Buzzword soup--quantum leap opportunities, disruptive innovation, decentralizing next-gen, potential synergies, scaling up for deployment. How do you protect your assets from violence before, during and after conflict? Sounds like crimethink to me!

Thanks for this deep dive, Sarah. And Pepsi-Co, my god.

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Thank you, Tereza.

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"Buzzword Soup". I love the term! It could be described as: Business done by Vulture capitalists. Presented to investors and the public with pure baffle gab.

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Baffle gab! Hahaha!

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Climate sustainability creating synergies between public health and environmental strategies. lol

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Many of those new buzzy words and ideas are there JUST to hook investors. Similar to AI and what they want us to think about it. When in fact AI that they use is just a programmable software which is used for SURVEILLANCE and INDOCTRINATION!

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"Buzzword soup". Yes. Unfortunately 'soup' is associated with actual health!

Hmmm. What might be another putting it? 'Buzzword Babel'? 'Buzzword Virus'? Hmmmm.

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Buzzword baffle gab.😂🤣😂

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Another amazing deep dive. These fuckers are all grifters. As soon as i read PPP I think the Mafia. No one gives a shit about our health and well being...I keep coming back to Ostensible vs. Real reasons and by God they have this game by the balls. Incredible.

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This NEEDS to be talked about BUT there is NOT a damn thing that implicates any of the doctors involved with TWC, NOTHING.

So slow down just a little bit already.

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Yes. We must remain vigilant & always research, but guilt by association is what the MSM & govt do.

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There are many in the population that are marginalized.

And with much of the focus on people of color, the trans community and even women in general.

So it's easy to overlook the male population, especially the growing number of men that are under-endowed. 

Well Aspect Biosystems is a biotechnology company creating bioprinted tissue therapeutics to transform how we treat disease. Aspect is combining its proprietary bioprinting technology, therapeutic cells, biomaterials, and computational design to create a pipeline of allogeneic tissues that replace or repair damaged organ functions. 

That's why we here at Aspect Biosystems with unsurpassed technology along with leaders in equity have developed the worlds first 3D printed PeePee®. 

No longer will the marginalized under-endowed have to get an over sized 4 wheel drive with a lift kit to compensate for their little pecker.

Just another reason we here at Aspect Biosystems put Love into the equation of business in this new and diverse world.

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🤣 ✅

I've already got their investor hook line:

Dick Printing...The UnTapped Market.


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I'm going to officially declare from this day forward

the "Season of the Snort-Laugh®".

Hey if some asshole declares to close the world down and does it's the least I can do.

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You are the best.

Snort Laughs for DAYZZZZZZZZZ

🙌🏼 🤣✅ ✅ ✅

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Laughed Out Loud! 🤣 but quietly because my son is sleeping in the next room. Lol.

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😂 🤣 😂

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Hold on, let's not go off half-cocked.

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Bwahaha - I wonder if the under-endowed can order their printed dicks with viagra embedded in the inks so it can stand up on its own? That whole PEE-pee pitch for marginalized male population is brilliant, hilarious, and much better written than their creepy sales pitch.

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Won’t be untapped for long- the confused teens being indoctrinated into believing their kids n the wrong body , the medical industrial complex and big pharma are already making a motza- why should this guy miss an opportunity.

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And just like that "big truck, small dick" becomes a thing of the past! Brilliant!

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Just like that.

Printed dicks.

Solved that shit.

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Yeah, and in the privacy of their own basement hideaway...(well, their parents' basement, that is).

Right up there with on-line gaming...


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Hee heee😆

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Brilliant research. 💞✨❤️

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Thank you Heather.

😘 ♥️

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"The Wellness Company" is akin to The Ministry of Truth, The Ministry of Peace, The Ministry of Love and The Ministry of Plenty in 1984. It's all in the name.

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what a bunch of mercenary gobbledygook toxic doublespeak! Thank you for your flawless research in exposing them. I don't 'resonate' with their crap. They use a lot of militaristic language such as 'deploy,' then try to nice it up with words that don't really mean anything but fluff covering up the rot.

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Yes...the war verbiage really over the top.

And thank you for your kind words...🙏🏼

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Excellent article, Sarah.

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Thank you, Adam.

