freaks. Funny how the power structure acts as if they have the right to do what they will....as if might makes right. Only the strong survive takes on a very personal meaning in times (strong willed and strong minded).

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Unless they are free energy devices.... in which case the regulatory bodies murder the inventors in the name of safety. PS: I hope to have a working free energy device in the near future, including academic proofs of its safety.

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PPS: Please don't murder me.

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If you have a Bucket List, maybe check off a few high-priority boxes before you go public.

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Thanks Sarah, you've given me at least a dozen more reasons to believe that pretty much everything the western government sponsored and privately owned pharma companies in addition to the government regulators who deliver all the medicines, treatments, vaccines, etc that are supposedly designed to save and enrich lives are nothing more than murderous weapons. I applaud you for bringing this to my attention. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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Thank you, James โ™ฅ๏ธ

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I was in Philadelphia recently, and noticed a big construction project for Spark Therapeutics:


"Spark Therapeutics, a member of the Roche Group, has unveiled plans for a $575 million gene therapy innovation center in Philadelphia within Drexel Universityโ€™s campus within the University City neighborhood.

The 500,000-square-foot center will serve as a Roche global center of excellence for gene therapy manufacturing, facilitating collaborations with Drexel and other stakeholders in Philadelphiaโ€™s growing life sciences, which has focused on recent years on cell and gene therapy."

Philadelphia's in the "Top 10" of biopharma clusters


These facilities will be the updated concentration camps, except desperate cancer-riddled people will be encouraged to walk into them off the street, or get rolled in by concerned caregivers, and then finished off with the next rounds of injections.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

... yes, cattle chute for more human slaughter.

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You know what would've made the concentration camps a little easier on the Nazi's? If they hadn't had to herd all those pesky people onto trains and get them there...

Bring the camps to the people. And then have the people will just walk right in.

It's completely disgusting. And happening directly under our noses...

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You think it's bad now with government agency capture, wait until Gates, Soryass, Zukerfuker and Elon Muk use their CIA money to totally buy out the SEC. Pfizer, Tesla, Microsoft, Black Rock, etc. will totally focus on making exploding profits from exploding products. Everyone else will be focused on the bright shiny wars and terrorism exploding everywhere while they wait in the bug lines for food.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Whole lot of cowardice out there.

Staying quiet for personal benefit carries zero fuckin water right now.


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There isn't punctuation or capitalization that can communicate my rage.

I am literally watching people die. The past two weeks have been heavy and super productive for the murderers, and those that are just fucking watching it.

These people are good people, not that it really matters when we are talking about murder.

And half the time I can't even bring it up because there is still this weird divide...more than half of everyone has no idea that any of this is even going on.

In the time that has passed since I posted this we have gotten another call from a client.

It's almost every day now.

Yesterday it was a dear college friend that sees me once a week. Stabbing chest pains. Seeing the cardiologist on Monday.

Yesterday was also a client in shock from losing a coworker in her 30s. How did she die? Nobody's saying. But she was healthy and fine, working, last week. Went to the hospital. Gone.

The day before it was a client that stands in the mom space in my heart. Nodules on her lungs. She's a breast cancer survivor (just out of the 6mo scanning cadence) and the doc said they'll just watch it for 6 months and monitor for change. SIX MONTHS?!?! What doc worth his salt thinks that's a pretty good strategy? KNOWING THAT MOTHERFUCKER SEES WHAT'S GOING DOWN.

My last client today left mid-session. Sat up, flushed, and said that she suddenly felt terribly unwell. Rushed out. Could be nothing. But that is well outside normal behavior. Sessions aren't cheap and people don't leave in the middle of them. Not often, at least.

Feeling pretty salty tonight....

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Itโ€™s painful standing neck deep in salt. I feel you.

Thereโ€™s constant denial and gaslighting by people who should know fucking better. I canโ€™t shake the feeling that they are either completely in denial and lying to themselves and others or irretrievably stupid or enormous assholes. None of it is good.

Trying hard not to let this salt crystallize in my soul. But sure isnโ€™t easy.

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Truer words couldn't be spoken.

I'll shake my salty rage and lean into the light and the good....I just vacillate within the dichotomy...

And weeks like these last couple make it hard not to see the worst. Mostly in the people that should know better.

And overwhelming disappointment in the willingness to be blind...the reality of stupidity...and prevalence of inherent assholes, propped up by institutions of lies and propaganda that are completely dependent on lazy fucking minds that are completely willing to be blind.

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With this much salt, we should have Margaritas, methinks. Thanks for putting this out there.

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Margaritas in the Morning....

I'm not opposed.

Cheers, TF. Thanks for commiserating. I hope you have a good day.

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๐Ÿ‘‡๐ŸผComments are double posting this morning...

(I'm not a fan of deleting comments)

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I like these 2 - Fish and Sarah. I go into the Sunshine and bask to re-energize.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Aha, genius! Bask in the sunshine with margaritas! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Just last night my friend called to cancel our dinner plans. Her adult son (36) was now in the hospital with high BP, edema, and heart issues. Sheโ€™s shocked as he has had no previous health issues that sheโ€™s aware of. Iโ€™m almost positive heโ€™s gotten all the jabs as his entire family has and they are all pro Fauci. Waiting to hear what all his tests reveal.

Oh and my SIL has been in and out of hospital and rehab after her booster last year with brain seizures and now an infection in her bone that wonโ€™t heal. Drs canโ€™t explain her seizures. She now has permanent memory loss. We are still dealing with health care and aides for her when she goes home again. Itโ€™s truly frustrating.

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Iโ€™m sorry to hear it...and no longer surprised by it. Which makes me sad. 36 is so young. None of my kiddosโ€™ friends have had anything concerning....but some of them are boosted+...so unfortunately Iโ€™m preparing for it. Itโ€™s bound to happen eventually. I hate to say that, but...

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so sad. the Cognitive Dissonance (Cog Dis) is so widespread. The Covy Trauma created a Stockholm Syndrome Generation - and the Abused don't even realize it.

Be Strong Joy, we need everyone who can SEE.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Great compilation!

I had seen/read most of what you referenced.

I appreciate your honest rants.

I do similarly, but have little audience.

But it does feel good to rant!


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Thank you.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I wonder this same sentiment daily. They are demon possessed.

"What I have an incredibly hard time figuring out is how these people are working it out with their conscience? When they tuck their children in at night. When they lay their heads on their pillows. Iโ€™m including the pharmaceutical reps, the medical device sales reps, the pharmacists, the doctorsโ€ฆ.ALL OF YOU. How are you staying quiet? If Iโ€™m seeing it, I know good goddamn well you are. Hell, you spent YEARS being TRAINED to see it. Speak the fuck up, cowards. And stop participating in democide."

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Your writing, development and synthesis have been consistently exceptional. I admire and respect the excellence that you bring to your many roles. Brava!

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Many thanks. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

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I spent a summer learning how to make lipozomes in my uncles laboratory in 2000. They didn't pay me but made sure that I signed a non disclosure agreement. The company structure was odd to me at the time. A family (plus) of individuals with/as (lawyers or doctors) and a few were both. They linked up with my uncle the chemist somehow. Of smart and driven yet relaxed and fraternal bunch.

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That was painful. I'm passing it forward.

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๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ Thank you.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Good to hear. Glad it worked out for you!

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