Imagine locking down the whole world for a computer software virus and calling it a pandemic.

That is what they did. Imagine when all these people find out they took a vaccine for a COMPUTER SOFTWARE VIRUS.

The “full genome” of any virus is not obtained by sequencing an entire intact “virus” that they have isolated, the product of cell culture experiment tainted with multiple sources of genetic material is taken and assembled via computer program into a “full genome.”

Genomic sequencing is a software trick. There is a virus (or whatever) template and you fit the nucleotides on this template, and voila-a new "virus" is created! It is a model on a computer that is 100% fabricated out of thin air.

Whatever one thinks about the "no virus" question it is an important question to work through as the likes of CEPI, GAVI, WHO, CSIS etc. and the governments run by financial parasites have made it perfectly clear that "waging endless war against viruses" is THE next phase of the Global War on 'Fill In the Blank' with copious funding (think trillions) going to these pathogenic Ponzi Schemes.

They plan to loot the public for the foreseeable future using "The Virus™" as their raison d'être. This is all being "war gamed" as we speak with plans for this to be THE cash cow for the Biosecurity Complex for the next many, many years.

So yes, this is more than a little relevant and goes far beyond the Covid Con.

Beyond the scientific and intellectual necessity of examining the entire discussion around germ theory the political and economic consequences simply can't be overstated. Why this discussion sets some people off is curious and quite irrational.

I am on familiar terms with the leading proponents of "no virus" and I can say without question that these are some extraordinarily thorough individuals who approach this with the utmost intellectual rigor.

It must also be noted that virtually all, if not all, of these individuals assert that "viruses have never been scientifically proven to exist" rather than the blanket statement, "viruses don't exist." There is a big difference between these two statements and again none of these individuals have come to this position casually. The burden of proof is on the claimant of the positive claim that an entity X does exist - those that argue that viruses exist nearly always turn this obligation on it's head for the obvious reason that they don't have evidence to support that claim.

For any who have looked into this with any detail to attention and honest scientific exactitude I can't see they could come away from their analysis with anything other than the conclusion that the process by which viruses are allegedly isolated is at best utterly preposterous when not outright fraudulent.

It's also extremely important to understand the history of how we got here.

Virology/Germ Theory have never been unique, solid scientific explorations or discoveries they were political maneuvers that were established by some of the more scurrilous scientific and political actors of the day, as is the case today, and supported financially and institutionally by the wealthiest robber-barons in the world- who then built another financial empire (the medical industry) on the backs of this quack theory.

The entire history of what is called "disease" is built on a foundation of lies and these lies are invented for less than savory purposes and to conceal the real causes of illness.

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Beautifully & accurately described, thank you.

I don’t subscribe to the “viruses don’t exist” camp, because at any moment, theoretically at least, someone might prove that one virus exists.

Your description is more precise, and it’s “No virus has been proven scientifically to exist”. So I’m in the “no evidence of viruses” camp. Because there’s no evidence that they exist. There’s lots of very bad science, including the cell culture method described by Sarah.

When I was first told about the lack of controls, I too dismissed it.

Why? Because peer review OUGHT to reject out of hand any paper submitted for publication that lacked appropriate controls.

Here’s the thing. Peer review does not reject such manuscripts, instead approving them for publication.

The literature is awash with papers lacking basic control studies.

It turns out that, if you run such controls (meaning no purported virus was added to the cells in culture) you get the same results.

The falling apart of the cells is an unavoidable consequence of the way they’re treated, and has nothing at all to do with the alleged “cytopathic effect” of alleged viruses.

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Thank you, Dr Yeadon. I try to be careful with my words…the current theory/hypothesis has been falsified. This doesn’t require that another theory/hypothesis be available to explain things. It also doesn’t mean that the existence of tiny disease causing particles are necessarily excluded from all possibility.

I meant what I said about uncoupling myself from what I have learned to be settled science and fact. I don’t intend to immediately reattach myself to another thought paradigm that prevents me from entertaining new evidence, should it be presented.

I’m also well outside my lane here, and I realize that. I just want to know what’s real…and I can see that a lot of what we thought was real was built on a foundation of flaws, at best…but more likely, overt lies.

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I’m still trying to get to the bottom of this. How do you know that the “ infected“ sample contained the target virus? In other words, what was the chain of custody from a human to a COVID-19 infected sample? How was that sample verified as containing COVID-19? I get that the control sample shouldn’t have any features looking like CDC’s examples but what do we know about the Covid sample that was isolated for Alexanders’ experiments.

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You do realise that the concept of a virus was thought up (completely made up concept without any empirical basis) in order to try explain "contagion".

When you learn that "contagion" is not an actual phenomenon but merely a misinterpretation of the facts, then you realise that there is no rationale whatsoever for the existence of a virus. You then also realise that they will as a result never discover a virus.

By saying you don't want to jump in the no virus camp because someone might still discover a virus one day, shows that you have still not appreciated the implications of the lack of contagion point in this debate.

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You were the first person who alerted me to this way of thinking. And I agree that "no evidence" is the accurate description. (We know absence of evidence is not evidence of absence). But the poor science, the utterly broken science?

On the other hand, I have to ask myself what does this approach prevent us from seeing? I'm looking at "terrain theory" as best I understand it. It certainly makes sense from the outline I understand, which is to do things that help one stay healthy (nutrition, sleep, sunlight, etc) and avoid toxins. I'm not ready to jump on a theory I recently found wholeheartedly, but it seems common sense.

One thing I do know: Health has been made hard by misdirection (lowfat diets, food pyramids, etc, avoid sun) and by ubiquitous toxins all around. I am currently throwing out a bunch of kitchen items suspected of containing lead/heavy metals, for example. But it seems a drop in the bucket. Also trying to go off medications/supplements, etc. Won't make up for what's already been damaged, but something, anyway.

These aren't solutions to the problem overall, but I am becoming healthier. And can live to fight another day.

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Katie sunshine is one of the most important things to keep healthy and people are bombarded to stay out of it or slap tons of blocking chemicals if they do venture out in it.

When my two teenagers were babies onwards they were put in the sun at certain times of the day.

As toddlers I had them fed and dressed ready for the early sun without a drop of cream and even the youngest who is extremely fair skinned like me never burnt and even would get some colour.

They are literally obsessed with scaring everyone to death with their constant terrorising and gaslighting.

