ahhhmmaaazing post, Sarah!

The whole Hollywood predictive programming and Propaganda overlap I cannot believe that I missed for so long.

Would love 16-year old's thoughts on The Shining and Rosemary's Baby, which may be too old for him to have seen.

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😘 Thanks Sage-y....

I've passed the movie titles on to C. He hasn't seen Rosemary's Baby, but he's seen The Shining. I encouraged him to go back and watch it with fresh eyes. Stay tuned.

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You and C in the car talking for 45m brings tears to my eyes, btw. 🥲

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I had to keep myself together....but my heart melted last night. Like when he told me that he felt accepted and loved and appreciated among his peers last weekend. And that he had been nervous about being "the homeschool kid" but it turns out that he fits in and people like him.

It's hard to fix my face so I don't ruin the moment by bursting into happy tears, but I am bursting on the inside.

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You make us so proud...!!! What a mommy!

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Beautiful story about your son Sarah.

All of your posts are excellent. Thank you.

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Thank you, Heidi.♥️

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they need to test their emergency broadcast system on October 4th so they can scare everyone simultaneously


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Do you remember when they did it a couple of years ago? I had completely forgotten until you just reminded me here.

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If I turn off my phone that day, will it come on when I turn the phone back on?

I am not participating in any mass emergency alert if I can help it.

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it is said to override all that...you can't turn it off...so wrap your phone in a bunch of foil then put in a metal container or buy a faraday bag online

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Maybe this a test to see who is non-compliant, smarter than the average bear. All the people who's phones don't get dinged will go on a black list. Maybe I will just put ours outside somewhere until it's over lol. Let them think they irradiated us

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Ahh, dang.

They aren't going to call my landline?

There used to be an emergency thing set up by our local gov to do that.

Nobody wants me.

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put your stuff in a faraday cage on 10/4...


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phones in the microwave - in the faraday bags...LOL

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Mylar bags work? Or remove the battery? Maybe just let the battery go dead, if the removal process is too difficult.

I wonder if Mexico is part of that?

While looking, not finding, I found this: POSSIBLY TWO tests.


August 3, 2023

On October 4, 2023, at 2:20 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). A test of the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) will begin two minutes earlier, at 2:18 p.m. ***A secondary test date is scheduled for October 11, 2023, if conditions on October 4 require the test to be rescheduled.***

These will be the first tests of the EAS and WEA since August 2021.

The EAS test will be disseminated through the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) in English and Spanish as a Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) message with the Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System (NPT) code.

All EAS Participants are required to participate in the EAS test. EAS Participants include radio and television stations (including LPFM, Class A, and LPTV stations), cable systems, DBS, and SDARS services. Wireless providers that participate in the WEA are also required to participate in the test.

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I remember the one from 2021. It was not remarkable...I just knew about it ahead of time and was paying attention.

I now have faraday bags for all of our devices....laptops, phones, ipads...and we will not be participating. The kids will be home and I will be at work, but they'll do it.

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Thank you Kitten. 🙏❤⚘

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Great post, Sarah.

And it is not 'kind of like they're going to tell.' They tell.

Well, the only time they kind of tell you what they're going to do something, is when they say that they won't do something outrageous to prepare the minds for doing that outrageous thing.

And there is another absolutely brilliant PP British movie: 'Perfect Sense'


Someone's summary:

"In Glasgow, Susan, an epidemiologist, is asked by her colleague, Stephen Montgomery, to investigate the case of a just released hospital patient who, on his way home, inexplicably lost his sense of smell. Stephen is aware of many similar cases in Great Britain and Western Europe reported in the past twenty-four hours. The initial findings by Susan and her team is that there is no contagion, such as a virus, which has caused the problem, and as such there is no reason for panic or reporting such to the public in general. Susan becomes emotionally invested in the case when she too loses her sense of smell."

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You KNOW I'm going to watch that one! WOW!!

I always wonder if in hindsight, they're like...😬YIKES, we were a tad accurate on that one, we should probably tame it down (for example, White Noise🤯)...

And then I remember that everyone keeps on gobbling doritos cause dem shits is SO DELISH, so no need to temper them them with broccoli.

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Lost his sense of smell! Love it!

