Great post. I'm just a retired former tech guy who has questioned some of the studies that "proved" that HCQ and Ivermectin don't work. I dug deep into the one that was quoted by the press in 2021, demonstrating that HCQ does not work. The protocol advocated by HCQ proponents was this: at initial exposure or first sign of symptoms, take the recommended doses of HCQ, zinc, and azithromycin.

The study used a sample and control group of people already hospitalized for at least three days and then they were given two times the recommended dose of HCQ. No zinc or azithromycin. And - imagine that! - a double dose of HCQ to an already-hospitalized person didn't help much. Imagine if I made you a gin and tonic (gin + tonic + a lime wedge) and only put in the tonic water. It certainly wouldn't taste right and it certainly wouldn't have the salubrious effect of a proper G&T.

Dig deep and you'll find that most of the "studies" that show the vaxxes are super-good are funded by Pharma and their flaws are baked in from the beginning.

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Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Wow Sarah, your ability to keep wading through the BS is astounding. Or do you use scuba gear at this point?!

I couldn’t do it. So thank you for being so relentless. Truly admirable! 💖

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Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Offit is the worst kind of shill. Yes, Paul you are a shill.

He is not only a liar who profits from his deceptions, he is granted undue influence by the machine. You don’t have to dig far into his words to expose the chicanery which is constantly evident. He’s a provacateur. A lightning rod, and I think, intentionally positioned as such.

The absolute worst kind of bedtime reading.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Nice one Sarah.... I think we should look at all drugs and how they are used to subdue our natural health and instincts. I am talking historic, worldwide, deliberate drug addiction imposed by an international crime syndicate. This was one of my earliest Substack posts, pre-dating the Covid fiasco, but revealing the modus operandi inflicted upon us all. I entitled it C.U.N.T.S for very good reason!

Corruption, Usury, Narcotics, Terrorism and Subversion.


I hope that my meaning is not rejected purely because I used a crude word! I was unable to think of a better one, tbh.

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Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

"Why were 97% of the studies that they screened excluded? What was the exclusion process??? We will just have to wonder because they didn’t provide that info"

kinda reminds me of that time some 'experts' redacted 148 pages of certain findings...

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thank you for the summary! The misinformation must be countered. The Big Pharma shillls on Dr Offits board are simply afraid of reality.

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Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Brain dead medical gurus! The fact is that each injection of a non-self substances degrades the immune system, ability to protect the body from disease states! The RNA injections are exacerbating the issue! Medical man has to stop interfering with God’s design! The evidence is clear but ignored!

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Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

You've surpassed yourself this time, Sarah. Your Bullshit meter with the needle going nuts at the end of the dial is so terribly apt. Isn't it so frustrating? I couldn't do your kind of analysis, it would simply drive me nuts.

All people have behind their belief is "majority thinking" and they think that gives them the right to be all high and mighty. But centuries ago, if not millennia, it was worked out that the number of people believing anything has nothing to do with truth.

"Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people."

Giordano Bruno, 16th century philosopher and mathematician


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Totally right. Just like the 1080 poisoning here in NZ. All you have to do is read one or two of their fake science articles, check the editorial board’s conflicts of interest, and then email the authors to ask a question about the flawed methodology. It really doesnt take more than one hour to see through this bs. Over and over and over again.

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Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Great rabbit hole research as always! 🔥💥 ❤️

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Wow Sarah, you have the patience of a saint.

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Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

fantastic post!

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Apr 4Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


Taking The Vaccine

Was Such A Bad Idea

That It Will Follow Them

Into The Next Life.

It Also Helps Explain

How They Showed Up Here

So Fucking Stupid.


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Apr 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Offit's substacks comments section is filled with defenders of the faith. Most questioners get short shrift. I don't think I've ever seen Offit respond, although I recall a while ago noticing a commenter calling themselves "bonnie" who may be his wife who shares the same name. In any case, Dr Offits arguments, weak as they are in reality, appear convincing to a lot of trusting people & they are difficult to counter. I think Aaron Siri did a great job a while back on the whole placebo issue. Offit I believe is familiar with the group of pseudo-skeptics over at the sciencebasedmedicine website, one haunt of Dr Gorski. They both cover the same areas & their mode of attack very similar. Gorski in particular has a very long history of pseudo-skepticism going back at least to the early 2000's. That whole movement I believe coalesced around the time Brian Deer did his hatchet job on Wakefield. They also had strong links to the Randi Foundation & Barrett's various QuackWatch websites & its antecedent organisation the National Council on Health Fraud. They were all set up to counter "quackery", but in reality they were attack dogs against anything that went against or threatened the mainstream. Most other areas have their own versions of these groups. The biotech industry did the same to scientists who questioned the dogma, via sites like the Genetic Literacy Project. The chemical industry did the same. The telecommunications industry likewise.

Your research into the meta-analysis is very good. A while back I noticed the same thing. The regulators did a review of the herbicide glyphosate after there were rumblings about its dangers & lawsuits aplenty. They commissioned the same thing, a meta-analysis which set strict parameters around what studies would be included. They ended up excluding most of the studies, & miraculously found there was no need to further investigate or stop usage of glyphosate. It's pretty much all a sham at this point.

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Apr 5Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

‘Tool Shack’


oh but I do love my sub stack playroom frens

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A facebook link from March 2020 that might interest you...

Dr. Paul Offit On Our COVID-19 Response: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=137765677655636

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