This time around they can probably just scare everyone enough to take new experiments without needing an actual pandemic 😂. Oh wait ... they did that already.

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New day same shit. Best preparedness for the next plandemic? Stay away from doctors, hospitals, and injections, oh ya, and news media. Best remedy for stress: Ignore reality. (works better than most).

So, Happy New Year to you and the community here.

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Create a better reality, pretty sure that’s what we’re here for. May you all have a joyful 2024, be blessed and strong.

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Love your work Sarah

The pHARMa shills hunt together like wolves - howling the same tune.

The rest of us throw logs on the fire, to burn the BS and sift through the ashes for truth.

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expose on Foster Coulson, founder of The Wellness Company… makes me wonder about the motives of everyone associated with this organization…


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YES, Kitten!!!

I had a whole section on him...but decided that was confusing the point.

I will address him in a separate post.

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From the cited article: "Though TWC’s stated purpose of becoming a fully-fledged parallel healthcare system sounds appealing, a closer look into this company reveals the involvement of some very questionable individuals. This, in turn, leads to explosive revelations regarding close ties to Big Pharma, and deep connections to the intelligence community—including TWC’s former *Chief Marketing Officer* who brags about having secured “over 300 million dollars in contracts for Information Operations, PSYOP, and intelligence support.”


"If you see the lion's canines, do not ever think that the lion smiles."

- Abu Tayyib al-Mutanabbi - (Born 915 CE - Died 9/23/965 CE)

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Paucity of curiosity and critical thinking ARE the ongoing pandemic.

It never ended.

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Couldn't say it better.

Those of us who question understand the maniacal tendancies of those who wield power.

But the unfortunate revelation from the last four years is the readiness of the rest of us to acquiesce with ease to their dictates, i.e,. hosptial murders.

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"my patience is running thin"

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My patients are all dead.


White Coat

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Feliz neuvo año, Sarah! Great post, so much fun. This had me laughing out loud. It is so outrageous that it reminds me of theatre of the absurd I was introduced to in high school! So over-the-top that it really is surprising it is actually believed. This is our naked emperor, no doubt about it. Very small penis, by the way, not just the get up and in chilling out effect. LoL!

Thank you. It is so absurd that it may be possible to awake some who aren't totally asleep.

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Small penis is a side effect of the new variant. The new PCR test will include a ruler. Follow the science. Rulers will be stock piled for this nanotechnology epidemic and Nanomeasurement.

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My sister has a little sign posted on her refrigerator: "Give a man six inches and he thinks he's a ruler." It's been there for decades...

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That is the funnest thing I have heard in a long time! 😂🤣

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I love your clothing...especially “I’m fluent in Bullshit”🤣😂🤣Gotta get it!

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I wrote over a 100 predictions for 2024...the beginning of another "pandemic" was one of them...my guess, if it happens, it would be toward the latter half of the year.

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Say about October, right before election season?

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Sounds about right!

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Whatever it is, I expect it to be rolled out fast, once started. I saw this quick clip, and I couldn't believe the speed of things the last time.


I don't know who Nick Hudson is. He has a bit of a MFM odor. BUT, the timeline he lays out is mind-boggling. The stuff they got done in a month is nutty, in retrospect. It really feels like when they 'found' the passport in the tower wreckage, and knew it was bin laden inside of a day. Uh...sure bud.

Also, you see We Won even more today? They wore pink leis in honor of Lahaina, in the Rose Bowl parade. Meanwhile:


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Agreed. That time line is boggling. Also accurate I think.

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He's the co-founder: https://pandata.org/panda-team/

Obviously we've all grown wary of trusting anyone to be fully legit anymore but I can say this dude's been around and reporting on this stuff since the beginning or shortly after. I heard him on Tom Woods' podcast around fall 2020 and watched a few of his presentations. He at least doesn't scream intelligence op like MFM's garden gnome mascot.

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And the new Moderna vaxx factories being built now will come online in 2025: anti-virals to hold the fort, Moderna to consolidate victory?

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That is an interesting and noteworthy point....all the factories that were built in the debut of the mRNA technology....

Yet, now we have people declining to continue boosting, they had to have “game/role played” this possibility with their tabletop exercises and strategic preparedness meetings. So in my mind the fact that they went full on in building manufacturing facilities is noteworthy....makes me think, what do they know about what lies ahead that we don’t? Like do they plan for those facilities to see use no matter what, i.e. regardless if the world decides the Covid vaccines were a fraud and toxic.

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The UK Moderna factory in Oxfordshire is being sold as providing 'home-grown mRNA vaxx production, and on a massive scale - 220m doses per annum!

Currently, mRNA vaxxes (Pf, Mod and Novo) are being offered in the seasonal programme to a target group of 20m lucky recipients: over 60's, 'vulnerables' and their contacts, including children, health care people. After one month, they claimed to have injected about 10m, and about 70 % of the elderly.