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Yes. And then the people adapt, and it becomes 'normal.' And so on with each of the senses - the invisible 'thing' removes a sense, there is reaction, adaptation, normalisation. All the way to blindness.

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"And some people are already gone"

Now waiting on the zombie apocalypse....I don't doubt much these day's.

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Followed by the ever-important, "Let them go." Great advice, Sarah! Should I be able to look back twenty years from now, I will always remember 2023 as the year I finally learned how to.

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Robert, this is a new space for me as well. And a continued practice. It is a difficult realization, or was for me anyway, that in many cases, there is no amount of data, evidence, or reason that will uncouple a person from their decided truth. I have spent a great deal of energy attempting to disprove this reality.

2023 is absolutely the year that I will mark as a milestone in learning to release that which no longer serves me. It was difficult for me to accept that this includes people, and even family.

For me, it does not mean that I no longer love them, or that I would not help them. It means that I will no longer waste MY energy on convincing someone else about theirs. And I find it helpful to acknowledge that nothing is permanent. I am open to changing my mind about anything, including those whom I have let go.

I always enjoy your presence here, Robert. Thank you.

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Beautifully expressed. Thank you.

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Thank you.

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I too decided to no longer let my peace be stolen

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Every one of those ‘outbreaks’ listed was an Op, part of the long con.

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TFish...completely off topic. Not really. Are you who pointed me to Dr. Cowan's New Biology program?

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I don’t think so? Not a fan of Cowan…

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LOL...that answers my question then.

Which was....basically, what are your thoughts?

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Cowan and his group are passionate, but end up being provocateurs. They construct frame boxes trying to force everyone through their lens, but their lens is warped and way too narrow, thus they arrive at erroneous conclusions, Not about everything, but enough for the average layperson to be sorely mislead. It’s like trying to find clean water in a sewage pipe. Harsh, I know, but it’s the pipe they’ve laid.

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Agreed. That's been my problem with it as well.

I agree with a lot of what they present but they drive this concrete line. That doesn't just limit progress...it completely inhibits it.

Trying to find clean water in a sewage pipe....excellent analogy.

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It’s a form of argumentation that refuses dialogue if one doesn’t tacitly accept their premises and point of critique. It’s disingenuous. It ends up being an argument unto itself, almost self-replicating and cyclical. So many have bought into it because it checks satisfying boxes, all the while ignoring the inconvenient complexity.

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I just bought the book "The Electric State" which they are turning into a movie apparently. https://youtu.be/BOdca_kJimE?si=j_tiw87Jl8jJKfTw

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Thanks for the link on the old HAARP documentary. Had never seen it.

It was quite interesting and a bit amusing.

Turns out, like the man said, or maybe what he didn't.......

It's nothing more than a radio science research facility.

One can accomplish a shitload in 30 years.

And covid came from pangolins.

The proof is in the Lypedia literature.

One can accomplish a shitload in 30 years.


COVID-19 infection

The nucleic acid sequence of a specific receptor-binding domain of the spike protein belonging to coronaviruses taken from pangolins was found to be a 99% match with SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus which causes COVID-19 and is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.[83][84] Researchers in Guangzhou, China, hypothesized that SARS-CoV-2 had originated in bats, and prior to infecting humans, was circulating among pangolins. The illicit Chinese trade of pangolins for use in traditional Chinese medicine was suggested as a vector for human transmission.

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I'm not sure what you're saying but in case you're not saying it: the pangolin and bat stuff is all propagandistic nonsense.

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I think he said that. I hope.

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Sarah, you're an exceptional analyst but it's good to be aware that there's a lot of staging of this stuff.

A post I wrote to mark 9/11 is: 9/11: The False Dilemma propaganda strategy


The False Dilemma propaganda strategy has been used in a number of semi-recognised so-called "false flags". In big psyops what they do is have one propaganda stream for the anticipated believers and another for the anticipated disbelievers so for 9/11 we were "given" two options:

Option A: Terrorists did it

Option B: The US govt did it

when the reality was C: The US govt was RESPONSIBLE for 9/11, however, what was done wasn't what was said to have been done in that death and injury were staged. Before you object to what might seem to be a preposterous claim, consider who needed to be involved: demolition companies (among many, many others). Ironically, while thousands upon thousands of health professionals can be propagandised and coerced into injecting poisonous substances into people whose health they are supposed to be protecting and millions of people can also be propagandised and coerced into having those substances injected into them based on over a century of fraudulent medical science, you cannot propagandise demolition companies into only PARTIALLY evacuating buildings before demolishing them. That's not a thing.