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We also have to understand that we have very rich and powerful group of people who iworked together and they control science and the scientists and many medical professionals and they can just made up things of any sort that doesn’t make sense to real and genuine scientist and medical professionals . Money, power and fame has driven many people to do evil things!

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Mike, you misrepresent a position of so called no virus people camp or viruses don't exist camp.

Their position is that existence of viruses that are claimed to be proven have never been proven by experimentation on independent variables or direct real time observation of all vital occurring processes. I and others were sharing this information with public on social media platforms since the beginning of 2020.

Per logic absolute non existence of some variable can't be proven.

Mike, you should communicate more with people like me, Jordan Grant, Mike Stone and others because you can learn a lot from us. Do not let your ego to prevent you from doing this.

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You’re right. I won’t pretend I’m that interested though.

Please, just do what each is best doing.

I’m irked that others appear to believe “If only person X will correctly describe Y”, something important will happen.

I’m best qualified to comment on areas I’ve spent my professional life in.

Plenty of others are just brilliant in their fields of expertise.

I earnestly ask us to do what we’re best at, because we’re most compelling as witnesses.

I’m massively over the goal line. The whole field is fraud.

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Jun 16
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Jun 16Edited
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Dpl, surely you can see there is a HUGE difference between a unicorn and a virus? The concept of not being able to prove a negative? Your insistence on the statement that viruses don’t exist just seems ignorant.

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No proof for any disease being transmissible by the current definition of the word virus means that viruses also have never been proven to exist.

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Jun 16
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There is no such camp because unicorns don't exist camp is about existence of unicorns is not proven. And not about absolute existence of them is not proven.

Straw manning is a logical fallacy.

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Jun 17
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No need to. People call people like me various names. But we made our arguments clear about existence of viruses since 2020. The issue is with those who misrepresent what we say.

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Jun 17
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It is an advantage to have retained a child's sense of logic in times like these, when so many emperors walk around naked, believing they are dressed in the finest clothes.

My childish, logical sense and my urge to call a spade a spade caused me to perceive roughly the same thing:

No one has provably seen a unicorn, Santa Claus, or a bunch of flying pigs, but we can't allow ourselves to openly deny their existence until we've proven they don't exist, because someone could draw a picture and say, "look for yourself !" They really do exist"..!?!

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"No one has provably seen a unicorn, Santa Claus, or a bunch of flying pigs,..."

I have, prove me wrong.

If they'd let me out of this straight jacket I'd catch one for you.

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Hahaha, yes, I guess I could have worded that a little better😁

But the burden of proof is still on you😉

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You appear to be describing the allopathic medicine model.

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But why people get the same sickness when being exposed to someone for example who had the flu symptoms? My son when he started to go to day care at 6 months always get sick with flu symptoms almost every week. Literally, it was an ending cycle. When he was 3 yrs old I completely took him out of day care and look after him at home. Since then, he never had any single sniffle or even a mild flu symptoms as in never! So that was interesting!. When my son came with flu symptoms from day care we also as a family catch it? Where is the sickness coming from? Is it not a virus??

I’m confused! And I’m sure so many other people.

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1. They often don’t. But nobody keeps notes of the number of times they’re “exposed” to someone with a “viral illness”, yet don’t go on to become sick.

2. Apparent contagion is explained by (a) coincidence. We develop acute respiratory illnesses like colds quite often. When you do, most people think back to the last person they came across who looked sick and decide they “caught it” from them. Did you know that when clinical investigators have sought to demonstrate that transmission of symptoms every, they never can? Not in 100+ years of trying. Also (b) when people genuinely do become ill close in time to someone they’re close to, it’s shared environmental factors that caused then both to become unwell.

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Are you aware of the results of measles parties in the 1950s as to production of measles in the attendees

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... and chicken pox. What's not known, is how many of those kids did actually come down with the illnesses immediately following. I recall that my own sisters, in the 1950s, didn't "catch" the mumps from me, nor the many bouts of flu I suffered back then. However, I'm less convinced that STDs are not immediately transmitted. My own experience from the 1970s puts the lie to "terrain theory" on that one.

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That contagion was not recorded and followed says a lot about the seriousness of getting to the truth. The creation of the virology myths at the time was more important. And the rest is supposed unassailable history.

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Hi Mike, what environmental factors, and where is the evidence attached to suppositions like, I dunno, EMFs, or foods, or microbiome shifts, or emotional imprinting? After 36 years medical practice I've yet to find evidence of a better explanation that fits my observations and experiences than a transmitted agent. And I have a fellowship in environmental medcine. I'm open though.

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confirmation bias

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You don't seriously expect a remote diagnosis from someone who takes the subject seriously, do you? Your anecdote, and that's all it is, can have hundreds of explanations. Mould in the nursery, dust and mites in the toys or cuddly blankets, a food source, old water pipes, poor ventilation, dirt in the sandpit in the playground, stress from staff, lack of sleep, the children are getting regular vaccinations and antibiotics or other medication because they are all the same age, the parents follow the vaccination schedules, fear mutual 'infection' in the daycare and therefore the children also fall ill at the same time because of the vaccinations, get middle ear infections because of this, get medication because of this and therefore also have to detox constantly, every influence and everything combined comes into question.

Please read through the results of the control experiments again.

A 'virus' absolves everyone of responsibility, because as an 'infected' person you are always a victim. That's appealing and easy, but it doesn't get us out of the vicious circle.

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Not to mention, the extreme emotional disturbance of being separated all day long, Mon-Friday, from the body/soul that gave birth to you and is supposed to nurture and care for you in those tenderest of years. Rather than paid strangers.

Which means this: "feminism" is the main root of our civilizational demise. And that, plus public schooling that separates siblings forever from one another by restricting them to same-age peer groups, has ruined family life, love and connection. But that's another topic.

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Thank you. Speaking of Covid. I never had Covid and I didn’t get the shot but surprisingly 98% of people I worked with and came into close contact had multiple infections after they got vaccinated . And I worked as a cleaner during he heat of the Plandemic!! So I was exposed to public and dirty environments and also sick people with COVID but I never really got sick. There are people telling me the next day after they had the Covid shot they got Covid!

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Hi Anen, I hope you see my response to follow the silenced, but I also hope you don't feel slighted by my denouncement of day care... I'm also fully cognizant of the fact many parents, single or otherwise, are forced out of their homes to work in order to provide the family's basic necessities. Again, we have the feminist movement to (not) thank for that.

