Once again BRILLIANT! Love all of these.

On a side note my daughter (the one who got kicked out of Uni for refusing to be a human pincushion) and I are probably going to open a sandwich shop soon, i know its crazy but I'd rather go down in my own ship than be at the mercy of a drunk captain....and I can't wait to use memes like this on our sandwich board....more than anything I can't wait to see the Nazis come into my shop and refuse them service like they did me and my family!

Don't anyone bother writing back and telling me I should be a better person and practice forgiveness....I graciously reject your comments

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I can’t wait to come to your sandwich shop!

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I would be over the moon! For you I will make asian pierogi 😉, all you can eat.

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You know the way to my heart ❤️

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I'll be your first customer!

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I met Roddy Piper. I waited on the line for 4 hours it was like waiting to meet to Pope. I was literally the last guy in through the door before they locked the door on everybody else. I miss that guy. They Live is a great movie

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I love that film!

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hola, sarah. so many laughs again, a couple of head scratches, and an interesting source for my dive into diet. the complete all-in-one meal deal unmasked, with organic mustard dripping from my moustache.

i will comment on the headscratchers — meaning that they got _me_ thinking and wondering at my own version of political correctness.

bill cosby is controversial, of course, with there being pretty strong evidence of his being a protected by the elite community misopaed and rapist. the head scratch is does someone's 'good' work get discounted out when we discover that, like most of us have done, the big and famous and even influential 'heroes' have done bad things if/when that badness crosses some kind of socio-political flexibly-placed line? freud advocated gaslighting women who were sexually abused as girls. does that mean his theories of dream interpretation are to be _automatically_ dismissed, for example? jung became an editor of a german psychology magazine in the early 1930s and so has been very casually dismissed with politically correct sentiment as anti-semitic by a significant part of the population.

and house, in one of your posts, i believe, was shown to have been used as a tool to predictively program the pogrom for anti-vax stupidity. (i really enjoyed his show, although only long after it had stopped production.) does his face here referencing human stupidity help tickle the unconscious programming of such an episode?

now i'm laughing, likely inappropriately, because.... well. where does all of this stop? have we come to the place the opposite of 'u can't touch this' and every one and every thing is now 'contaminated' by our social mendacity even if that is being driven by a relatively small number of sociopathic very misanthropic life-hating stupid monetary geniuses? for a more positive spin, that full on touchiness of everything could be thought of as an embodiment of the ideas of 'dependence co-arising' or 'heisenberg's uncertainty principle'. both suggest that all of us are so intimately connected in being alive in life that we've all breathed and drunk water and air that jc and buddha breathed and drank too. hmmmm.

throw backs: u can't touch this: https://youtu.be/otCpCn0l4Wo

way back: the end — https://youtu.be/VScSEXRwUqQ

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I love you, Guy ♥️

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ah, gracias. igualmente. igualmente.


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In response to questions in your post … I don’t think it ‘stops’ … hopefully thinking evolves … with deeper understanding, development and application of Emotional Intelligence … leading beyond dualistic, black and white thinking … effective communication and conflict resolution skills rely on this.

EI is an undervalued, underutilized guidance system.

Mostly we are programmed to judge emotions as good or bad … to seek, have only, the ‘good’ ones … to ignore, suppress, deny, the ‘bad’ ones … that doesn’t work well.

Humour, like emotions, is an individual perspective, and an important part of Emotional Intelligence.

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yes. i agree.

for myself i've shifted my emotional intelligence processes into my body intelligence processes through what has become a simple and powerful muscle testing technique. for example, when i was faced with the jab or job decision i had absolutely no information on the jab. up until that decision day i had been very happily ignoring the obvious fakery and plandemic and people's obvious fear-based stupidities. no news, no research, no nothing. i asked my body 'jab or job' and it clearly said no jab. and for my partner too. with some twists and turns we quickly proceeded to arrange to leave canada that culminated in the two us walking across the american border with 4 suitcases and 4 shoulder bags about 8 months later.

body intelligence is emotional intelligence in the same way that breathing is the body and engagement outside the body. fascinating stuff. thank you.

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Plwase forgive me if I'm wrong, Guy, but IIRC "being a misopaed" ("hating children" acc. to Merriam-Webster) ought to be accompanied by "being a rapist" among the personality flaws exhibited (crimes committed) by cosby.

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you are correct.

i will go back and edit my entry to make it more complete.

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edited with that and a bit more too.

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Damn... I love being around minds like yours- and Sarah's!

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yes, that sarah does have some kind of power to get the best of us and from inside of us to come out of the weeds. great to be here with you too, BB.

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Vicious and hilarious as always. So look forward to your Stack

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Thank you ♥️

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That last one🤣🤣

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You have got some hilarious ones here today Sarah! 😂🤣

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Sadly, no, daylight has NOT been saved, Captain Piccard 😢 😂

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Ellis Island is beginning to float!

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And, gee, the water surrounding it is NOT rising due to climate change. Hmm.

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Now I do not have to do sit ups because I laughed my gutts out. Thank you.

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You rip memes AND kick ass Sarah! 🧨💥 Thanks for the laughs. 🍻

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Is the bubblegum pink?!

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It could be people eating purple you know!

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honest jabe; that one had me rolling on the floor holding my sides. Stop with the relentless humor already! ; )

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OMG ... "Other phobias include..." 😆 ... Still laughing... Forwarded that one everywhere ...

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Glad you ran out of gum. These are great.

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I really looked because sometimes I just can’t help myself no matter how funny the damn meme is … and … I’m pretty darn sure “Dr Madeline Seers, PhD” is purely a twitter parody creation/character, no such prof tweeted that bs. This too is part of the crazy world we live in.

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I guess I just can’t quite wrap my head around the notion that there are people (or machines) making up dumbass quotes from fake libtards when there are so many genuine even more dumbass quotes from that camp.

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Also - it is not honest jabe - no, sadly, i am the worlds most annoying person

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