But what's also very important to keep in mind are the following:

1. Propaganda works better the less it corresponds to reality (that is, the Big Lie works better than the small lie)

2. Due to Point 1. we can expect that it in psyops only what is wanted for real is done for real. The propagandists want it to be all about smoke'n'mirrors working its magic on our minds not actually doing something for real to persuade us. No! Doing "for real" unless wanted for real is alien to the nature of propaganda. Propaganda is not about any real semblance of reality - it's all very "make-believe" - however, the reality is very clear when you blow away the magic propaganda dust.

3. Due to Point 1. a part of the propaganda actually involves very deliberate clues ... "Revelation of the Method" which, of course, Predictive Programming is part of - it's the Revelation of the Method BEFORE the event. So we can see very clearly that they didn't kill and injure people for real on 9/11 and, in fact, there is absolutely nothing that anyone who believes people really were killed and injured can brandish in defence of that hypothesis. Sure, you can show images of people standing at the windows and allegedly jumping but you can't show that they're not fabricated images.

4. Right off the bat we know they didn't NEED to kill and injure people for real for their TERROR STORY because we know that the passenger airliner crashes were faked - so right there we see 265 deaths were faked so if they faked those deaths ... plus the loved ones of the alleged dead people then there is nothing a priori to say they didn't fake the rest of the 2735 deaths ... and when we look at the evidence it's clear to see.


Pearl Harbour

JFK Assassination (neither JFK nor Lee Harvey Oswald were killed)

1980 Bologna Station Bombing

1995 Oklahoma Bombing

The Post-9/11 Anthrax Attacks

Grenfell Tower 2017


All alleged outbreaks are staged: Ebola, Zika, Marburg, etc


When they want to kill people (now) they will but when they don't want to kill them but only make us believe they were killed they don't ... and on 9/11 killing for real was simply impracticable apart from any other reason.

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It's an interesting theory, but I would think it's cheaper and easier to just kill the people. What leads you to think they have any regard for human life? It's hard for a normal non psycho person to think this way, but they really don't care.

And in the case of Maui, they definitely don't want those people around causing trouble and asking questions.

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"What leads you to think they have any regard for human life?" falls into the logical fallacy of strawman argument. The reason I say they didn't kill and injure is purely on the evidence, nothing else although I do think we can reasonably speculate they didn't kill people for reasons other than the actual evidence ... even if we exclude "caring" as any kind of reason. I have to admit that while I didn't think they had regard for human life I wasn't expecting the wholesale killing going on with covid.

We know they lied so anything claimed in the 9/11 narrative immediately moves into the category of "theoretical" without clear evidence of it and, in fact, as the passenger airliner crashes clearly didn't happen, right off the bat we know no one died in a plane crash so logically whatever they did to fake the deaths of the 265 alleged passengers and their loved ones they could do for the remaining 2735 who allegedly died at the WTC and Pentagon.

So you see how the sense of theory when we take into consideration certain clear facts before we even look at the alleged deaths at the WTC and the Pentagon moves much more to the claim of real death and injury than to that of fakery. The THEORY is much more with the claims of real death and injury than with fake at the outset.

Let's add another clear fact to the mix. While we can see how thousands of health professionals can be propagandised and coerced into injecting people with substances that are clearly injuring, maiming and killing them - still! - and that millions of people can be propagandised and coerced into receiving the injections on the back of over a century of fraudulent medical science, it's very difficult to see how demolition crews would be propagandised and/or coerced into only partially evacuating buildings before destroying them, especially when it's just for a terror story where real death and injury aren't required (as is clearly evidenced by the fake passenger airliner crashes). They didn't need to kill and injure people for real and I've come to conclude that in psyops only what is wanted for real is done for real, the rest is faked. That is the MO.