That leaves 200m shots excess capacity for the next pandemic and a whole host of new products. They seem rather confident of going big.....

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That would certainly be blatant. I'm guessing after...elections actually happen, then things start falling apart, but that far out it's hard to get the resolution necessary to dial in good predictive analysis, so many variables, such odd times.

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WW3 might throw a monkey wrench into the timeline.

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Is WW3 before or after USA Civil War V2.0 ?

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Bwahahahaha! This schedule is getting tight. How are we going to fit these all in, and with cotillion coming up soon, no less. Maybe we can push girl scout cookie season and the superbowl back to make it all fit?

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Accelerate the GS cookies program: S'mores B4 Wars!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zCO4j4MrxE

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WW3 will be before.

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OK, so I'm guessing first stock up on KI, Prussian Blue + DPTA for WW3, then food/fuel/ammo for USA CW 2.0, then silver (+ more food/fuel/ammo...and a bit of butyric acid in case there's a billionaire bunker nearby) in case of surviving the wars.

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I'd argue that the defining parameters for both are fuzzy. A Civil War won't be like the 1860s with clearly delineated sides. This go around will more likely be sliced along several Iines, and without explicit uniforms.

These lines include Left v Right, Rural v Urban, Migrant v Citizen, Muslim v Non-Muslim, Race v Race. A future historian might state it has already begun and defining events were Michael Brown under Obama and George Floyd under Trump (among others). Add to this undercurrent of brewing anger and division, a mass migration issue, rising crime, inflation, and war-related ideological splits, and one only fans these flames. The present divide for Europe is largely Christian v Muslim - a purposeful Dialectic setup decades ago.

Similarly, WW3 may have already begun, as there are new layers to this war, one of information/disinformation, financial, DEW, and AI as well as some new additions to the traditional kinetic front that traditionally defined prior wars.

Ukraine/Russia appears to have failed as a war front, desired by the KM. Iran appears to be current flavor, but for 2024, I have my eyes also focused on Asia (North Korea and possibly China).

A war over commodities, financial supremecy, infrastructure, fought partly by proxy, as well as behind the scenes by cyber warfare, has been playing out for two years now, and will likely expand in 2024.

Our Axis 2.0 has largely been defined (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela). The Allied 2.0 powers seem more nebulous (USA and NATO predominantly).

In conclusion, an expansion on all these fronts will likely take place, but large regional wars may fall short of a traditional WW3 label. Similarly, an increase in protests, riots will fall short of a Civil War, without a greater impetus to drive the population to greater violence...like a prolonged power outage coupled with an Information Operation to confuse and anger the targeted population.

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It will be " Media Controlled " civil war and ww3. So Propaganda will dictate. It will be what we are told it is. Like Ukraine and everything else. Not real. Contrived theatre.

Just like " delta omicron " ---unscrambled " media control " variant of 24.7

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Of course this us to call in the " Emergency Powers "Military Law Powers that FJB just re-signed in the last week or two.

Bail ins for targeted middle classers.

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Oh yeah. Take a massive cyberattack taking out all our infrastructure as an example. Much of our infrasturcture is air-gapped, far too disperse, large, and complex for any single or even coordinated attack. This would more likely take the route of Covid-19, in other words, multiple actors working in coordination toward an agenda. Some were in on it, most were simply sold a lie, but executed their part in it anyway.

In our hypothetical scenario, a power plant manager is told to take a plant offline for whatever reason, unaware that 50 other plants are doing the same thing, and MSM says something about a Cyberattack, before going offline...and our fictional cyberattack (EMF, whatever and whomever you want to blame) becomes the culprit. Without reliable comms, people only know what random lies they were fed before the system goes dark. Different messages can spur division. For example one group is told that "far-right nationals" did it, another is told it is "far-left" and another is told "immigrants" did it...

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Yeah, unfortunately I'm in agreement. It is a probability with several lines of evidence tied to it...as we get closer, it should becomes more apparent.

My hope, collectively we wake up, manifest a better future, frustrating the nefarious plans of a relatovely small group of Luciferian worshippers.

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Methinks a greater impetus is not unthinkable, not unlikely and not difficult.

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Sure, that or war will cancel elections! Perfect

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Getting into my bunker with my Wellness Kit to fight off BS 24.7 variant media barrage.

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They have been silently, yet effectively, destroying our metabolic/immune/cardiovascular/nervous systems for decades. Lethal health advice such as eat a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, high in polyunsaturated fats, stay out of the sun if not entombed in toxic sunscreen products. Lethal products such as high-powered microwave transmitters as found on cell phones or LEDs which destroy eyes and give out zero near infrared. Growing our 'food' in fertilisers filled with ionising radiation, not to mention the vast array of poisons, especially glyphosate added to said food. Plastics, graphene oxide are ubiquitous. Add to this the vast collection of pharma drugs, and of course the lethal and immune destroying genetic injections and nearly anything could turn into a 'pandemic'.

