Hi Foster,
In your letter to TWC, you disclosed that you are a shareholder in Nanobiosym.
This means that you benefit financially from the success of Nanobiosym, correct?
Nanobiosym's products and services page states the following:
We strategically design and implement the next generation of clinical trials leveraging our Nanobiosym Digital Diagnostics Platform for our clients in the pharmaceutical, CRO, and R&D sectors.
Our Gene-RADAR®-based Services include options for building custom companion diagnostics “Apps” on our Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals for novel therapeutics.
There is already an EUA for Nanobiosym's Precision Testing Services for Covid-19 from November 2022. Did you profit from this?
Nanobiosym is backed by venture capital group, the UnReasonable Group, who's investors include Gates Ventures, Microsoft, and Tesla. The Unreasonable Group is also in collaboration with The US State Dept.
How do these relationships affect Nanobiosym?
The Wellness Company doctors are writing about and advertising the next pandemic and how to prepare for it.
Does Nanobiosym have PCR tests for any of the diseases, other than Covid, that are listed in the current PREP Act declaration recent amendment?
From the recent amendment:
This action has the effect of combining the three previous Declarations into one amended Declaration and makes PREP Act coverage for Ebolavirus countermeasures consistent with PREP Act coverage provided for other health threats, including Marburg, Smallpox, Pandemic Influenza, Anthrax, and Acute Radiation Syndrome and emerging infectious diseases such as COVID–19.
If not, are there any in the pipeline?
As a shareholder in Nanobiosym, an EUA for another Nanobiosym product or service/PCR test for any of the above mentioned diseases would be financially beneficial to you, correct?
Will The Wellness Company be using Nanobiosym products and services on its telemed platform?
Will TWC be using any of the "custom companion diagnostics “Apps” on the Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals for novel therapeutics, particularly as it relates to the most recent bill introduced in June of this year: H.R.3832 - Disease X Act of 2023?
Can you explain how being a shareholder in this platform is not a conflict of interest?
Here’s some info on H.R.3832, as there seem to be some areas that would be of interest/benefit to Nanobisym:
“(iii) the identification and development of platform manufacturing technologies needed for advanced development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures for viral families which have significant potential to cause a pandemic;
“(iv) advanced research and development of flexible medical countermeasures against priority respiratory virus families and other respiratory viral pathogens with a significant potential to cause a pandemic, with both pathogen-specific and pathogen-agnostic approaches; and”;
Here’s the information provided on the Nanobiosym website that is pertinent:
We strategically design and implement the next generation of clinical trials leveraging our Nanobiosym Digital Diagnostics Platform for our clients in the pharmaceutical, CRO, and R&D sectors.
Our Gene-RADAR®-based Services include options for building custom companion diagnostics “Apps” on our Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals for novel therapeutics.
For more information or to request a consultation, please contact us at info@Nanobiosym.com with a description of how we can help you.
To establish a program at BARDA for developing medical countermeasures for viral threats with pandemic potential.
June 5, 2023
Mrs. Trahan (for herself, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Crenshaw, and Ms. Lee of Nevada) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
To establish a program at BARDA for developing medical countermeasures for viral threats with pandemic potential.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the “Disease X Act of 2023”.
Section 319L(c)(4) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d–7e(c)(4)) is amended—
“(iii) the identification and development of platform manufacturing technologies needed for advanced development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures for viral families which have significant potential to cause a pandemic;
“(iv) advanced research and development of flexible medical countermeasures against priority respiratory virus families and other respiratory viral pathogens with a significant potential to cause a pandemic, with both pathogen-specific and pathogen-agnostic approaches; and”; and
“(iv) priority virus families and other viral pathogens with a significant potential to cause a pandemic.”.
US Airforce radar comms (PavePaws) was just the beginning. UWB (ultra wideband) frequencies are set to take centerstage, and track our location down to a centimeter. They lurk not only in WiFi routers, smart lights, but in our phones. Ditch the phone, and implode the system, or it explodes us all: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/breastimplants
Thank you for your work Sarah.
You and Sage ripping off bandaids today! 🤣 💥🔥