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Sarah, these two articles have been a great dig into the tangled world of these companies and the philanthropaths that run them.

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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I looked into the Wellness Company about 6 weeks ago, as they were being pushed pretty hard with discounts and references from others I follow on Substack, including Peter McCullough. When I was looking at the products, I saw a picture of 4 well-known doctors that seemed to imply their endorsement of the company and products. But something about it struck me odd - wasn't able to fully decipher my gut take, but in retrospect I think it was that these are 4 very high profile, iconoclastic, anti-C19 narrative physicians . . . and they all end up behind one company, together? This company is either outstanding or . . . they are using these physicians as bait for those opposing the narrative. I don't know about the products and cannot endorse them, but they appear to follow Dr. McCullough's protocol. But . . . .

Recently, there has been a cat-fight between many of these high-profile companies, individuals, and doctors. This is not good. Has this side been infilltrated, somehow compromised, destabilized - with many pointing fingers at others in the room? Now this company also looks questionable as to full intent. I am at a point that I believe no one, question everything. It's not a good place to be.

Thank you for more information. This backs up my gut take on the company, but I'm still reeling from it. I hate this shit.

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I hate this shit too.

Logically though, it’s crazier to think that the monster wouldn’t have its tentacles in every aspect of this shit. I don’t think all of these docs are bad or are even all “read in”. I do think the assembly of “for profit” companies is reasonable to question. If everything is completely altruistic, then great! I hope it is.

I still point people to the flccc protocols. I take supplements everyday...and I have meds on hand. I just think we would be fools to assume that the murderers of the world have kept their plans out of the so called “MFM”...

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Agree - I am supportive of these doctors as well. I haven't seen anything other than very tenuous supposition to call any of them out as "controlled opposition" or some such. I don't have animus on them for representing for the company - the products appear to follow the protocol and address the concerns that these physicians have. But I am more circumspect of this company now. I first got wind of something when Dr. Malone posted a Substack on how he was being attacked by quite a few individuals and groups, including someone affiliated with TWC. But, honestly, the president of TWC sent out a letter to members that didn't sit right. Too slick, unbelievable at face value. Again, the gut said: hmmm, hold on that. And then your two posts. I still can't sort it fully, but I have a instinctual dislike of companies that want to place nanoparticles in our bodies. They can fuck right the hell off. But that doesn't necessarily make them of evil intent . . . not necessarily.

The more I look, the more I read, the more I understand, the more I grasp the gravity of our situation. We are vastly outgunned - our main strength is in number, but most are still asleep and do not understand yet. By the time they wake up, there will be a mechanism for reducing that threat, no doubt. They are listening to everything, so attempts at organizing and responding will be dealt with (see Jan 6). They have been at this for decades, in slow preparation. They are patient, strong, have the full leverage of elite influence everywhere, and are, apparently, murderous. I think it an illusion that our government exists as we think (thought) it does; there are just too many external influences that reflect the real power of the global elite: Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg, WEF, UN, WHO, Chatham House, COP meetings, G20 meetings, EU, Agenda 21 concepts/agreements, etc. In many ways, we are already functioning in a "global governance."

How many historical oddities clicked into place when I finally understood this mechanism. Lots of books to recommend, but Patrick Wood's "Technocracy Rising" is a very good one. I learned the mechanism for how they are actively subverting the Constitution, among other things.

Thanks for your work on all this, Sarah.

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Very well written. In agreement. We must all be "Wise as a serpent.."

The megolomonsters have risen

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Wayne - I absolutely agree with you that they are everywhere.

And they control almost everything on earth today. I think the extension to the groups you mentioned is that this group has been in operation for at least a thousand years, and I would suggest 2,000 - dating from the end of the Roman Republic to the beginning of the Roman (fascist) Empire.

Roman Empire Alliance

The group attacking humanity is clearly an alliance of the families and institutions that date back hundreds and thousands of years. I call them for easy reference the Roman Empire Alliance. These are those whose ancestors were totalitarians, and they subscribe to this philosophy and psychopathy, and believe it is their ancient right to power, and to rule humanity, to enslave humanity and extract everything they can for their benefit.

