Mmmmm yummy! Ya had me at chitosan.


Sign me up!! Take my money!!! Please!

Seriously though. I hate that I know this now. Read every word, web searched everything I didn't understand. The more ya know eh?

Thanks CS. I understand the lengths you go to, in order to bring this to us dumdums🤍🙏🏻

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Sarah, how can you have charts, memes, historical ads, gifs, references at your fingertips, and be so damn funny? This is a monumental piece of work. I've been an IVM pusher and shared my prescription with at least 3 people. But I think that means the placebo effect did its work. Astonishing that there are still people listening to Lusitano Man. Thanks for doing the deep dive.

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I read polyCRAPolactone and I dropped to the floor, and then laughed like crazy.

Then I checked. Yes, that was a hallucination something. I laughed for NOTHING! I want my laughter back!

The importance of a single letter. Admirable!

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Incredible perseverance in making this article.

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Thank you.

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Agreed. Someone (ArtemisForestFairy?) linked me to one of your articles on my latest about Sasha, so I thought you might be interested: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/sashas-daughter-soph. It's a lively comment thread, to put it mildly.

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Thanks. One has to be careful whether or not to conclude there is a real or fake dog fight among persons who all are connected to Intel incl Wojsnarky. What are PR stunts ect. SL is part of Team Enigma you should read Omar Jordan's dark side papers on that. Take care. PM

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Holy shit the rabbit hole I just went down with that set of vids. 🫣

Cheers Tereza

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I read that post and didn't comment at the time, or yet. Curious whether anyone followed up on the daughter's assertion that she has a mitochondrial disease. Having a known pull date that's much shorter than the average human's might lead to a serious reduction in inhibitions...it does in the movies, and some* of those are based on real life situations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU7Ga7qTLDU

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Tereza, I have a friend here on SS who warned me long ago about this family. Check out https://bluelectricstormlaughingwaters.substack.com/


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I was thinking the same thing as I skim read the studies. Imagine having to read them word by word 😖

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Right!? 🤯

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"Although both PCL and graphene oxide are relevant to IVM, I am going to address them separately. Because nobody wants a 68 min read. "

I am so glad you made an 64 min read out of your 68 min read, much easier on my eyes, and my brain. 🤓 Reading the paper that comes with your medicine is usually enough to not to take that medicine. Thats the reason horses take ivermectin, they cant read the small printed texts.

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That made me snort laugh. I appreciate that you made it through the 64 min...😂

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Got 'em sussed, Sarah! "They" are determined to get their eugenicist witches brew into our arteries and veins, no matter what it takes.

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Be fair. You have to discriminate between pure Ivermectin - the stuff distributed in malaria prone areas for pennies, and the new Ivermectin - the stuff that has been deliberately contaminated with all this modern nasty stuff.

I think I even saw the transition between the two states. I was trying to buy Ivermectin online from India, and when I inquired on IndiaMart, I got bombarded by scores of vendors, all competing for my custom. Except they were ALL out of stock and just a handful had short dated stock that they would sell me at a discounted price. In other words, India was running out of stock. Seriously? They were all waiting to get new stock in, from Germany (why were they not manufacturing it themselves?) and my first thought was, well this new stuff will be contaminated. So I bought the short dated stock as the potentially safer option. But my doubts now about its purity are such that it is still sitting in my neutraceuticals draw waiting for that day where I expect to die without it.

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If you’re concerned about parasites, use Wormwood tea - no need for drugs at all. I use dried Wormwood (I have three varieties growing) in my chicken coops to prevent the two kinds of worms that affect chickens. They’ll also self-medicate by eating the leaves of the plants when necessary. Clever little things they are ♥️🐓♥️

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Everything outdated is better now, absolutely, including canned food, cell phones and cars ( prob no kill switch ).

Way more middlemen getting in on the game now per KSchwab.

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What do you want to take it for?

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The foreign use is for sterilization.

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hell there are chocolate inhalers, caffeine inhalers, tobacco/cannabis 'vapes'.

the technology might as well be 'Ivermectinable'-

but I'll sit this round out and wait to pop the 'pop-rocks' version when it comes on the market...