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Joanie the feminist movement has a lot answer for, both my sister in laws farmed their children out for my mother in law to look after and I was mocked for staying home with my two.

Their opinions mattered very little to me as raising my children in a healthy happy home has always been my top priority.

I remember when the oldest started preschool how one of the mums commented on how my two managed to avoid so much of the sickness that the other children had, I told them they’d played out in all weathers since they started walking had eaten plenty of muck to build up a good immune system.

Even now as elder teenagers they healthy apart from the odd cold every now and then.

I’ve always fed them well with plenty of nutritional food to feed those brains and bodies.

I am generation x who had mumps, measles, chickenpox etc and is still here so know no one needs all these vaxxes.

My mother is in her 80’s, her mother lived into her 90’s and ate everything that they tell folk Is bad for them now. How can we have so many old people around if everything they did was so bad.

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Exactly! My mother died just a year and a half ago, a month before her 102nd birthday. Dad lived to 90, healthy as a horse except for the dementia that ground him down. People are fooled into believing that we collectively live longer than past generations but I believe it's the opposite.

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No such thing as Covid.

They had fraudulent PCR results that told them they had the pre-designated outcome.

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It's crazy-making that so many, including those of us who resisted the mandates, still refer to "Covid" as real.

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I don’t personally believe about Covid. I worked in the nursing home and No one had Covid until after the roll out of vaccines then the use of RAT test and PCR tests for Covid. I tested the orange fruit and orange juice using the RAT test and it tested positive 😂

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Excellent and accurate.

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It is extremely stressful for babies and young children to be abandoned by their parents and left to strangers in a strange environment - and their bodies respond physically to the confusion and despair that they cannot express in any other way.

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I hadn't seen your response, which is essentially what I've just written above, having come late to the conversation.

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Regardless of the debate about the existence of 'viruses', in regards to C19, it was all computer code. No evidence. PLUS impact of EMF/5G rollout and the military intelligence manipulation of EMF frequencies needs to be taken seriously.

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Start with having the indoor air of that day care center tested. Indoor air is some of the most polluted air you'll find.

After that we can look at about 50 other concrete explanations before attributing your son's illness to an invisible "something or other."

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What, Exactly, would the air be tested for? Dust, Chemicals, Humidity?

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Let's not forget electromagnetic frequencies, now being made inescapable

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It varies widely- depends on where one lives, the structure itself, composition' of building materials, heating/cooling systems, ventilation systems, hygiene of residents, subsurface of domicile and many other factors.



"Several reports by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have demonstrated that indoor air pollution levels in homes, workplaces, and school classrooms are typically 2-5 times higher than outdoor pollution levels and can quickly become 100 times worse than outdoor air pollution."


Start talking about institutional settings like day care centers, schools, hospitals, workplaces etc. and the air quality in these buildings is atrocious and people spend enormous amounts of time breathing that air.

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I totally understand where you are coming from but again, would the environment be tested for Dust, Chemicals, Humidity? Or how about Vaccinations deemed necessary by the Health board?

There are diseases, what they are I don't know. How they transmit I don't know. What I do know is that when cleanliness became a prerequisite all illnesses declined to their lowest level.

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Most all disease are multi-factorial there are instances of "a single cause" such as mass radiation poisoning etc. but those are rare.

My view is that the terminology used to characterize "a disease" is loaded.

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None of the replies you've received answer your legitimate questions.

I have the same questions. I don't think anyone has the answers. Yet.

So...until there are legitimate answers, I treat illness for what it is and I see other people who are not necessarily exposed to environmental conditions who are sick with the same illness and I try to do the best I can to cure the illness and prevent exposing other people to it since there are no answers to date as to how illness is spread.

I don't get vaccinated for anything since the causes are still not understood.

Since covid, many people have jumped on the bandwagon of this or that. I prefer to walk rather than hitch a ride on a bandwagon.

Best wishes for the health of your family. God Bless.

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You said something interesting in your post. Your son seems more comfortable at home perhaps because he is less stressed in his environment. We tend to forget our psychological makeup when it comes to illness. Stress is a factor in illness.

It has been demonstrated that we can make ourselves ill or well by our own thoughts. Hypochondria is the label used for this phenomena. There is a nocebo effect in which we can make ourselves ill by our thoughts as well as the placebo effect in which we can make ourselves well by our thoughts. We are electrically connected to everything in the universe, and it appears that information might travel in light, sound, or the ether.

Also, our environment is likely the biggest factor in wellness or lack thereof. That encompasses our emotional state, food, nutrition, toxic substances, EMFs, and much more. It doesn't have to be reduced to "the one thing" and when we do that, we can easily lose sight of what might also be significant.

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When I was a child there was a day care center, free for low income people like our family. We all went there.

Some years later, my brother went back to visit the old 'hood and saw that it was all cordoned off and "toxic site" signs up. Bacteria still cause problems as well.

Plus, lots of the toys are toxic for lead and other chemicals. Who knows? It will vary place to place. It may be safer at home.

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The vaccinations destroy your babies immune system. They don't even care.

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Flu is a detox to rid the illness (toxins) and seems to be contagious, just like laughing and yawning. But it is not transmissible as someone who has nothing to detox won't ever 'get' flu.

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In a way, it's not whether or not viruses exist. It's more what they have done with the falsified science, and what are we calling science, anyway? A lot of it is technology and modeling. And both never live up to the hype, but they'll do terrible things in the name of both. Billy and Elon.

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The problem is the difficulty to maneuver around the preconceived walls in the mind.

It is a scary decision to understand that the world and U.S. Health systems are in it for the money and wish you a slow death for that purpose.

We always thought they cared about us.

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They have ways of making us sick and they distract us with "virus" nonsense.

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Countess 3 Automated Cell Counters utilize machine-learning algorithms to provide fast and accurate cell counts as well as cell and viability counts. Countess instruments are compatible with a broad range of cell types and have been verified for use with several commonly used cell lines and primary cell types. Applications extend beyond counting to viability, apoptosis, transfection efficiency, and more.


::raises hand slowly::

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Also slowly raising hand about cell lines and calf serum. It's Virology's standard practice. Which is inherently flawed. But to tear it down and show the flaws, it is necessary to speak the language....unfortunately.

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Great post!

On this point which I had not seen, with the "machine learning", my alarm went off inside.

Beyond virology to medical science, generally.

How do they program the algorithm?

To count the cells.

Getting a strong DTRA Domane "supercomputer" vibe and also PCR Not a Test vibe.