World Government Quest

And their main quest is as old as Rome itself the quest for World (totalitarian) Government - which we can call World Communism, Global Fascism, aka the New World Order and multipolarity - the name changes but the agenda is fixed in stone and as old as western civilization.

The War Against Humanity

The real war has always been the war against humanity fought by our own elites against the majority who want the right to live in abundance and prosperity, with the right to peace, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with the freedom to participate in the political process and not be ruled by fascist totalitarians. This is the true war. The war against humanity, those who deny our rights to equal access to all the bounty and natural resources our amazing planet provides us free!

World Government Alliance

The Roman Empire Alliance recruits agents and partners to join their inner circle and their outer circle, which is everyone on board with the quest for World Government, so for simple reference we can call this group the World Government Alliance.

Techniques for Totalitarianism

And this global cartel uses all the principles of the original Roman Empire - 'might is right' 'genocide is acceptable' 'civilize the barbarians' 'work through puppet proxies' 'assassinations" 'forever wars' 'corruption' 'fraud' 'blackmail' 'puppets to run nations' 'divide and conquer' 'controlled opposition' 'fake heroes' and 'puppets as leaders' to control all the levers of the global economy, with any tactic to win being acceptable etc.

We glorify the Roman Empire, and its transformed entity the Roman Catholic Church, because we are all connected to it with our elites running the show - but the truth is the history of the western civilization and the Roman Empire has always been one of totalitarianism and empire building on a global scale, with different parts of the empire competing to be number one. WW1 and WW2 were fights between 2 sides of the same Roman Empire royal family fighting for supremacy in the global empire games.

World Control

If you see the connection between the various groups you can summarize the Roman Empire Alliance as the group that has come together and control the world's nations and the global economy. Through their control they run the world through the privately owned central banking and international finance system, and the "essential industries" of multinationals now nicely put together into a transnational cartel we can see the World Economic Forum. The United Nations was created to create a neo-monarchial supranational system of government with which to take control of all nations. And the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the detailed long term plan for taking totalitarian control over humanity and the planet that came from the 2015 Paris Accords agreement signed by our traitorous representatives in every nation, which was decades in the making.

In 2019 the United Nations and the World Economic Forum signed a public-private partnership, effectively creating the supranational form of global fascism they've been after for millennium..

Summary-Roman Empire Alliance

My quick summary of the Roman Empire Alliance is as follows. and you can see that they support all of the globalist agendas of the UN's SDGs

1. Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church - woke-Marxist Pope Francis

2. All the monarchies of Britain and Europe -with the woke-Marxist King Charles leading the pack

3. IBFIC - the International Banking, Finance and Investment Cartel, once called "The Money Trust by a Congress investigation in 1913 under the Pujo Committee, which includes all the 'too big to fail' banks, because they own the system, the central banks - Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of International Settlements, IMF and World Bank, to name a few, and all the big investment corporations - think BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street who have amalgamated humanity's investment capital and wield it as a weapon. The IBFIC owns the international monetary system, creates all the money we use through debt, credit and money printing, control the interest rates, control inflation and deflation, and through the shareholdings control every major multinational and national corporation in every significant read 'essential' industry on earth. Global Monopoly Capitalism - we are all enslaved by the bankers and multinationals.

3. All neo-monarchies - e.g. the Middle East monarchies which were created post WW2, or nations like Bhutan whose monarchy is relatively new.

3. All communist parties - the communists are simply a colony agent of the Roman Empire. Which includes China, and Russia - (Russia is still run by the KGB insiders which was the true power group of the USSR's communists. Putin is playing charades.) All financed by the IBFIC since the Bolsheviks came to power. Communism is simply a totalitarian absolute monarchy with god stripped out and the power structure is modelled on the Roman Catholic Church.

4. All Global Institutions which we can consider neo-monarchies - unelected, unaccountable and untaxed sucking our taxpayers wealth out to fund them to create a global top down totalitarian structure to enslave humanity in a neo-feudal world - the United Nations, World Health Organization, etc., etc.

5. World Economic Forum - the transnationals cartel which have all nicely come together as an entity, granted International Institution status by Switzerland, the home of many globalist fascist organizations.

