So true! They're still pushing pharma as the answer to health, but I guess they're not big enough to be "BIG PHARMA" ... yet. Still using fear, but only subliminally.

I like zinc, vitamin C, goldenseal, plenty of fruits and veggies and sunshine. No toxic ingredients or side effects. No prescription required ...yet.

Ps... and I'm Canadian 😀

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They are WELL PHARMA. It’s completely different.

And just to be clear (and I probably should’ve included this in the post), I am not knocking the vitamins and treatments. I’m not in a position to weigh in on that.

I still point inquiring souls to McCullough’s covid protocol as a resource. The advice I took from him helped cure my very unpleasant parosmia that developed 6 weeks after I had whatever it was we are calling covid.

I don’t know who knows what, but I’m pretty sure that everyone is not completely read in on all things. I don’t think everyone is just planning evil plots behind closed doors.

I also know that everyone is dealing with shit I know nothing about. Including a lot of people that are placing an immense amount of trust in this company.

And I hope this company IS different. I would LOVE to have brighter future where a person’s health really IS their provider’s #1 priority.

With full transparency as part of the mission, I think an honest disclosure about investors’ interests is reasonable. Kristin Elizabeth and Liam Sturgess uncovered some very concerning details over at beyond the maze.

I raised, what I consider to be, reasonable questions for TWC founder; which he has agreed to discuss only in a private conversation. Considering some of his affiliations, addressed at length in Kristin’s article, I’m only comfortable with a public conversation. I also feel like this is reasonable.

Anyway...this was a long response 😂

(Apologies for not linking Kristin’s excellent work, I’m on my phone atm)

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Thanks for that. I didn't get the impression you were knocking their products at all. That's just my take on pharmaceuticals, which I believe they also sell. I know lots of people rely on them and sometimes they're necessary. I'd just like to see things change so people understood that they shouldn't be first line of defense and that we need to take charge of our own health... just like we need to stop relying on politicians etc to save us.

As a retired journalist, I'd say you're wise not to have that private conversation.

Best and thanks for your work!

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I haven't had any of their shots since 1974 when I got shot and walked around with the bullet in my hand for three days. Tetanus only. I'm 63 and healthier than most people I know in their twenties, thirties, forties and fifties.

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What worked for your anosmia?

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Sarah, I published this yesterday which incorps your great contribution on Nanobiosym.


So far I've been the only one calling this out while pointing to prophecy which is the Truth above all truth. How can there be a truth movement without the TRUTH? Soon the Word of God will be all that is left standing. I encourage you to magnify the Truth should you know the Truth for in this end time the wise are confounded with their facts.

Go here, scroll to and play the Jamie Walden video... https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/the-lateness-of-the-hour

What's not to Believe?


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Yes, I enjoyed your article on conspiracy theories. It has a lot of truths to it. It has been like peeling a Union one layer at a time. Politicians have no fear of breaking their edits. No one has issues with riots and social distance. Preventing studies and funds for vaccine safety. Medical under the DOD. People dropping dead in Wuhan but not on cruise ships. Withholding antibiotics for Pneumonia. Denying medical to Cancer patients. Elderly euthanasia via pain medication. Nothing treats Covid. Tracking unprocessed data with a botched PCR test. Hide side effects for 50 years. You don't want to be on the list. You cannot work without getting jabbed. Each Country has about 1200 people dying a week of all-cause mortality. Globally the death rate is twice that of births. I can show how and where to order a Spike Protein and order the software to program it. Yes, they did. Scare Human programming. No virus or no virus the Spike Protein is a man-made synthetic virus so small and toxic it is an autoimmunity deficit stealth virus. I'm tired so I'll stop there. Some people believed in it but half believed in helping Mankind while the other half believed in destroying it. They will not stop so they must be stopped. Because my theory was proven. With Scientific studies and research. If the other half is correct this may be the end of our species. Technically it has been 3 years. The longest period of enhanced disease elevation after a natural disaster. The dying is increasing while they dump Spike into our food supply and Dog and Cats. Times up. Hope I didn't scare anyone. It's not my intent.

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Or is disease x just the name they have anointed to the rising illnesses and death caused by the jab - take a vaccine to protect you from the vaccine may become their new mantra

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I took their advice to turn off the TV, I haven't turned one on in 30 years,

and I listened to my 'gut instincts'. They told me I could likely

survive without these products.

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I saw that email this morning--and eyerolled, thinking of the past few days since FC suddenly showed up on Sage's commentary, and instead of answering his concerns directly, started going all Hunter-Bidenary on if/how he might answer such lowly questions and on what terms (ironically, including Sage self doxxing to FC as the magic ingredient). Kudos on your more constructive reaction! Thank you.

Would add it's ironic they call the newsletter "WEEKLY WELLNESS HACKS. (Every Thursday!)" using Dr. McCullough's photo at the top (the only actual person's photo in it). The title alone reinforces that you don't get straight answers from our health care system - another form of fear - so they're going to RESCUE us by showing us those HACKS that will actually give us "WELLNESS!" The words and the buttons were all soothing blue --complementing Dr. M's coat & tie-- over a black to white gradient. And the word "HACKS" was bold white, on another line positioned under "WEEKLY" -- another indicator that "they" are providing us "white hat" tricks, actually "weekly hacks" to navigate all the lies.