I have a terrible sense about how this can/is going to be used.

"The Spike Protein Counter" coming soon. We reduced it with the nattokinnase. See, here is the reading.

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It just counts the little spikes on its fingers...

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"The computer said..."

Computers Botching Shit.

Baked into the cake.

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C'mon Sage if you can't trust computers what can you trust?! Personally, if I couldn't trust computers the world would be lost to me, or some such lol

Bake into the cake, solidly.

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Terms like machine learning and AI are like shiny objects luring kittens to part with their money. “Sophisticated investors”

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These lab machines, the cell counter, the thermal-cycler of PCR, the fancy microscopes of the pathologists... the pictures of these products look like the Iron Maiden death pods of the Kanadian tyranny.

Maybe the designers wanted the lab technicians to feel safe and comfortable while the computers replaced them and killed their jobs, and what says safety and comfort better that entering in a smart iCoffin, copied from the original 1979 film "Alien, the 8th Passenger."

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The idea is that the Computers will bypass the now Ostensible Doritos Eating Human Automan that rushes to their computer to check out the "standards of care" as laid down by the hollow shell of the CDC or what have you and nods and dispenses the drugs.

Eliminate the middle man/woman.

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I think it's application in this instance is not overly alarming.

Because of the way that these Cell Viability counters work it is just registering negative space as Dead Cells. It is fairly obvious to even the untrained eye where this line is dead/CPE/ apoptosis has occured.

I would agree that there maybe some nefarious uses in counting ADDITIONAL growth of cells, say in Cancer Research where it could be used to suggest growth=cancer.

I am skeptical as are you of all of these machines that are entrusted to "find" the science as it is just hides the Programmer of said machines behind a shroud, like the Wizard of Oz

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Are you able to simply explain in one to two sentences why PCR is not a reliable indicator of disease or an alleged disease causing pathogen?


I have been working on this and got it down to two short paragraphs in some post that I cannot find and cannot reconstruct on the fly which shows poor matstery.

On one end the pathogen has not been properly isolated.

On the other end an amplified sequence is found which purports to be the not isolated pathogen.

That alleged pathogen on either end has not been shown to repeatedly cause disease.

Both ends of this unproven pathogen metric hunting "science" prop up the entire industry to take over the world and force countermeasures into bodies as pretext for public health.

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When it comes to genetics I would urge you to look further.

To my mind Virology and Genetics are the same fraud.

When you look at the "isolation" of DNA there is just as spurious methodologies employed as in virology.

Nobody has ever photographed a nucleotide for instance.

So when it comes to PCR... I describe it in its simplest terms: The KNOWINGLY put a flourescent dye in a test tube with a sample ASSUMED to contain something. The put a primer in which is supposed to align ONLY with specific Nucleotides that when it does makes the Dye flouresce... then a camera picks up how much that dye has flouresced.

Even more simply they have put a KNOWINGLY put in a dye that when seen have just ascribed a very complex completely unseen process as to why it floursced.

I will be putting out in my Substack some pretty mental stuff about the inaccuries of Genetic Sequencing in the near future, as it is a but long to go into in a comments thread. Hopefully that has sparked some interest.

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okay thanks, Jamie. Thanks for doing the experiments, too.

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This is exactly it. Whole branches of thinking , paid for by billionaires and law enforced to us minions based on flawed computer models. All this AI nonsense is only as good as it’s instructions- why are people not seeing this.

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I'm a bit late but your line of questioning regarding the cell counters reminds me of Elizabeth Holmes and her Theranos machine. Were we fed that story to underline that not all machines make the grade? Just a thought 🤔

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I'm down with what ur saying Sarah and what Jamie Alexander is doing, love it, and open to the ideas. But something makes people sick on a regular basis everywhere in the world...hopefully that can then be explained as in depth as this current reasearch.

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Endogenous illnesses. Acute respiratory illnesses are established not to be infectious or contagious.

Therefore, their origins must be endogenous.

I have several reasonable theories.

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Go ahead, I’m all ears. I want to learn. The divide between what most other people think about virus and contagion and allopathic medicine is like living in an entirely different reality.

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Please explain Dr Mike, been following your stuff since these shenanigans started, always like to hear your thoughts.

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Frequencies? There was an orgy of satellite additions sent up and 5-G cell towers installed during 'lock-downs' (2 weeks to flatten the economic curve) when the COVID scan was first rolled out.

There were reports that 'COVID' seemed to not have been occurring in areas where 5-G had not been installed, at least until they were.

It would not surprise me to learn that toxic frequencies were responsible for much illness/chronic fatigue/brain fog, etc., especially when EVERYTHING was being attributed to 'COVID'. Who will ever forget the scary-scary 'COVID Toe'?

Also, we must bear in mind the effects of billions of tons of insoluble nano-particles and toxic chemicals having been/being sky-sprayed and dumped into virtually everything, virtually everywhere, are not being imposed for the good health of any Earth Life...

This on top of the usual GMO/chemical pollutants in air, food and water, and the spray-planes flying over to-be-sun-dimmed cities also increasing levels of anyway highly toxic aircraft particulate known for decades to increase respiratory illness in direct relation to exposures to those living under flight-paths and near airports, even apart from the sprayed 'geo-engineering' chemicals and inhalable airborne nano-particles.

We are kept nutrient-deprived, fed GMO/toxic chemical-laden food - now, with extra tech.

And we are to be deprived of access to vitamin supplements, herbs and natural health products, by those seeking to protect public health and democracy by keeping them safe, well away from the global public expected to regard terrorists and other criminals as 'health experts' seeking to 'regain our trust'.

After poisoning/genetically engineering everyone and everything they could.

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Open to the idea but people got sick long before this stuff existed. I work in tech and am totally on the side of radiation bad, but no matter the evidence every hospital and Dr's office is coated in WIFI.

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One of the flaws with many early* methods of constructing vaccines is it was essentially extract putrid gunk from some horribly sick animal, and then injecting into people. So what-all inhabits these cell lines, etc at the start is a good question.

* OK maybe all

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On the surface of it... these were very good contagion studies.

Injecting people with diseased tissues and people being fine *SHOULD* have lead to the conclusion that Contagion is a myth.

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Reading the Dissolving Illusions book, don’t think they were all that fine. In fact stopping or reducing the practice of injecting people with such gunk is suggested as one of the reasons for the health improvements preceding, yet attributed to the advent of vaccines.

