What is more misleading than microscopy? Immunohistochemistry.

But Double Agent RoGeR WaTeRz, what is immunohistochemistry and why is it misleading?


1. Immuno- related to the immune system.

2. -histo- related to "tissues".

3. chemistry, the science of dilutions and crystalizations.

Simply put, the bits and pieces of the all-powerful immune system don't behave the same in a living human body than what they see in a slide under the microscope.

It is used as an indirect method to see the unseeable, which is fraught with perilousness.

We cannot see proteins, but we can see the glow of fluorescent globulines (also proteins) when they bind to what we assume they are binding themselves to. A bit of circularity here.

We know the proteins are there because the antibodies we have prepared beforehand to react with what we want to see are reacting with those proteins we cannot see and we have to prove they are there but we assume they are there and that the antibodies are not reacting to other things. Which is almost the same as astrology, but not half as funny.

It's certainly not an exact science, although they probably manage to escape the high-risk of irrational circular thinking in some occasions, by using other lab techniques (which are not without problems, but anyway.)

To conclude, it's possible that the biotech of "nanobodies" (foul as Hell marketing language here) is not what they think it is. The underlying methods of research are very iffy. There are not many shortcuts in chemistry research. It's very tedious, from what I've read.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Hey don’t knock astrology until you’ve tried it! 😉🧝🏼‍♀️

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JAJAJA! No sabes bien, Lupita, lo bien que me lo paso con la astrología. Ya lo cantó Bunbury hace algunos años "las estrellas me iluminan al revés".

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Reminds me of 'The Shining'


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મારો દરજી શ્રીમંત છે

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Nano back better.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Navbot, nano nano. (Might be before your time, whippersnapper.)

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


The Warehouse of Hammers learned exactly ZERO ZIP NADA with Operation #1. Rounded up into the cul-de-sac of Hero Worship for another round of cull.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Yes, there will be less people standing after each cull. But I wouldn't say hammers have learned nothing. A debate for another day, gotta go. P.S. Won $800 at the track over the weekend, coffee incoming. 😁

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

NIce score! 👍 Have a good one.

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What is the "warehouse of hammers, SH?" I missed when you defined that term I've seen you use on numerous occasions.

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The mass populace.

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Dumber than a sac o hammers

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Needed : glossary of Hanarisms…..

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

When I read his substack pushing and promoting STATINS I realized that sum ting was NOT as it seems. I was a Pharmacist x30 years 1989 to 2019. I know what I know about statins over a long period of time. Not one research or study paper can change my mind. STATINS ARE TOXIC AND SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE MARKET

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I am also a 31 year career pharmacist. You are absolutely correct. Statins are pure poison.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Like most all big harma poison pills. J.D. Rockefeller destroyed the medical industry by creating the AMA and kicking out the ones curing via homeopathic methods while only allowing allopathic pill pushers who treat symptoms rather than curing.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thank you!! I could not remember what it was he said as a heart doctor that made me know he was one of them! The statins! I read a great book about how dangerous they are written by a NASA doctor who was injured by them! IF OnLY people would just research…..

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Also - Butchered by Healthcare by Robert Yoho, also here on substack. Had to pretty much self publish because no one else would

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Lipitor...Thief of Memory. is the title. The head MD of NASA's astronaut program was injured. The book was written by his associate director/colleague. Very eye-opening! As a massage therapist, I could 'feel' the rhabdomyolysis damage to muscles, but the memory issues are not well-known...irreversible memory loss in his case.

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5-6 yrs ago the FDA sent out a communique to all MDs stating that they should quietly withdraw all patients from the entire class of statin drugs and refrain from putting any new patients on them as a large, long-term study had conclude. It had shown that perhaps 1-2 heart attacks or strokes had been averted per 10,000 patients, but the list of egregious side effects was too great to ignore. I have yet to see a doctor heed that advice. By the wording you could see they didn't want to cause a public panic. Too in love with the money. As an oncologist told me "We get a 30% kickback on every med, test, blood draw etc. " We ran the numbers...$250k starting salary but "I make an extra half-million in addition from these add-ons.".

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Debra, do you have a link to the FDA communique about withdrawing statins?