I think they will be very cautious about releasing anything at present. Everyone is watching them, and if they miscalculate they might wipe out all their supporters. No more police etc. to protect them, and only the 'anti-vaxxers' left above ground. More likely they will try wars and possibly a massive terrorist attack on a Western target filled with innocent civilians. Climate change/aliens are pretty much dead in the water now, so what other choice do they have?

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All I want to do, like Democrat voters, is get my crunk on, get my fuck on, and get my check! 😍

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They certainly want us to believe there will be another pandemic sooner rather than later, real or fake.

We can be sure that hospitals will be even more dangerous places to be, and doctors will go along whilst condescending to us.

We can be sure that they will deny treatments (steroid, antibiotics, etc.).

Best to be prepared.

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DOMANE 2.0 is recommending Tang bath bombs. Stock up and be ready.

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FLURM....I am so salty today...and I NEEDED that GINORMOUS SNORT LAUGH.

Thank you.

Tang Bath Bombs.

Good Gat Damn...I fucking love you.

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Ask your grocer if Tang is right for you!

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Stock your garage with cases of Tang and wait for Kory to hype it? Hey, if it helped our valiant astronauts get to the moon, then maybe...Oh wait...

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My book is coming out soon...

The Courage to Tell Truth About the REAL Tang Bomb War.

You can preorder it now, use PROMO CODE CONSPIRACYSARAH for 10% off.

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Are you possibly interested in a trade? I have a CD that a local Girl Scout gave me as a bonus for buying two dozen boxes of cookies. It purports to be 33 unreleased tracks recorded when Olatunji sat in with some hip hop group back in 1997...no crystal case, no liner notes, no track titles just a legend handwritten in felt pen that says Babatunde and Woo Tang Clan.

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I wonder how these experts would sell umbrellas? Look lady, it's going to rain and it's going to be a worse storm. You need to buy this umbrella so you don't get wet and sick. You need one for each of the toddlers too and don't forget one for granny! Personally I'd respond better to a sales pitch about the pretty pattern on the umbrella but I suppose fear may sell more umbrellas and I know doctors are suffering under the load of buying and maintaining a yacht, a cabin in the mountains, a beach side condo and supporting a family of juvenile, useless eaters so it's important to get those umbrellas, NOW! Especially while everyone is already brainwashed into believing the past was never as good as the future and the best you could ever have is for sale now and we just coincidentally/fortunately/amazingly happen to have so many they are even on sale. This Psy Op marathon still looks like an IQ test to me. I should call this comment "Avoid drama and find a life 101". Don't get me wrong I will probably be having an immune support smoothie every day but I will maintain my perspective that we are surrounded by poisons but our bodies only need to be fed right to eliminate (flush out of the body) the threat before it causes any symptoms. No symptoms means the immune system got all the nutrients needed to do it's job but if you do have symptoms you are suffering from malnutrition which probably means you need a bigger variety of food and not necessarily more of the same you usually eat. Eat large by keeping raw fruits, raw vegetables and (anything but candied) nuts out where they can become an easy and fast snack. If you try this and it works for you let me know so I can bill you for using my services. Don't worry because it will be at an "on sale" price. What do you mean you can save more just keeping your money in your pocket!?!? What about promoting capitalism, helping pay for the greatest government in the world or saving Grandma and all those other things that are more important than your self satisfaction. Why must some people be so insensitive!?!? What is the world becoming!?!? Selfish people who insist on getting their way!!! *disclaimer* THESE VIEWS ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE OPINION OF THE MANAGER(S) OF THIS STACK WHO ARE COMMITTED TO PROMOTING CHIMICHANGAS, ENCHILADAS, ARMADILLOS, SHIH TZU'S AND OTHER CODE WORDS WHICH IS A SECRET LANGUAGE BEING USED TO GET THE SECRET POLICE, SECRET MILITARY, SECRET SECRET SOCIETIES BEFORE THEY GET US. *Disclaimer* What do you mean it's not secret any more!?!?

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Ahhhh... so basically, 2024 will be another year of trusting not Authority, nor their propaganda arms.

I'm always glad when they simplify things in advance...

[Sidebar: Considering the fear-chamber X has become, also grateful I am no longer spending much time on there as well.]

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Stop the Presses !!

(but not the ones that print money... ;) )

(Edit: of possible interest: or a meander- James is forthright- although I don’t personally understand the strategy of shaming the WHO- as ‘they’ are obviously ‘shame-less/ful’ ...

but the technicality may prove useful in ‘da fewtcha’- or not!


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