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Depends how it was done. Some were more brutal than others.. and injecting anything is unnatural and will cause some sort of harms.

They never would manage to produce the disease blamed on the "virus" however.

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Agree it unlikely though do believe there is such a thing as “vaccine induced” measles cases. Think thats suggested as one of the possibilities here: https://substack.com/home/post/p-85299357?r=r6d2x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Whose DNA is it feeding the cell lines? Can you sterilize DNA?

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Incredible post, that explains the complex in a simple understandable way. I was already seriously questioning virus theory and this just cinched it. Brava! 🔥💥❤️💕❤️

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Which makes this study incredibly interesting, due to the timing and the conclusions.

April 3, 2020! Before the "bomb" goes off.

We already had a paper that IVM kills it, y'all. The novel virus!

April 3, 2020: "A collaborative study led by the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI)... has shown that an anti-parasitic drug (IVM) kills the virus within 48 hours."

From the World Ivermectin Day website


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Isn’t that odd?

Almost as if someone wanted people to take a specific drug.

A drug that, by sheer coincidence that heavily & adversely affects fertility.

Watch this space.

I cannot adequately explain how angry I am at this realisation.

Especially at the pushers of ivermectin.

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Yes…this was a hard pill to swallow for me as well, pardon the pun.

Dr Yeadon, how familiar are you with p glycoprotein and how it relates to IVM? What about in combination with hormonal contraceptives (which very many women take). The primary literature papers on progesterone are inaccessible to me. They require institution affiliation or paid access, which is incredibly irritating.

From the fertility aspect, I’m curious about how infertility might be increased by regular prophylactic use of IVM in conjunction with drugs that are already being taken…birth control, statins, PPIs, Synthroid, beta blockers. What about the exponential uptick in semaglutide use?

Would appreciate any thoughts you might have…

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In abstract, very familiar.

It’s understood by all involved in new drug design & subsequent practical R&D, that drug disposition (absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination) is subject to numerous factors.

For small molecule drugs, we pretty much have a handle on all the processes.

That doesn’t mean we can reliably predict what will yto any new, orally taken drug, but we can bound the most likely behaviour quite well.

Where it comes to interfering with metabolism and elimination, we’ve known for decades that some drugs & even foodstuffs can affect the behaviour of drugs.

Pgp is a collective term for transporters across cell membranes. They have natural roles and can sometimes be used by foreign substances. Things that interact with pgp can be competitive with something else trying to “use the same exit door”. Other times they can simply block pgp.

Either way, if that’s an important pathway used by a drug, the interfering material can have a marked effect on the behaviour of the drug in question, rendering it more toxic.

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Hi Mike,

As someone who used to drench 6000 sheep and 500 head of cattle with ivermectin I have my own questions and theories regarding the fertility issue being promoted today. As if farmers saw even a slight drop in fertility (and profits) any negative effects of ivermectin would have come to light and been exposed many years ago. Those stock bred at normal rates for years. The amount I received in those days though spillage of ivermectin pour on's and drenches would have been huge and I certainly had no issues later producing offspring, same as most farmers here.

This in no way denies fertility issues identified in African countries where benevolent pharma and Bill donated huge amounts of ivermectin.

Has anyone even thought the ivermectin donated there may have had a tad of infertility drugs included? The same as these substances were identified as included in those generously donated vaccines to the same targeted nations.

I still personally take an uncontaminated form of ivermectin for the purpose of keeping my polymer loading down, and do so every few months incorporating a worming protocol.

Dr Arne Burkhardt identified some of the components of the calamari (found in the living also, as we do here- not just the dead) came from the endothelial lining of our veins and my understanding is that ivermectin also assists in healing these.

I am always open to be wrong on any point here but it seems important that any attack on cheap substances that may well save lives should be openly debated.

My end take is that the psyop to poison the unjabbed with poisoned ivermectin (and hydroxy, suppliments , meds etc etc) was incredibly well done and very successful even to this day. Most ivermectin's I have looked at are indeed contaminated.

The only law I recognize today is the law of survival it seems.

Thanks and Regards, Matt

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Hi Matt,

That’s useful information. Drenching is unlikely to have resulted in significant blood levels.

All I can say is that there’s a significant body of literature indicating risk of harm to mammalian reproduction.

In humans, it’s use is being encouraged for no good reason. I don’t know how the systemic exposures compare with those after drenching.

In the human case, use is also being encouraged of supplements which inhibit the elimination of ivermectin.

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Recent threads on Sage’s stack also leading towards similar pissed-offediness


After armchair quarterback reading: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.09.10.20191619v1

Which basically uses this as a pseudo control: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.07.20148304v3

Note particularly the cities there, and think Jessica Hockett/PANDA

I think this was the magic trick — am I misrepresenting based on that one study? Works best if IVM actually did have some general short term benefit:


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Wasn’t there something about hydroxy chloroquine too? Just read .. can’t remember. The level of planning and contingency planning is unreal to me.

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The murder of the nice Canadian couple who were the largest manufacturers just prior to the scam led me to believe they may not have been willing to dope it with poisons.

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Thank you, Heather.


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For me, too!

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Thank you for your kind words Heather.

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I have had a hard time coming to any conclusions one way or the other. What a rotten little fence-sitter I be!

This is tipping me towards this side. A lot of very compelling stuff.

I still have a lot of questions regarding how and what is being passed on or rather, what is it that makes large swaths of populations in any given area sick with the same symptoms? Poisoning? Radiation? 🤔

What about when a person is among sick people on one side of the world, and then goes back to the other side and they all get sick with the same thing?

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All good questions, TC, and frustrating....however, disproving the THEORY of germs and viral transmission as the cause of illness does not require an alternate explanation. The theory that has been foundational for our medical system has been falsified. This has nothing to do with whether there is a viable existing alternate theory. Before we can move on, one must release the falsified theory and stop using it to explain observations.

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I love this response Sarah. It's exactly what needs to happen to hold those responsible accountable for their demonic agenda. I especially appreciate your phrasing.

"...disproving the THEORY of germs and viral transmission as the cause of illness does not require an alternate explanation. The theory that has been foundational for our medical system has been falsified. This has nothing to do with whether there is a viable existing alternate theory. Before we can move on, one must release the falsified theory and stop using it to explain observations. "

Now, how can we learn how to communicate this new paradigm to those who will not listen.