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Here is something that runs along the same lines till then....https://jeffreydachmd.com/statin-drugs-revisited/

Searching FDA archives...https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/about-website/fdagov-archive

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gosh...it was a lifetime ago. I used to subscribe to a number of their newsletters. Fair question....let me see what I can do.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Macullough sounds like he's lost his mind...but maybe not his wallet $.

This btw is hilarious:

"And here is my nephew’s picture of an antibody (I think he’s got it y’all)..."

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Jj couey thinks him to be threatened.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

For his entire career of pharma poison shilling?

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Well not everyone gets their own handl…. coauthor you know.

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Maybe they stage those exotic trips 🤔for blackmailing health freedom.

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Hmmm. Interesting. Can you say a brief bit more? For instance, threatened by whom and for what?

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I'd suspect the sorts of people who arrange for hundreds of naturopaths and similar non-allopathic/non-pharma practitioners to die over the past decade or two...motive is probably a combination of greed and the desire to keep depop movin' along.

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Your nephew should consider a career in protein design. He has the knack..

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Came on here to say the same!

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The kid knocks it out of the park coming out of the GATE. Or spikes it in the endzone for any football fans.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

McCullough. There is the word "cull" in the name. Swamp Rat.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Jul 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Culling is killing

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

“Nanobodies should be a biotechnology explored….” NOPE, don’t even wanna read no more. I don’t want it!

lol alright lemme go back and read the rest of the article lol

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

"mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future May be Brighter" April 19, 2023


That was based on his spin of Halma, Rose, and Tess.

Halma went on to...

"Graphene-based nanoparticles possess remarkable physiochemical properties, making them promising for diverse applications in biomedicine, agriculture, food, and industrial applications."


This is fuckery. ☝️

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

What did people expect from McCullough after that? He pushed into the public's "trusted" space to lead us into the next rounds of genetic poisons.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Hero Ball (New Trusted and Revered Experts) is Mass Formation Breakout Variant #1 in a landslide.

We were given many new Heroes to Pepsi against "Fauci's" Coke.

Right now, the Monster has to get moving again on the Operation which requires access to the bodies.

And turns out Pepsi is just caramel colored sugar water too.

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🎯 yes, and the timing is a DEAD giveaway.

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Yes but just a nanofuckery

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Glad you went with nanofuckery and not nanoSHITfuckery.

There is a difference.

nanoSHITfuckery is when they find the nanotechnology in the PCR Wastewater testing.

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the prefixes make all the difference.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Preshitfuckery is when the nano is in the food...

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Speaking of long-in-place legal foundations, anyone notice Katherine Watt's headlines getting a lot more of the "throwing the money changers out of the temple" flavor? As a previously indoctrinated Catholic, I enjoy it...in case anyone thinks I'm complaining.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Get a McFlurmy with your McRib and get a nano-snort of goodness.

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Them Australian correspondance courses are starting to pay off

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Correlation might not prove causation...but correspondence might do it.

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Fuckery without lube or even a courteous reacharound, as Ron Shock woulda put it.

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Evil to the core!

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He literally calls out fraud to sell you fraud.

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He's offering a level playing field, whereas the other 3-card-monte dealer's table is tilted.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Please, be serious. This is true science, as presented by real scientists. These twisted colored spaghetti bundles are Rorschach’s tests designed specifically for virologists. They show one to you, and you say “That’s a novel Bumbaladumba funvirus which will be first detected in 2035” - and voila, you are automatically added to the funding list.

That they believe that these spaghettis actually represent something is the best proof that we have lost our minds as the human species. Some software wizards wrote a few lines of code which convert something into these meaningless ribbons. Quite a large cohort of expert virologists believe that these glitches represent their knowledge. Unbelievable. Literally.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

You have to look at them using a special electron microscope. They will then make sense and you will see the nanobodies. Not everyone can afford a special electron microscope. Only the superrich.

(Edited to add: This was sarcasm)

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You can’t make any sense of it. Even if you manage to “see” something:

1) You don’t know what it is - there is no reference object anywhere in the world. “Reference” would require identification and examination of the things with at least completely different technology and methodology.

2) You cannot watch it live = you have completely no idea what you are looking at.