But it's not just demolition crews who were involved, we can see that agency staff and media personnel were also involved. How would they be persuaded to be part of the cold-blooded and callous murder of their fellow citizens ... for a TERROR STORY?

COST: Who's paying for it? How much money is made at the memorial site? How much money was raised for the alleged victims? They don't care about cost, they don't pay, we pay. I probably paid in Australia somehow. Who knows?

Honestly, when you look closely, real death and injury are a complete and utter absurdity ... which isn't to say no one died or was injured - after all it was a huge demolition job.

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I guess I’m wondering where my childhood friend who traded bonds for Cantor Fitzgerald went? Is he on Epstein’s island? His family still misses him. Are they crisis actors?

His name was William Doyle

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Interestingly, there's no William Doyle in the list I've seen - only a Joseph M. Doyle at CF and a Frank Joseph Doyle at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods.

Excel - https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/8/7/2487397/911_victims_in_ssdi.xlsx

PDF - https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/8/7/2487397/911_victims_in_ssdi.pdf

I'd imagine that some people simply wanted to "disappear" completely so their families would not be in on it while other people would have their families in on it. I have no idea how that side of anything works.

What I do know is that Wikipedia states that the United States Federal Witness Protection Program run by the US Marshals Service has protected 19,000 people and their families since its inception in 1971. You know what, that sounds like a lot but perhaps it's an understatement even so, perhaps it's 40,000 people if you count the black ops people. I don't know - either way they're admitting that a reasonable number of people are "protected".


The number of people I know who have connections to psyops boggles my mind considering I don't know very many people at all. I know someone whose insurance agent was allegedly in one of the towers. Every time I tell a friend that this or that event was a psyop (we have quite a few little ones in Australia) she asks sarcastically, "So what island are they on?"

I'm as baffled as the next person, I don't know where these people go - the Challenger disaster people didn't go anywhere obviously but the others must go somewhere. I do not know but because I do not know doesn't mean the event is real.

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I lost my little brother on 9/11. The first planes hit his offices directly. I find your theory hard to believe, not to mention insensitive. He’s all I had left in this world. Each of us surviving our childhood was a feat. We would move Heaven and earth to prevent the other from ever feeling abandoned again.

I have lost much of the brotherhood of firefighters that I worked with who responded to ground zero for rescue and/or recovery to cancers of various types - all related to exposure at ground zero.

Your theory only works if you weren’t there and didn’t actually know anybody who was there or perished there.

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I have no answer for your personal experience, Neely, and I'm very sorry that you lost your brother whatever way that was, however, there is clear evidence that death and injury were staged, notably of the firefighters. We are told that 343 firefighters died and yet in the alleged 118 "oral" testimonies of the firefighters who were at the WTC on the day:


--- there is not a single reference to any of their colleagues who allegedly died

--- there are no recordings of the testimonies which we would expect

--- the testimonies make no sense. This is an example:

John Drumm, Firefighter, Ladder Company 16 (assigned to Engine Company 39 on 9/11)


“After heading downtown on Second Avenue, we came across on Houston. After we were coming across to the west side of Manhattan on Houston, looking southbound along the major avenues, I could see both towers -- (Interruption.) As I was saying, when 39 was making their way downtown, we had used Houston Street to go across to the west side. And as we passed other major avenues, you could have a clear view downtown. I was able to see both the north tower and the south tower, both in flames and plumes of smoke over them.

We came down the West Side Highway. …

… The windows on the first floor were all broken out, so we didn't even go down to the doorway. We just went into the corner of the building, which all the glass was blown out, and used that way to get into the building. …"

Selected anomalies:

As Engine 39 / Ladder 16 are on the Upper East Side it makes no sense to go to the WTC located at the southern tip of Manhattan via Second Ave, Houston and West Side Highway for a number of reasons, the two most obvious being:

--- the east-side highway, FDR Dr, is much more convenient than West Side Highway.

--- from Houston the only turn possible onto West Side Highway is northbound so you’d have to go north then backtrack south.

It seems strange that all the windows on the first floor were blown out because if plane impact was the cause then we’d expect windows above to also be blown out but this wasn’t the case. And even if the glass in the first-floor windows was blown out, how would you access the floor from ground level? Why go into the “corner of the building?”

