Be careful with the doctor memes. I promise you there is a fast growing number of physicians who don't believe the hype, and don't get these so-called kickbacks or "big pharma" laden educations. I'm an Anesthesiologist, which means I'm an internist, ER doc, pharmacist, and critical care physician rolled all into one (I also happen to be boarded in critical care as well). I know the "western" drugs, but I also have to know "eastern" medicine principles and drugs, and "natural" or "herbal" drugs. What do you think happens with polypharmacy and anesthesia medication?

Modern surgery is a real necessity, and most people want anesthesia when they get cut open. There a varying meds we use, but there aren't *that* many options, and no alternative-type medicine comes close to giving general anesthesia without serious repercussions, and the ones that have had efficacy, we already use.

I definitely avoid certain types of physicians myself. I know who the lunatic leftists are in all specialties and avoid them like the plague. They readily accept the narrative. But believe me, I also work with some outstanding conservatives, and belong to some underground conservative physician groups that openly discuss the state of affairs with the radical left's attempt at fucking up healthcare to drive it into the "Medicare for all". Horrifying to think. If that happened, I'll take private medical contracts for those who can afford it and are maybe willing to be benefactors to those who can't.

Look how fucked up our passenger train system is.... They can't even manage that.

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Agreed on the growing number of physicians who aren't signing up for the hype and kickbacks. There are quite a few on this stack.

Trust me, if I have a bone sticking out of my body, I'm coming to see you. If I have an axe in my head, please do not take me to the naturopath or the chiropractor. There is certainly a need for modern surgical care.

My meme posts are not literal or absolute interpretations of my opinion.

I haven't run across any good memes about the necessity of modern surgical care and the subsequent need for anesthesia, but if I do, I'll post it up.

If you want to make one, I'll will run it!

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OK, it's not a meme, but just to set the compoundedly-fractured mood, it might help... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgxzSUxxRzE

For any who think making good memes is easy... www.youtube.com/watch?v=THNPmhBl-8I


WRT the WTA(1)F & WTA(2)F & WTEF complex field, some of us might want to add a couple more categories of fucks. For others, there may be more than these two, but a quick and thorough review of my experiences suggest: Irrational and Transcendent.

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Both of these included in the next meme post.

The brain surgeon one felt like hanging out with my family 🤣

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I had an uncle (the married my Mom's sister kind) who, back as far as when I was in 3-4-5th grade in Orlando, was a consultant to NASA on the reliability of electronic components. Fortunately, he never regaled/lectured me with how special & important his work was. Fifteen years later on a trip from Austin to San Francisco, I stopped in and crashed at his place in San Jose, where he was finishing out his career with NASA as an on-site inspector of places like Intel & other Silicon Valley suppliers. He did tell me a few brief anecdotes about how the deterioration of the quality & reliability of components designed to stay in space for a while. He was from Honduras and when he lit into the suppliers and the buyers at NASA, it sounded like, "Beens, you wouldn't believe the absolute crop they try to get away with and sell us." Many years later, in retrospect, that evening's outbursts make the NASA Moon landing story much less plausible and make the story about the stranded Boeing craft much more plausible.

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You mention "deterioration" so presumably at the time of the moon landings parts were better made. When there are mountains of evidence for something that is 100% consistent in itself and with expectations then there is no doubt. There's about 1,000 hours of communication for the Apollo program between astronauts and mission control that sounds completely and utterly natural. This kind of evidence simply cannot be faked without detection ... and why would you even think of trying to fake such a large amount of evidence which is completely unnecessary if you were trying to convince people of something? The vast majority of people have no idea of these hours of audio.


Sunlight on the moon against a black sky cannot be duplicated by using flood lights. Seriously, that's just silly. Sunlight has a level of density that cannot be duplicated by flood lights certainly not those available at the time. Look at the light in this photo - you cannot fake that but even if you could what you really need are signs of fakery https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/space-missions/apollo-moon-landing-conspiracy-theories-crushed. You can't simply say this or that could be faked. You need a sign first ... and there simply aren't any. All the seeming anomalies have been perfectly well explained.

The only "big story" I believe is the moon landings and I think it's a shame the one thing that is true is disbelieved by such a sizeable minority ... because the moon landings were truly awesome.

This is Neil Armstrong talking through the final 3 minutes of the Eagle landing compared against Google Moon. If they faked the moon landings that means that Google Moon (the equivalent of Google Earth) is faked. Are you prepared to go that far? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqe7-rFRrkc

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I'm not a moon landing 'denier'. I am puzzled by what I have read (which may be bunkum) about explanations of why nobody has 'gone back'. Seems like a 'short ride' to an interesting destination with lots of interesting things to investigate scientifically up/over there.