3) Since the current “technology” can only capture snapshots of dead matter at random, unrelated time points, with no verification options, whatever theories are made from these “observations” are total fiction. You may be sure that the theoreticians will make everything fall in place and be logical and consistent - as it all is fictitious and nobody can fact check it (including themselves - you cannot replicate EM or any other high-res observations).

Money is irrelevant. We simply do not have technology to see below the threshold of optical perception.

Hopefully, we will never have it.

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I love the humor as you call out the jaw-dropping bullshit - coming out of the mouths of our 'medical freedom heroes' no less. Hope he's enjoying the money he's exchanged for any self-respect.

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I agree, he's stepping in global shit daily and wiping his feet on his followers.... I'm wanting to know why though...

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Patents. He has bragged about having many, we thought to give him credibility, now we know it was to prepare the terroir for the second shoe to drop.. mixing my metaphors, naughty girl..

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Not buying it...

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Your nephew's depictions are arguably nore accurate than the doctors.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

John Leake, McCullough’s minder, wow, he’s not only achieved his goal of neutralising McCullough, it seems as though he has fully ‘turned’ him. Give this guy the Minder of the Year Award 🥇

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Looks like he's got a new jacuzzi life-style! Does't strike me as 'read in'; more likely received the tap on the shoulder?

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

"McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification." Lol. He's going to feel really stupid when everyone figures out that there was no virus. "Long covid" used to be called "lingering cold symptoms." Now it's a "syndrome" because people are self-pitying attention whores.

Mike Yeadon's observation that nothing's easier to fake than microbiology comes to mind when I read that crap about nanobodies from sharks riding on yeast curing viruses.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Although it is quite possible that McCullough was a plant from the start, it is also possible he was turned forcibly. Look at Dr. Alexander for instance. First he angrily talks about pedo crypto guys, but later he's all in on TWC pushing tamiflu and even makes veiled threats to people pointing this out. How does that happen?

Or like Chief Justice Roberts. For years he's pretty well conservative, and then suddenly he punts on obamacare and starts being totally unreliable after that. How does that come about?

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I think they were evil controlled opposition from the start. Especially Alexander. That guy is absolutely vile.

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He’s not a plant. These scientific advancements can be used for good. We’ve only known them to be used for evil so far. Please do not discredit this good doctors name.

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These are not scientific advancements. They are a complete bullshit brewed in large vats. Nobody can make RNA or a protein to any specification.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Enjoy your tamiflu and statins and siRNA drug cocktails. I'll pass.

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Your nephew is a genius! Unschooled?

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Sent you a coffee as well, Sarah. Love your stuff. Have a good one. 😁

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You're the best. Thank you.

Also...I hope you saw that I was able to bring all 3 boys to skate camp this summer, funded entirely with support I received from substack. Thank you...from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could show you pictures of their smiling faces when I dropped them off. They are having the time of their lives.

*I think you'll find this amusing...

There was a little hiccup at first because my 8yo is having a hard time being in a cabin with only other 8 year olds (this is the first time he's ever been in a group of only same-age kids). The counselor said that he is so mature and so much more advanced that it's difficult for him to be in the cabin. He was trying to debate them logically about why it's a good idea to go to sleep and be well rested...and they were making fart sounds and sticking tongues out. My kid was NOT IMPRESSED and asking to either move to another cabin or get picked up.😂


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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Lol! He's obviously lacking in socialization! You horrible parent you. 🤣

I did see that and I'm so glad they got to go. They'll have memories for a lifetime. I've had similar episodes sending my boys to summer camp. I have a picture of one of them laying in the field reading a book on WWll aviation while the other boys in camp were engaged in a brawl. His counselor took t the picture and said, "Your boys are different, they're so mature for their age." Have no fear that you are doing the right thing. On Father's Day, one of my sons, who is about to propose to his fiance, said, "Thanks for raising us to be men." I almost teared up. 😂😂😂

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Did the three pre-mature musketeers meet any nice girls at camp? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4__lNiv9OHo&t=320s

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Jul 2Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

He invented the first FCCSEM (full crayola-colored scanning electron microscope)! Get him a Nobel.

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Hey, if it was up to me....

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