For more analysis of the anomalies in the firefighter testimonies


It is most curious to know what happened to your little brother.

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The first plane hit his offices directly. I finally began writing about it in my Substack.

A little background on me: I am a retired paramedic from Austin, TX. I have worked in Austin and then internationally. I am rescue certified in all kinds of specialties from Hazmat response to ropes and swift water rescue.

While I understand that much of what we first responders/emergency responders do in carrying out our jobs may not make sense to a lay Paterson, there are so many things that go into our response, access and egress is planned in our heads as we respond.

I highly recommend the Longshadow podcast regarding 9/11 and stories told by some survivors. Many of the points that you bring up are discussed very matter of factly in their own voices.

And, I will admit that I wanted there to be some other narrative, some other reality. To this day, I would give anything for there to be a chance that it was all a big hoax and that Danny is alive and well working in a shadow world doing whatever. I grasped many theories out of sheer want trying desperately to revive the hope that was dying.

I have seen many things, experienced many horrors that humans shouldn’t have to be aware of let alone jump in and become completely immersed in the muck and the more of the human condition. My experiences have taught me that life and death don’t occur like a textbook, reality is often ugly, occasionally there is beauty and a sense of what we would define as agape.

I will write more regarding 9/11 - I can see why I am compelled to do so now. 21 years of of an overwhelming sadness that doesn’t ever let up, a hurt that never goes away - I’ve just learned to live with it.

My brother worked for Marsh-McClennan - believe me, that opened up so many opportunities for rabbit holes and conspiracy theories for me to make on my own mixing his world with my background, including a recent (at that time) EMS conference and attending an EMS response to WMD and terrorist attacks. I agree, much of what NYFD did in their response was incorrect. I could go into the inner bickering and/or boys club of fire departments and agencies in general. I screamed at the television during the real time video that the IC (Incident Command) post was entirely too close to the scene.

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I knew the towers were going to fall. I knew exactly how much fuel was in the American Airlines plane and at what temperature the fuel burns...I began college on an academic scholarship in Aerospace Engineering, so I had much more knowledge than I wanted to have. As much as I spent that entire day in absolute denial, I knew. No matter how great the desire to bury my head in the sand and ignore it all away, I knew. I knew that it was going to get much worse long before it got better. I knew.

I knew about the construction of the twin towers. I was one of those incredibly needy kids growing up. I visited the WTC in the 80s and loved pouring over the buildings’ history. I loved reading building plans and material science data - things that to most people are so excruciatingly boring that they would jump at the option to watch paint dry instead.

Ultimately, all of those things and my experience as a first responder, developer of emergency response policies and so on made it impossible for me to cling to conspiracy theories to fit my needs or to change the reality of what was. Of what is.

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What was your brother's name, Neely? I see two Daniels in my list who would be the right age at Marsh McLennan - Daniel Hal Crisman and Danny A. Correa-Gutierrez, neither of whom are shown as having a death certificate. Does your family have a death certificate? https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/8/7/2487397/911_victims_in_ssdi.xlsx

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It would be important to know if it was true that the buildings would have had to be renovated to take out ALL the asbestos. Even if you implode buildings with nobody inside, when you do it without evacuating the people around the zone, you harm people. Especially if it was full of asbestos but also if not. In the least you traumatize many people. And if you go to the lengths that we could see, in reporting, then you obviously plan on traumatizing people, and if you are ready to do that, then it is not plausible that you would feel you need to make efforts to scrupulously avoid casualties.

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I'm persuaded that the asbestos narrative was propaganda targeted to the disbelievers although I cannot be sure of that, however, that isn't to say that people weren't harmed and I completely agree that these people are not going to scrupulously avoid casualties - obviously with what's happening now! So sure I'd say there was some kind of physical suffering beyond the mental suffering endured by some people on 9/11. My claim is only that - in general - death and injury were staged. It's hard to know how much they excluded people from the WTC because the footage they showed us was certainly not all taken on the day and some was clearly faked ... but I find it hard to see regardless of the measures taken how some physical injury wasn't caused.