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Was it ever the case that people among sick people took the disease with them and an outbreak occurred in another part of the world? I'd like to see studies where it wasn't just a test that spread, but an actual phenomenon.

That would mean that there are places in the world where there is no pollution at all, no radiation, no negative influences. And in this utopia, people would have to get sick from the returnee. I don't know of a single experiment of this kind.

I don't accept the old seafaring stories as scientific studies because they are illogical. How are measles in woollen blankets supposed to survive a sea voyage lasting several months without killing the entire crew? How are survivors with immunity supposed to be carriers? Was the blanket with measles perhaps just a fig leaf so that the natives could be elegantly eliminated? At that time it was about immeasurable natural resources, territory resources. It sounds much more humane when history says that the blankets unfortunately contained measles, which did not kill the sailors, but the Indians.... Problem of resistance cleverly solved, right?

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This basic experiment, transmission of symptoms, or contagion, has been tried dozens of times over a CENTURY.

They all failed to show transmission of symptoms.

Please find an exception.

For me, it was coming across this trove of empirical evidence that pushed me to the conclusion that acute respiratory illnesses are non-infectious in nature and also not contagious.

Why hasn’t this evidence ever featured in a mainstream media report?

I think the answer is obvious. It destroys the basis of fear-control.

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"Why hasn’t this evidence ever featured in a mainstream media report?"

Because 99.9% of regime stenographers wouldn't know evidence if they sat on it. They graduated from *journalism* school. They haven't seen the inside of a science book since third grade.

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This is exactly my post:

But why people get the same sickness when being exposed to someone for example who had the flu symptoms? My son when he started to go to day care at 6 months always get sick with flu symptoms almost every week. Literally, it was an ending cycle. When he was 3 yrs old I completely took him out of day care and look after him at home. Since then, he never had any single sniffle or even a mild flu symptoms as in never! So that was interesting!. When my son came with flu symptoms from day care we also as a family catch it? Where is the sickness coming from? Is it not a virus??

I’m confused! And I’m sure so many other people.

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It"s the continuous medical pressure from the physicians and medical community constantly telling you crap for decades.

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Indeed! When we think we already know 'THE answer' we often fail to look at other possibilities that might ultimately turn out to be far more likely.

I certainly did, for a very long time...

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We were fed what we know. We thought it was truth from those that we held in high esteem.

What we didn't know is that they were guessing.

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Incredible diligent work you do. I’ve been a nurse for 30 years, was on the infection committee at a level I CountyTrauma Hospital staffed by Baylor trained physicians, smarties, never heard never knew this info. Yes my PC MD has alluded that if you don’t have x symptoms then it is assumed to be viral but never knew it was unprovable and in fact a mere assumption. I do get the Covid bullshit though….enough to get a religious exemption.

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I worked in the medical field in the military. I saw sick call, did physical exams, throat swabs, etc. I also worked some in the lab. Every time someone had an acute illness and nothing showed up in a petri dish, we told the patient that they had a virus and to drink lots of water, get rest, take aspirin, bla bla bla. It never occurred to me at that time that we never once tested anyone for ANY virus. How could we have? THERE WERE NO TESTS. We simply made it up. Not only that, we never made the connection that we made it up because we could not prove our own "truth".

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It unfortunately is used as a Get Out of Jail free card for damages by the Allopathic/Medical/Industrial/Agricultural/Environmental sectors.

Just like DDT poisoning... the government encourage Farmers to spray harmful pesticides on crops, people get neurological disorders and the allopathic model cover it up with "IT WAS DA POLIO VIRUS THAT WAS WHAT DID IT"

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Riddle me this:

If a virus with spike proteins around the perimeter can cannot be identified with a visual microscope, how can lone spike proteins 100x smaller, be seen in tissue cultures using a microscope.

Answer: It is impossible to see 10-25nm spike proteins with a microscope.

Conventional optical microscopes have a resolution limited by the size of submicron particles approaching the wavelength of visible light (400–700 nm).

Dark field microscopes can 'detect' objects as small as 40nm. But still, what is being seen is light scattering off objects, not the objects themselves. They cannot be positively identified as to their origin or function. For example, if you see a shadow of what looks like a bunny rabbit on a wall, are you seeing a bunny rabbit? No. The shadow could be of someones fingers in the shape of the rabbit.

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Are you calling into question Arne Burkhardt’s conventional microscope examinations using his staining technique to identify spike proteins? I’ve been wondering about that since Sage and others have been raising the question of spike protein as a pathogen. Was Burkhardt actually another Peter McCullough? Personally, I don’t know.

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So, never order the Chef's Special at a restaurant called Plato's Cave? Or if you want to lose weight, frequent one of the Jung's Buffet outlets, where shadow work is always on the menu? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8aWBcPVPMo

May have more serious conjectures later, but can seldom resist dropping Feynman in da house.

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Completely agree with all you wrote here. I spent a long time going through all the virology stuff last summer and had to conclude it makes no sense.

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Sarah! Thank you for this in-depth breakdown! I resonated with your comment when you mentioned, it was ridiculous to think that viruses were not real — but when one actually takes the time to look into it, they realize the whole theory is a facade.

PS: once you see that this part of reality doesn’t exist (viruses), wait till you see what else they’ve lies about: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

This article here is for individuals who need the science to back it up as I was just discuss with Matthew Crawford from Rounding The Earth so thanks for this: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/metaphysical-terms-in-the-physical

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Bret W is tweeting John Cullen’s belief that the *lab leak* in China was a coverup of a more severe Avian Flu. I listened to the guy many many months ago & did not resonate. Is the chorus re avian flu escalating?

As always, well done Sarah. Fire hosed JJ Couey’s work past week & really helped (knew they didn’t know how to treat tho science helps). He’s at Red Pill Expo this weekend intending to put it all on the line re no virus.

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Bret and Heather showed their full deck when she had tested positive again for the coof.

They actually did their podcast while sat outside which had question why had she tested and what is the point of a married couple sitting outside because of that test.

I already took what they said with a pinch of salt, that podcast though should have shook their die hard followers for the nonsense it was.

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Oh that is VERY interesting (BW elevating Cullen)

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When I left The Twit he had already snagged one of the group

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Who snagged who?

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I was bummed when Cullen started his “avian flu” schtick, because his mandalay story was great. Now I recognize him to be total bunk. But I really want to keep that mandalay story!

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Agree on NV, but he’s been on flu from the beginning (originally was military release of 1918 flu). And then there’s the Trump saving us all from the meteor storm thing… Sensationalism is a thing for him.