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though... if they have nano-encapsulated ivermectin microfiber throw rugs available, that release a quantified aerosolised dose as damp feet shuffle across it, along with the scent of Febreze's 'Flamin' Hot Cranberry Crumble- I'm in now

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The only way to get the OG IVM experience is to go 'earthing' barefoot at a golf course in Japan, which has a built in limiting gate effect, because most gold courses in Japan require that spikes be worn on the links...this limits the population of OG IVM trippers to mostly a small population of Filipinos who re-enact the crucifixion, but only if they leave the spike in one of their feet. The prospect of hopping around on one spiked foot, while 'checking their six' for incoming golf balls, is such that most Filipino crucifixion re-enacters just settle for the newer delivery technique of snorting the substance, which involves a mirror, a razor blade, and a straw, popularly known as The Thrilla in Manila. Unlike others, these devotees are reluctant to ingest IVM made in India, no doubt a function of propaganda pitting Catholics against Hindus.

Good Friday... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia9w3n-wtaI

Thrilla in Manila... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x9ixhw4KUc

My God vs Your God... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgASBVMyVFI

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youch !- I'll go with the filipino faith healer on the steve allen show, while I'm eating off my george foreman grill...

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Fresh out of clips with faith healers on Stevie's old show, but here's a long one I've had for years and a short one just discovered this morning with a young fellow you'll probably get a kick-stand out of...



On a turntable grill perhaps, the album Hot Rats?

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It must suck for scientists who must work for organizations that want to kill all of humanity. But then again how else will all human biofields be linked to the internet of things like a meat-antenae?

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No lipids. No nano anything, and no plasticizers. Freaks ME Out.

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Excellent article Sarah!

The powers that be are certainly covering all possible bases at this point of the game.

I was almost taken in by the IVM narrative, even bought Korys book🤦‍♂️ don’t hold it against me! I closed it and tossed it in the bin when I got to the part about him being asked to consult on George Floyds death and he was fully BLM burn everything down! Sickening. I knew right from that point on that the so called “alternative treatment” bandwagon Drs were just shilling for the same agenda.

Stay as far away from any Dr/healthcare settings and alternative health treatments at all costs… death and disability protocols await.

Thanks for all your research!

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Great great again Sarah, thanks for doing all the work. Do you have a Monero address so I can send you some appreciation in the form of a small donation?

Have you seen https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2021/12/15/dna-discovery-extraction-and-structure-a-critical-review/ and https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2024/02/14/why-you-should-know-about-harold-hillmans-work-on-the-living-cell/?

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Thank you for the link!

I don’t know what a Monero address is, but I appreciate the intention ♥️

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Perhaps it's time to have a look at https://www.getmonero.org/, one of the very few cryptocurrencies that are a true digital equivalent of cash, with full anonimity and fungibility. Give it a try!

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Wow, what a read again Sarah! Have you seen https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2021/12/15/dna-discovery-extraction-and-structure-a-critical-review/ on the dogma that the dna-theory is based on? Or https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2024/02/14/why-you-should-know-about-harold-hillmans-work-on-the-living-cell/ on cell biology?

Seeing the pictures of the poor rat again made me realize the sadistic, satanic nature of these "experiments". We should use the "scientists" for those, not innocent animals. I hate these people, I hate them to their core.

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Have them both saved and will take a look, thank you!

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Yes Virologists are just petty animal murdering sadists, with insane methodologies to exclaim "AHA it must be a virus!" when their test specimen dies, after they drilled and filled its brain with a soup of toxic crap which they claim contains an "isolated" XYZ. They are total nutcases!

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Exactly. I suggest we perform the same sadistic practices on these subhumans, the same way they do on these innocent animals. Let's cut their skulls open and inject faeces into their brains, as a starter. I hate them, and I wish them all pain and suffering imaginable.

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💥🔥💕❤️ Welcome back. Awesome article!

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Thank you ♥️♥️♥️

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There is a scene out there of people who claim to have successfully fought cancer with antiparasitics, including Ivermectin (but some antiparasitics worked better for some types of cancers or individuals when others worked better for others, so it's not so miraculous catch-all, apparently needs to be tuned a bit) And there's some research to back up those ideas.

I wouldn't throw it out with the nanoparticulate bathwater ;)

"Poly Caprolactone" sounds like the wife of a mob boss. Just need to pronounce it right!

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For me, there never was and never will be any question of taking either of these "products". All pharmaceuticals are poisons.

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Third leading cause of death.

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