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It's an interesting phase to be in. First phase belief (in various instances and always up to certain points where things didn't add up any more. Second phase, rejection of official narrative, but (without really noticing it) unconditional replacement with other belief. Next phase, deconstruction of everything, but without emptying baby out along with bathwater. It's not nice what we have been confronted with, basically since the end of the Cold war balance. But in a way it's also interesting. (I would gladly do without that entertainment though, given these ops have caused damage also in my environment, I'm not being frivolous.)

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What the propagandists rely on is anchoring in belief in both the first and second stages ... so there's the people who will anchor in the first phase belief and then there's the people who will anchor in the second phase belief. I truly am astonished at how difficult those anchored in the second phase belief find it to move onto the third phase. As a concept, having a false dilemma propaganda strategy makes perfect sense. It's true I held onto the second phase belief quite a long time beyond the time I was introduced to the third phase belief but it was because certain things hadn't been explained that made the third phase belief make total sense ... I just limped along with "some people killed, some people not" for quite awhile not because I refused to believe in staged death and injury but only because I continued believing certain propaganda that no one explained was simply that.

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Anchoring, that's good. I think right now I'm not anchored in any specific belief, I'm in the phase of distrust and, quite healthy maybe, of "knowing that I don't know anything". Actually anybody can tell me anything and I can't ever verify anything. I don't even know if there exists any white swan in this world. I only know that there have been some that were white on the side that I was looking on.

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I think it's always good to have an open mind but at the same time where the evidence is overwhelming I have no problem feeling certainty. One can feel certain while always maintaining an open mind. Although it took me a few years to figure out the psyop MO I realise in retrospect that I think what drew me to them was the fact that they reveal their truth underneath the propaganda, that that is part of the MO, so you're left in no doubt.

Psyops aren't like other conspiracies where you need to knock on doors and do serious research to try to figure them out. Psyops are like an open hand of cards that have been covered in magic propaganda dust that simply needs blowing off. I'm sure there's finer points to the MO that I have no clue about but even with the basics you can work out an awful lot.

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oh, and don't forget the FAKE MOON LANDING...any squealers so far???

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Actually, I think all the purported evidence for the moon landings perfectly stands up to scrutiny - the moon landings is the one event I believe. I have put up an open forum on the moon landings page if you're interested in discussing it there. https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/open-discussion-critical-thinking

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even the old astronaut admitted they "never went"...

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Intelligence actually encouraged those who tend to disbelieve the authorities not to believe in the moon landings (Bill Kaysing the first person to say the moon landings were fake is clearly an agent) ... so that when they call out the real lies they wouldn't be believed Boy Who Cried Wolf style. That astronaut could have been a Mason and part of the "let's fool the disbelievers about one actual real event". Who knows? But you need to look at all the evidence and see how it stands up and as far as I can tell, it does.

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"demolition companies "??? R U Joking??? yeah , gee I'm sure the MILITARY has its own " demolition " crews.For gods sake they pulled off an UNMANNED CHALLENGER PSYOP , a DEW used on OKLAHOMA CITY , NO PLANES INVOLVED IN 9/11 then the GOVT sends ANTHRAX to the senators who were against the passage of THE PATRIOT ACT.... WTFU

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The Challenger psyop is a really good one - they didn't even change their names. I do like that one.

The senators "against the passage of the Patriot Act" was all staged. Sending "anthrax" in the mail and killing people with it isn't a thing. It's a joke. The anthrax story is really, really ridiculous. https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/anthrax-attacks-after-911.html

Even if they do have military demolition crews how do you get them to partially evacuate buildings for a terror story?

1. Whoever the demolition crews were, demolition crews are trained to evacuate buildings before demolishing them - it's not precedented to only partially evacuate in the same way injecting people with dangerous substances is.

2. They didn't need to kill people for their terror story and we know right off the bat they didn't kill people in plane crashes so we KNOW for a fact that didn't need to kill people for real.

3. The evidence clearly shows faked death and injury regardless - see https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/911-the-false-dilemma-propaganda. However, if you really believe that people were killed and injured, please let me know what your evidence is.

4. Whatever they used in Oklahoma the evidence shows the buildings was evacuated.

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if i mentioned to my "people" what i think about the CHALLENGER...that the "astronauts " are alive!?!? Heads might LITERALLY explode!