Just gonna say that the first time I perused the TWC site, my gut told me very plainly: This is all fear based marketing and once I saw how much the cost of mostly very cheap pharmaceuticals, especially the Ivermectin--which was 1) villanized through a coordinated attack including the CDC ("Seriously, you're not a horse!") and then 2) made very difficult to buy or find anymore (Walgreen's & CVS and other major chains would not sell it, even with a prescription). In fact, our TN Legislature passed a law that made Ivermectin available over-the-counter without a prescription a couple of years ago in response--except you can hardly find it anywhere and if you do, they've jacked the price way, way up. BTW, Walgreen's & CVS still won't sell it here, but I can surely order it from TWC for far higher than the ONE pharmacy here in my town that will now sell it OTC.

But LSS, the TWC prices clearly showed me they were turning this into nothing but BIG business to profit from fear! (Or that's some expensive cases they put it in!)

PS: "As a small American business, your purchase helps to ensure the continuation of our medical freedoms."

For me, a paid subscription to this and a handful of other stacks actively pointing out the manipulation is money FAR better spent for THAT "cause"!

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Spot on…I really wanted this Wellness Company thing to be different. But I just don’t think it is. The problem is that helping people find true agency over their health and wellbeing is rarely going to turn a huge profit. I know this to be true from my own experience. It’s what I’ve been doing for 22 years. I can make a living, but to jump up to “the next level” has always required a compromise that I’m just not willing to make.

I have several friends in TN and they have reported the same. You can “get it”…if you can find it.


Thank you for your kind words, and for your support. I am incredibly humbled when people choose to spend their time reading something I’ve written…and even more so when they choose to support my work financially.

I am truly honored. Thank you.

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Hi Robert...coupla questions:

What does "LSS" stand for toward the end of your comment?

How much does the one pharmacy in your town charge for IVM? (e.g. what's the total cost for 10 or 12 tablets of 12 mg IVM or 20 tablets of 3 mg or whatever size/qty they offer?)

Any idea if the TN regs would allow a licensed pharmacist to sell IVM from their home, or would they have to have a bricks & mortar store location?

I did a little of 'my own research' online and it looks like the law requires the pharmacy to have some sort of connection to a Dr. willing to be the 'prescriber of record'...that might be a problem for any Dr. who is not retired or nearly so. (Maybe not quite as OTC as it sounds?)

I was in Costa Rica from 2009 thru 2018. Two seasons...the dry one & the rainy one...when the rainy season starts, lots of water flows into reservoirs and parasites that had been at the bottom get stirred up into the higher-volume mix. My wife and I didn't know about this phenomenon on our first year there and when the reservoirs started filling up, we got sick...luckily a long-term expat friend told us what to get (IVM) at the local farmacia...24-48 hours later we were in fine shape...so, whether or not it really helps with whatever Covid is/was, I'll always have a warm spot in my heart and stomach for the stuff. I know some folks have had good experience with the AllDayChemist (ADC) place in India, but I've also bought IVM & HCQ and a few other things from a pharmacy in India at prices significantly lower than from ADC. If you ever want contact info, I'm happy to provide an email address. (No $$ involved for me...)


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Hi Infanttyron3 -- thanks for the comment. "LSS" means Long Story Short. I could go on & on about the different subtleties used on the TWC site and their marketing materials. I was a TV commercial producer for over 25 years--many campaigns running across multiple media outlets/forms, and am very familiar with the tricks used to subliminally reinforce "the message" and more importantly to spur the "call to action." (Buy now, discounts with tracking codes, call/click site for more info, sign up for info emails, etc.)

As for your other questions, the last time I checked the price with that local pharmacy was late last summer; it was almost 2.5 times what it was in 2018, the last time we needed any, prior to the government's disinformation campaign during the hysteria. The last time we needed IVM, it was about $1.50/pill & last summer was almost $4/pill. (3mg)

Didn't buy any and I haven't looked into it since. But dang it! Your questions now have me staring down another rabbit trail! 🤣 We got hit with a once-a-decade or so winter storm last weekend and a couple of waves this week--so most of the town's been shut down all week. Major roads are clearing--if you can get to them! Once I can get back out later today or this weekend, I'm going to go talk one-on-one to a few pharmacists, to see where it's at now and ask about any issues they're run across since the law changed. Since so many of the very people advising against IVM in 2020-2022 are now wanting to sell it in their own "preparedness" packs for the "next" scamdemic, I'm know it's not getting cheaper.

Anything I find worth sharing, I'll comment in this thread--looks like a few folks are following it.

Pricing aside, the main reason I pointed it out, is because once CDC decided to "sway away" from IVM or Hydroxichloriquine treatments, all the "major" pharmacies across the country started refusing to fill prescriptions for them in lockstep, whether in stock or not. TN, NH and about 10 other states passed similar laws. The big chains had to be "taking orders" from either 1) the government agencies, or 2) economic pressures from Big Pharma to "follow the recommendations" of the CDC and completely ignore the doctor-patient relationship. It has been the best example we've seen in our lives of fallacy that "Big Government knows best." Daily, it has become more apparent that was nothing but bullshit. It was deliberate disinformation to push the jabs.