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Is there any way to gain access to any of those underground conservative physician groups? I’m a retired anesthesiologist who has been aware of the attempts to destroy the honest parts of the medical system for a long time. It would be great to be in contact with other physicians who feel the same way.

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Others will be lucky to hang with you, TT.

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Most of the professionals your looking for are either here, on Telegram, or keeping a very low profile. The "witchhunts" will begin soon, as an inevitable process of government trying to deflect blame, and pacify a righteously angry populations, before the gov are ready to take the gloves off and use martial laws.

In saying that, if you can't connect with one, start your own. There are going to be large groups in your local area that need help. Return to the country physician style of doctoring. You take care of your patch, be a pillar of the community (in the true sense), and you'll be an inspiration to others to do the same. Its lonely but if your asking the question, then your the one for the job, and likely why you were born to be alive now, in these times.😉😊

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Instead of " Medicare for all " you probably meant to say " Medicaid for all".

Check your meds, especially IV for GO and nanoparticles please.

Chemists should be really busy right now. Or they are being paid to not look?

These Big Harma companies need more class actions and criminal prosecutions and a Real Watch Dog to say the least.

Have you seen the hundreds of Billions of dollars of CRIMINAL " fines" ( as well as Civil ) of which they have been convicted ? ( Rhetorical likely ).


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But how are us regular people supposed to find out who you are?? We are just blindly hoping that if we are injured in a car wreck we are not taken to the psycho doctor. It is terrifying!

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Interview and find good like minded Doctors ahead of time that you can trust and will help you out. Yes, it's work but you likely do this in other areas of your life.

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True - I have done the work on food sources - I just despise the medical mafia SO much that I will have to truly force myself to interact with any of them.

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You shouldn't have to work with the Mafia. Once you find one " clean " intelligent Medical person DOs are usually pretty good, they can lead you to others on the proper wave length.

How about AFLD ? Gold Care. They have a number of Natural Holestic Drs in their group and they all know what is up with the contrived Plandemics, Bioweapon Countermeasure Injections, and contrived food shortages and forced poor nutrition to the population in the USA. What the heck are we still doing here? At some point we may have to admit that we were lazy and complacent enough to let the Empire fall and we have to get out?

Med school is pass/fail now in USA. You only need to know about 60 % of the bones of the body etc. Tip: Only go to older Drs, more rural, unless it is a rare brain tumor etc.


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Thanks - I will look for a DO. Yes I am afraid that most humans are lazy and I am sometimes as well. Especially since times were pretty good there for awhile. But the last few years have definitely got me moving on several fronts!!

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Ketamine? Do you use it. Curious because my husband, a plastic surgeon, won’t let anesthesia use the drug they love. They argue about it all of the time. He hates the crazy post anesthesia side effects.

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how do you feel about statins?

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These are wonderful Sarah! Thanks for the enlightening laughs!

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The non-binary tampons. I think I am going to die laughing🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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My Sunday sucked before I got your Memes!


Thank You for your service!... aka .... "Sunday Service"

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🙌 😘

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How about an original


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Ok, that is fucking gold. It'll be in the next meme post.

Thank you.

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The dance he does is copied in Fortnite too. My kids knew about it.

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TechnoViking...the one and only

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I'm trying to figure out what it means that the light switch position likely results in a lot of flickering and sparking.

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Some really good ones!

I liked "zucchini season".

So sorry about your expired sea salt...

I would take the risk and use it until 2039...

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Like pre-2019 date coded IVM, HCQ, MBZ, FBZ, et al...the old stuff might not have graphene, so yeah, NaCl-2039 FTW.

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Sarah, these are gold, and I really MEME it!

Thank you so much and have a great week!

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All great.

Pretty funny the one with Ken with Barbie's gold medals. I imagine a complementary Barbie model "political activist" who says "my communist ideology is unfair to myself".

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Michaela Tyson.... That would be awesome!

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Wow! Great Collection! Top Drawer.

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Brilliant 🤣🤣

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So many pearls! 🙏

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tampons - ust find a hole... my cheeks are soooo sore LOL

they always tell you the truth - they mix some recipe they found in a witch's house 500 years ago and put it in a syringe, that most people think contains medicine but never did. Bodies are not intended to be injected. INjections are meant to make you sick and keep you sick, but not so bad that you will die!

Super selection !

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No, not that hole! You'll have cotton mouth for sure 🤣


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Your virologician one! 💥 Had to steal a few. ❤️

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