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It"s incredible the way people will argue they're different people. Just incredible.

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6000 INJURED??? On 9/11??? Boy that's a new one ...I NEVER HEARD A WORD ABOUT INJURIES UNTIL "cleanup" started and all the toxic dust injuries/cancers started being talked about. In the book TRIGGER There are a ton of pictures taken by people in apartment buildings and offices that show many of the tower jumpers were nude or disrobing...all signs of DEWs.

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Wikipedia tells us 6,000 and they show us quite a few images of the alleged injured, however, none of the images aren't perfectly consistent with "drill" injured.

How do you answer these questions for real death and injury?

1. If 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured, why, on the morning of 9/11, did ABC's Cynthia McFadden say in front of Bellevue Hospital emergency entrance "these empty wheelchairs and stretchers say it all" and then in the evening outside the trauma centre set up in West Manhattan say "You can see this parade of ambulances behind me here … we’ve been seeing ambulances coming through all day and rescue vehicles, all of them for the most part empty with the exception of some rescue workers and some other rescuers at the scene."



2. Why weren't the recordings of the 118 firefighter "oral histories" published in addition to the "transcripts"? What were the transcripts based on if not the recordings?


3. Why is there no reference to any of the 343 deaths of their colleagues in the 118 firefighter "oral histories"? (If you find one let me know.)

4. Why do the 118 firefighter "oral histories" contain numerous nonsensicalities, eg, a route to the WTC (located at the southern tip of Manhattan) from the Upper East Side via Second Ave, Houston and West Side Hwy when the east side FDR Dr would be much more convenient especially when there is no southbound turn from Houston.


5. Why do none of the images of the injured show the signs of serious injury such as burns and the maiming expected in the destruction of two 110-storey buildings after having some floors exploded. https://shorturl.at/nopx2

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i wish i had people like you around me...i am surrounded by those who don't want to know any of this. I hadn't deep dived 9/11, just knew it was some sort of inside job. wow, this is all so amazing. I admire all of you true investigators and i now know i have a lot more to discover. I thought sandy hook was very iffy but try mentioning that around my family if blue staters! I'm afraid they'll find a way to put me away!!

I am very jazzed to read your work and this senior citizen has a lot more diving to do. Just trying to inform/save my grandchildren is turning into a ticket to explore hades. The demon ( nefarious) ,in the movie by that name , says it best....we do hells work better than the devil! Thank you for your amazing work

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Thank you, Victoria, and I feel the same way about the people around me situation. I do have a couple of friends who are aligned but even there we still disagree a reasonable amount.

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So this is the first time I have read that the Challenger was a psyop!! WTH? Can you explain more please why you think this? What about the Boston Marathon? That too?

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Here's the evidence of the Challenger hoax:


This is REALLY hilarious. Politifact denies the Challenger hoax ... but they don't show the photos of the modern day people who very closely resemble the Challenger people and who the "conspiracy theorists" claim are the same people - because the resemblance is far too close especially when we can see it for ALL the Challenger "astronauts" bar one. Now why would that be - why wouldn't they show the photos people say indicate they're still alive? The fact they don't simply undermines their case against the hoax - big time!


Boston Bombing - a very big fat hoax. Here's a great video by Conspiracy Theorista on alleged hero, Carlos Arredondo. There were so many great videos on YouTube on the Boston Bombing and lots of other events ... all deleted. The golden years between 2014-2018 when they were committing hoaxes galore and there were lots of great analysts doing videos on them ... all gone.


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Another superior effort Sarah!

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Thank you, Philip :)

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WOW...excellent post...love your boy, and what a great mother you are...just now trying to catch up...and I never will.

But...My fave movie is Dark City. When I saw it in the theater, I just sat there stunned - and stayed and watched it two more times...

Sway with me...and you absolutely do...XO

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Weaponized Marburg? Hopefully it backfires and takes out Kadlec first. It really is a curious trick to give yourself immunity for mass murder.

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This kinda dovetails.

Your son sounds so interesting, Sarah.

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Cynthia, thank you. Taking a look now.

My son is pretty awesome, although I'm biased. I feel very fortunate to be his mom.

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I soo wish I hadn't clicked on this.....but thank you.