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Yeah. He was a new character for me when mandalay came up. That was my in. I’ve certainly seen the sensationalism the longer I’ve paid attention. Plus, he’s kinda got that ‘guilt by association’ thing going on. When I see someone I dug interview or podcast with a tier two, my first reaction is “well shit…” the more they do it, the more I realize what a chump I was in the first place.

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Jake Johannsen. When I was an undergrad, he had done a stand-up guest thing on Letterman, and it was brilliant, with ad-lib perfectly timed… So a few months later we found he was playing in town and had to go see him. And. it. was. the. identical. act. to. the. word. In some ways still impressive to have come up with a rehearsed act that could be taken as ad-lib.

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Thank you for brining Mathew (only one "t") into this. He adds a viewpoint that I consider extremely important. 👍👍

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Good work Sarah, welcome to the dark side!

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👆 Teams.

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Beautifully written Sarah. Concise: bringing each facet of THE deception into the light.

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Thank you, Jane. That means a lot, particularly because it comes from you 🙏🏼

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You are indeed relentless Miss Sarah! Thank you for making sense of a complicated subject and linking to others that do as well. Although I am currently unable to support your work, it is nonetheless very much appreciated! 🙏💖

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Happy to have you here AA!

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I have a comment to make about the declining health of the population.

People deny this. It cannot be that, in the past, people were healthier. The main killer was war. Politics. This includes the people who lost a war and survived, but were disabled. Those people were slowly executed by society. Completely marginalized. That's not an infectious disease.

Another big cause of death was work-related. Manual labor used to be more dangerous in the past.

But in general people were healthier. Monica Hughes did a post about this.

What happened?

Many things.

Basically, humans became a product sometime in the 1950s.

There was a conjunction of many interested parties: insurance companies, banks, teachers' unions and other workers' syndicates, agriculture and the financial world, the universities, the publishing industry and the media, the doctors and the religious organizations.

The pact of these groups was the basis of an imperial decree that stated that people could not be healthy anymore. Thus, there is a drug for every condition, even though most conditions are completely imaginary.

The word fraud does not begin to cover it.

But this is the center of the culture and the life and worldview of millions of people. It's not possible for them to simply hear the truth and give everything up. That's the greatest fear, greater than death, pain, disfiguration, poverty and even greater than social rejection. If one gives everything up, what then?

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They simply devised strategies to add poison into our lives.

Vaccines from day 1

Food tech industry

Perfume industry

Agricultural industry

Horticultural industry

Fluoride into water treatment plants

Cloud seeding chemicals shifted from silver iodide to aluminium and barium salts

Always financial costs has been the justification.

Yet there is always money available for war.

We are robust beings and hard to make sick without their multiple poison avenue approach.

Then add their health directions that send people 180 degrees in the opposite of wellness.

The immunity model that meets up with the germ/virus story - theory is the story reduced - needs ti be rejected too. Immunity is a reference to their story telling, not our physiology. Let’s revoke THEIR immunity with scrutiny and thoughtful analysis.

Restriction of salt, inverted food pyramid, oxygen use, big pHARMa prescriptions, early cancer detection: asymptomatic being the key feature and torturous cancer treatments that make death appealing.

Health is our wealth. As a society, we’ve allowed our health to be out-sourced to a group of people who benefit from illness. Probably time we changed that.

I say it’s up to each of us to bring wellness back home. Each home needs a wellness practitioner who takes an acid interest in physiology and the ingredients that create health.

Doctors will lose their current client base.

Hospitals will become emergency centres to heal accidental injuries. Hospitals will be staffed with people who adhere to the oath: first do no harm.

If this shift occurs from THE Dr WHO lockstep cv19 demo, it will be looked back on historically as a pivotal event, the silver lining apparent.

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Oops a few typos, avid not acid interest

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Watching people in my small town, I get the sense that many have afflictions and are not really healthy.

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Why do humans become similarly sick when they around sick individuals, and why did hand washing seemingly reduce transmission rates? If there are no viruses, then is there another theory re illnesses? Are we saying there are no viruses but there are bacterial infections? Sorry, just trying to wrap my head around all this.

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Infectiousness seems to be the reduced sauce variable to study.

Does it happen? Does it happen EVERY TIME?

If it happens as advertised, say with *Covid* then should not have every graph of death looked like NYC, which flatlined never to go back up after eleven weeks by the way.

Why did the Super Antigen stop spreading and killing people?

Same pathogen, right? Still out there, right? Spreading silently all the time. Why don't we still wear masks and lock down until it's gone?

One thing that made me think was that analogy of scurvy on ships. It was thought to be infectious disease. It was lack of Vitamin C.

Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory seems to be the Red-Blue Binary that one is urged to trample into.

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The NAV people stopped the "terrain theory" wording long ago. It emerged to mirror "germ theory" and they probably stopped it because it of the potential for that false binary trap.

The idea that remains is that most infectious diseases are caused simply by malnutrition or intoxication or bad thoughts or all at once. But the germs are not there to make you sick. That's the credo in a nutshell.

I remain open (though with difficulty) to the idea that some microbes may cause some damage, in some cases. And that may be mistaken for an infection, because it's really difficult to overcome the programming.

But if there is no evidence that germs can jump from one person to the next, and cause some degree of disease, then this whole idea should be dropped.

I guess if Roytas gets some attention someone will try to attack his debunking by claiming he cherry-picked the studies on transmission of disease. If they bring the good papers, the ones that prove (more or less) that contagious disease by germs is possible, then we can have a debate. If they have nothing... well... then it's all a massive scientific fraud, and we've all been wrong for too long. A hard sell!

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An invisible threat is always a great boogeyman. Just a long-standing War on Terror which is a reaction and not a cause and not a public or societal thing unless created by those who want to synthesize a solution which will dominate the individual.

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The transmission issue is one that is often brought up. I linked a Tom Cowan interview with Daniel Roytas that I think will be helpful. In his book Can You Catch A Cold, he reviews the available scientific literature regarding transmission at length.

Because we view illness through the lens of germ theory and viral transmission, it is very difficult to entertain the notion that this may not be how/why people become ill.

"They" have been attempting to prove transmission for quite a long time, and have failed miserably.

An observation of similar symptoms at similar times does make it appear that something is being passed, and learning that this passage is established FACT makes it incredibly difficult to see otherwise. The fact that remains however, is that transmission has NOT been proven, despite a great deal of effort and expense. I encourage you to look at the work I linked in the post regarding this particular aspect of the virology.