6. Agents of the empire: Billionaires and their foundations

World Government Alliance: Davos Globalists

Every other agent and organization that serves the Roman Empire Alliance in their quest for World Communism - "by 2030 you'll own nothing and be happy" whether they know it or not, we can call them the Davos Globalists, the groups that when added to the Roman Empire Alliance gives you the complete group of the World Government Alliance - all of their agents and organizations that are onboard the Davos globalists program, which would include but not be limited to-

1. Global think tanks - the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission etc.

2. Foreign policy groups like CFR, Chatham House etc.

3. Secret societies - Freemasons, Jesuits, Opus Dei, Rosicurians, Skull & bones etc.

4. NGOs -

5. Charities e.g. Red Cross, which pushed Covid-mass injections

6. Leaders in all aspects of society - academics, business, charities, celebrities, Hollywood, media, music, medicine, public health, science, publishing

7. National control through the corruption of politicians on both the left and the right, especially with programs like the Young Global Leaders, and organizations like the G20, G7 etc.

8. Regional institutions e.g. Africa Union, ECOWAS, etc.

Control is created by a number of strategies - first is the complete control of the global monetary system as outlined above, (unlimited funds), second is the complete control of media, publishing, and the public discussion for consensus building through disinformation, third is now enacting censorship to stop the truth tellers spoiling their disinformation campaigns and exposing their crimes, and the last is the use of their agents in key leadership positions, and this creates a global unseen army of traitors to push the global agendas, to attack the opposition and to march their agenda ever forward.

I'll leave it here - food for thought.

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I too thought this company was the real deal. I was excited to move away from Western medicine and get started with a whole new approach. I was very impressed with Dr McCullough and his ability to cite studies that support his opinions. However, there were two red flags for me. After I signed up and paid my membership fee, I could not get a physician appointment that is included in the membership fee. When I went to schedule, I was told we don’t have a physician for your state. Then all of a sudden I got locked out of the account. It initially was a 4 digit code to access my account and that was not even an option. Then when I tried to sign in with my email, it gave me an error code. There was no phone number to call. I emailed their customer service desk at least 10 times with no response. I emailed Dr McCullough directly through America Out Loud podcast. I started leaving messages on Substack articles that referenced the company. I posted on Truth Social under their site. I was told they would have their supervisor contact me. Finally Dr McCullough ( or someone on his behalf) responded to me that while he doesn’t get involved in account issues, he asked person at the company to help me. Didn’t hear from them for 24 hours and so I wrote directly to this person. Again no response. That was over two to three weeks ago. But the red flag that hit me upside the head was when Dr McCullough was named cardiologist or doctor of the year and there were all these pictures of him in Time Square. I was like no way. Someone who is at odds with all the mainstream health organizations, they have taken his accreditation away. They are now giving him this honor. So it is SO PAINFUL to once again to have believed in someone and something after a horrible ordeal with Covid to learn it’s a sham. I almost think these people are worse than the evil leaders that thought this genocide up. You know- maybe they were all in on it together.

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I've come to think, after reading g so much from different angles, that many are complicit. Now, I don't know who know what the plan was then, but all are not innocent

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"Wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove.."

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...underscores, once again, the necessity to cast off the germ hypothesis of disease -

( in addition ‘nanobiosym’- brings to mind a teeny-tiny, faked orgasm)

Oh yeah- and what about ‘Bones’ McCullya & the Wellness Co. ...?


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🤣 ✅

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"Investing in our Freedoms" - newspeak for "speculating on our enslavement, sickness and death"... what - rehypothecating Adrenochrom market-shares ain't juicing the big pharma body parts bubble anymore?

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As Tereza Coraggio says kindly "Buzzword soup" I also call verbal diarrhea in the written form.

Thank you Sarah, another great contribution the the stack. Calling a spade a spade. Bless us all.

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Thank you.

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Excellent, Sarah! The smirk on Foster's face is the real tell here (not to mention the World's Most Interesting Man pontificating on "unmet needs").. Channeling Jeff Epstein!

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Thanks for the exposure of a big package of world harm Sarah. Please keep us updated. If you’re familiar the book “Controligarchs” these guys fit right in with them.

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Still the same DSM psychopathic sociopaths. No need for new terms.

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Geez, just when I thought Something good was coming along, wham! More bull. My bu?? Is so puckered right now, I think I’ve cured my hemmies.😵‍💫

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