Jun 16Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

New Bird Flu Mask --- I hope it's safe and effective.

Real interesting about the Radio Frequency advances correlating to the Plandemics.

The Lucky Larry one is rarely seen, I didn't know he took those extra insurances out only weeks before 9 11. I thought it was months.

Oh Father's Day I almost forgot ;-)

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"Lucky Larry" is a propaganda narrative that helps cement the idea that on 9/11 - unlike any other day in history - full evacuations of the buildings weren't done prior to demolition.

9/11 was a demolition job and in demolition jobs they fully evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas prior. We have no reason to believe they did other than that on the day.

Research shows that many of the alleged dead were made-up people while we can infer that those who are real were simply "sheep-dipped" (given new identities and moved elsewhere) just as they do in Witness Protection Programs ... and if anyone recognised someone who supposedly died on 9/11 what would they do about it? Go to the media and police?

We know right off the bat that the plane passenger deaths were faked because the plane crashes clearly were ... so why any different for the buildings?

9/11 was a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation where they wanted to strike fear and terror in us over our BELIEF in the deaths and injury, not do it for real - it's all about the PSY part.


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Awesome, I restacked your post. I've done a bit of my own checking out of 9 11 and I think your premise is right on. Not just a false flag but a complete choreography.

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Thanks, Nefahotep. Yes, my next post is titled, "Are false flags a thing?" because I think every single event that is hinted at as being a "false flag" is just like 9/11 - all staged except for any physical things they may have wanted done. So false flags that are really just psyops in addition to 9/11 are: Pearl Harbour, post-9/11 anthrax attacks, JFK and RFK assassinations, USS Liberty attack by Israel, Bologna Station bombing 1980 (and I'd assume all bombings in Italy around that time) ... and no doubt more. Actually, while some IRA bombings are shown to be staged I doubt all of them are but really no clue on IRA stuff.

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You are so right about that. I'm also beginning to think that the fires here in California are intentional too, false flag type. Everything they do is like a distraction for what they don't want to be noticed. Maybe WW 3 will ultimately be a distraction, for the CBDC. I will refuse to use; that's the hill I plan on dying on if need be.

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Haaaaaa super funny.

Thanks for sharing these haha

The dinosaurs hahaha

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Jun 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

the title alone made my my evening...

(and helped me to forget today’s pain)



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Father’s Day is bittersweet for me too.

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Jun 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I appreciate your comment- the ‘like’ button seems on the fritz (?)

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Thank you ♥️

Maybe the like button is sentient today…

Hope you have a good sleep, EB.

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You heap funny lady Miss Sarah. 😂

I think I heard a groan come from Gary Wrights grave.

I was gonna say that I loved that song when I was a kid, but then I’d feel old. Never mind. 😁

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Jun 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Jun 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I love the Matrix one!

(And Sandra Bullock used to have such an expressive human face before all the "beauty" procedures... sigh)

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Jun 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Sarah, you're an all-around class act. Thank you.

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What a lovely thing to read first thing in the morning, Robert. Thank you.

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Jun 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Fuct checkers. 😂 Almost missed that...

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Jun 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

They have come up with the cure for bird flu! Put the masks on the chickens!

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You are so funny

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You are so funny

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Brilliant as always .

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Jun 17Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Omg😂😂😂Great ones!

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