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Would love to have a Germ Theory Whispering.

A Steel Man doctrine of what Germ Theory entails.

(Agent Roger says germ is short for "germination")

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Germ Theory Whispering


::adds to list::

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Exosomes? Electricity between humans?

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My wife “catches” almost everything. I “catch” almost nothing. Except food poisoning. Just my anecdotal observation.

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Thanks for this stack Sarah and SH for pointing me here. Perhaps "they" need to resurrect, rethink the miasma fork in the road - in terms of resonance or some sort of electrical synchronizing that occurs with proximity. Whether it's vibrational, electrical or even an unmeasurable state of consciousness, we pass by or rub up against one another and adopt (or not) one another's current state of being. Germs and viruses may just be gross representations, bugs, we crude humans conjure as we just can't wrap our minds around refined energies.

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Contagion is a very lazy and commercially convenient mode thinking. Historically, it has been disproved many times. Scientifically then, one might first exclude all other potential challenges to well being and health before even contemplating alighting on the as yet unproved notion of an invisible, never seen, self-replicating intracellular parasite. Hence a consideration of 'Terrain', including EMF pollution etc... Elevation of the computer modelled abstraction of the hitherto unseen pathogenic "virus", as an in silico modelled sequence and that allegedly provides the basis for an injectable synthetic polynucleotide sequence in a vector ensemble of lipid nanoparticles is phlogiston on steroids. It will likely not end well for the legion of snake oil salesmen and women, and their political and corporate sponsors.

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I would recommend taking what Tom Cowan says with a big grain of salt. I have heard him suggest treating people with allergies by exposing them to the allergic thing which is a kind of primitive baptism of fire. As Couey has pointed out, the No Virus people do not take the position to its malevelent conclusion that, if true, fraud was done, murder was done, manipulation was done and harm was done intentionally all with the lies of a conman. It is no accident. It is not just a mistaken approach.

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Building tolerance to an allergen isn't really a fringe approach warranting dismissal, in my opinion. Isn't that what allergy shots are? I have many clients that use this method successfully...but this doesn't really have anything to do with my post or the Cowan interview I linked.

Neither does the rest of your comment, which I also respectfully disagree with. I think that the malevolent conclusion is being drawn across the board. Which people have you or JJ heard saying that fraud, murder, and manipulation haven't been done?

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The first "alternative " modality I was exposed to, by chance, was by doing a locum for an "allergist" who practised the then dying art (now dead?) of intradermal provocation-neutralisation therapy. Blow me, it worked like a charm. I surmised at the time due to a mixture of science, voodoo and placebo. It was bigger doses than homeopathic prolotherpay, but far safer than the alpyral desensitising injections that the bloke who took over the practice instituted. Reactions galore. The PN treatment died with the lovely old doctor , in Auckland NZ

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Thank you.

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Similar toxic exposures? Exosome exchanges? Perhaps with one person incidentally passing on to others a message sent internally to themselves from their cells, as well as such messages being shed into the air, potentially triggering a (runny nose/sneezing/coughing/etc.?) cleanse that's only comfortably/easily conducted in those having sufficient of various nutrients available with which to do so - without depriving already-nutrient-depleted essential organs?

As we know, chronic nutritional deficiencies and gratuitously-applied toxins go together just as the WHO/WEF do, in the destruction of health...

And just as we saw in the callous blocking of further miraculous saves of elderly people with multiple co-morbidities, whose families were able to able to obtain judicial orders to bring in an outside Dr., for high-dose Vit. C IV's and the like as a last-ditch attempt that - when managed in time - often allowed 'doomed-to-die Grandma' to walk out days later, losing the hospital the money from yet another death from 'COVID' while ripping holes in the Covid scam narrative.

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.... most dis-ease is because of weak immunity - gut issues - radiation also produces these "cytopathic effects"- oxidation - bio-molecular and "allergic" reactions produce flegm. It's not as hard to understand as they would like us to believe it is hard to understand. We are all the "cell culture" - a prison cell culture of sorts. We are in some ways just a consious with filters that can only handle so much dust and grit. The question is why the fuck didn't Immunologists and other disciplines MD "specialists"(sic) call the fuckers on their shit. Investors only see and believe hype - risk/reward endurance - it all needs exposure time. Immunity isn't for everyone.

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I expect it's easy for them to just say germs or viruses travel from person to person. Sometimes it appears that way and other times not so much. I think there is some other mechanism occurring but the medical community is smug with their germ theory and they do not want to dis-inflate their money making machine by doing more research.

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Jamie Alexander or Jamie Andrews? Can’t find anything about Jamie Alexander.

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WOW. Thank you! I had a friend, Jamie Alexander and I see that I managed to let that name take over in my brain. Thank you so much for catching it 🤦🏻‍♀️

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When I saw the main topic...knowing 'isolating viruses' involved a type of cooking, the first place 'Jamie' took me was to Jamie Oliver. I like him for his food, so to anyone for whom he's on the wrong side of the NAV vs. V question...sorry, maybe try the corona chicken. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIPouLF4KYg

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Thank you

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Concerning the "germ theory" vs the "terrain theory " upon which all mod idiotic Allopathic practice is based on, the story actually begins in France in the 19th century with famous scientist Louis Pastuer (germ based) versus his nemesis scientist Antoine Beauchamp, who would later be proven correct in his body " terrain" theory with its intricate immune system.

The highly lucrative business of toxic laden vaccines beginning 2 centuries ago with ,"cowpoxing" is also heavily based on the flawed germ theory and 'prevention'.

Dr. Suzanne Humpries, MD in her stellar 2014 and updated 2024 books stated that " There was never any 'safe nor effective vaccine nor will there ever be.'

The 1918-19 erroneously named Spanish Flu actually began in Fort Funston, Kansas, with freshly vaxxed but toxic laden young soldiers who began falling sick by the dozens as they were loaded onto ships to be staged in Spain for WW1 Americans.

In 1918 by contrast, there was an independent American doctor who took 100 totally healthy young Naval volunteers and tried his best to "infect and sicken"them with this "viral influenza" but could NOT...he did discover later that demasking and tons of ambulatory exercise and sunshine rapidly de-escalated this influenza.

So much for the "germ theory" yet it, like the "theory of evolution " continues to be taught as the gospel truth in med school and clinics.

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