I am gonna have nightmares tonite.

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Brilliant post Sarah, I'm newly subscribed, so forgive me if this has been mentioned already...

Contagion the movie, total predictive programming for covid (I'm sure your 16 year old may have seen it...!)

Also the 1960's "The Prisoner" very psychedelic, but a James Bond decides to "retire ", and is taken to an island where all nationalities, including supposed enemy nations, live as either prisoners or guards ... Who is who? A psyop is performed each episode to get Number 6 to spill the beans, plus the secret society hand gestures... Worth a look, and only now do I understand those hidden messages... hinted at a greater level of global co-operation than we knew (some of the stunts and conflicts on the global stage are just parts played by actors) and it also showed how a careful psyop can alter your reality to the point you are not sure if you've gone mad, or the world around you has!

This is too much for a 16 year old, but only now do I understand "Eyes Wide Shut" ... Basically there are people who are outside of the normal laws of society as they control everything and everyone... No wonder it was called eyes wide shut, I watched it years ago and didn't "get it"... My eyes were wide shut...

The UK series of War of the Worlds, gritty, depressing and disturbing, might be too much for your boy too, but instead of giant alien tripods, they use currently available robot dogs, that shoot metal bolts, the military have this already, so why would aliens need or use such hardware...?? I can't work out the ending, but it seems they were killing us because they love us?? WTH??? Anyway, will this be one of the rounds on the agenda once our soldiers wake up to the fact their orders are evil?? Sending in the robot hunter dogs??

Thanks for such a great stack article!

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Yes, they tell you what they are going to do, do it, then we act surprised, as if...like some worn out script from a B rated movie we're trapped inside. Thank-you!

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What gets me is that when you point out the absolutely 100% incontrovertible "prediction" going on people just wave it away. People have an enormous capacity to wave away clear evidence ... and that's what the propagandists rely on. They know there is a limitless elasticity to the Emperor's New Clothes effect so they know they can push out things that clearly incriminate them and show them to be liars and get away with it - the bigger the better.

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It literally never ceases to amaze me. The waving away.

It's quite impressive, actually. The brainwashing and mind control, that is.

"They" have done an excellent job with that.

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reality is too ugly for them so denial is the default setting…

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Agree, the bigger the better!

Blind willful obedience...an agreed upon "exchange" for being told what to do (not having to think), therefore will not ask questions, there is a complicity here...creepy...

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I misread your comment so this response doesn't respond to your comment - however, it's a comment worth making so just don't see it as a response to your comment, Dee.

Their rule is that they must tell us but when you call them out they don't like it. They can't have it both ways! I've directly called out a couple of people. The guy who headed the Sydney anti-covid Stand in the Park group made a video he posted on FB where he said that he went to Afghanistan and while there when he was standing on the pavement in steel-capped flip flops, he saw an Italian-labelled armoured vehicle carrier go by with a 14 year-old soldier whose head was covered in a balaclava - none of this made any sense but is typical "revelation of the method" spiel. I asked him about the "steel-capped flip-flops" and he got really annoyed and said, "It was just a joke. Do you think I work for ASIO?" At this point all I'd done was ask him about them. He stalked off and made a phone call. It was no joke.

I watch the YouTube channel, Soft White Underbelly, which generally has interviews with people who live life on the margins, and recently there was this guy who supposedly went to Afghanistan and was kidnapped by the Taliban. I was really quite interested in this story ... and then he mentioned how he happened to be in NYC on the day of 9/11 and saw a woman with black hair in the windows (none of the candid footage on 9/11 shows people in the windows - only footage that is MIXED with candid footage shows that) and I'm like, "Can I please get away from these agents. Why do they pollute every single thing?" He also said he grew up Plymouth Brethren but he seemed to have this highly elastic relationship with his parents where he went off and did this, that and the other and his parents accepted him back. I'm pretty sure that's not how it works in that sort of cult - you have to be either "in" or "out" and if they were exceptional in that they accepted this elasticity you'd think he would have mentioned it. He has a Dutch name but to me he actually looks as if he's from the part of the world where Afghanistan is - not that I'm good at that kind of recognition but that's just what strikes me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ScTKKk_Myo

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