As for a licensed pharmacist selling from home, that would not fly in our state at all. IMHO, they'd be treated like illegal drug dealers. You're right, pharmacies selling IVM OTC do have to have a 'prescriber of record' -- which basically means the pharmacy has a collaborative relationship with a licensed doctor who has given blanket authorization for a non-patient specific dosage (a basic generic prescription for 3mg tablets sold in a package of, say 20 tablets, but not in a recommended specific dose of, "Take 4 tablets every __ hours" (to make a 12mg dose). The customer can consult with the pharmacist regarding symptoms or other medications they're taking, and if the pharmacist sees no potential interaction problems, s/he can sell the IVM and not be held liable.

Another LSS, I discovered back in 2010 that the PRESCRIPTIONS for a neurological issue I had been suffering from since 2006 were actually causing more of the very seizures it was supposed to be lessening. Weird, huh? It was a 2.5 year process to wean off the pharmaceuticals, or there was a good chance the seizures would ramp up even worse and trigger MS. Again, LSS, I transitioned to natural supplements, targeted herbal tinctures and an incredible Resveratrol supplement. I have been totally seizure-free and enjoyed some of the best health of my life since May 2010.

THAT experience began my personal journey of comparing "the sales pitch" to the "fine print" and have come to realize that the sole purpose of the FDA working in conjunction with the CDC serves to protect ONE thing: profits for streamlining accessibility to dangerous drugs given to "help" problems that are actually exacerbated--thereby creating "patients for life" for the MEDICAL Industrial Complex.

Post scamdemic, I'm in the camp that BOTH should be abolished.

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Geez, Substack didn't send me a New Reply email about your reply. I just happened to be here tonight (1/25/24) making sure that my info about the pharmacy in India that I used was still up & visible. I'm typically not a slow responder...just hadn't gotten a notice about your reply, so I didn't know there was anything to respond to.

Interesting career. Happy to hear you got off the problematic meds safely and found a viable suite of alternative therapeutics. Just FYI in case you or anyone you know wants to stock up on IVM or HCQ or other standards, the last time I ordered from India (back in October), the price of 12 mg IVM tablets was $0.10 for an expiry date of 1/26. HCQ 200 mg was almost the same price $0.092 for same expiry date.

Yeah, FDA/CDC/NIH/etc remind me of an old comic (Peanuts? Wizard of Id?) with two panels. Panel 1 was kids at a typical kids' lmonade stand set-up with a handwritten sign "Iced drink 10 cents. Panel 2 was same general set-up but the sign says "Iced drink antidote $1.00" :-)

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I’d like your info; wish you’d put link here.

I may not be able to find you later.

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I am assuming you want the email address of the Indian pharmacy I have used...if Sarah says it's OK to post it here, then I'm glad to give it to you anytime after that. Pretty sure she won't mind, but I'd rather wait than have to ask for forgiveness. Alternatively (long workaround that should work if you want to take the trouble), you could start a Substack channel of your own and post a comment announcing the new channel here at Sarah's place, or Sage Hana's place, or Celia Farber's place. Generally, I at least scan every comment on these sites. If I see your new channel, I will subscribe, which should provide you with my direct email. If you email me directly, I'll be more than happy to send the Indian pharmacy's contact into. I have ordered from them three times since 2020. One of their shipments to me was done in two cartons. One of the boxes arrived in about 3 weeks, but the other was delayed by about a month beyond that, apparently due to being misplaced by either USPS or by US Customs. But it was delivered intact with nothing missing (it didn't even look like it had been opened/inspected). I hope Sarah sees this and says "Green Light on putting the Indian pharmacy's email address here".

OTOH, if you mean you want MY email address, you may need to start that channel of your own and wait for me to subscribe to it...unless Sarah happens to know you more or less directly, in which case she has a green light from me to send it to you. :-)

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Of course! Share away!

Thank you😘

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Thank you; I’ll work on your suggestions (if I can navigate same).

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Clarification: would like link to Indian pharmacy. 😉

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Just got the OK from Sarah the proprietor:

Company name = Naiom Healthcare

email address = ndesaiexports@gmail.com

The person I have dealt with most recently is named Mamta.

If you encounter any problems feel free to contact me...happy to help if I can.

They used to take payment via Paypal, but on the last order they asked me to switch to wise.com. You can send a domestic (US) wire transfer to a NY bank using wise.com...Naiom monitors the activity daily (except for holidays...India has a lot). When they see your payment they ship your order. I am not sure if the NY bank will accept a paper check, if online banking isn't your thing, but they might. If you have difficulty with wise.com, I can probably help with that, too. The US wire was for an order a little over $2000 and the wire (ACH) fee was only $5.63.

It took a little work to figure out the NY bank's ACH #, which is 026073150. Naiom's account number there is 8336653933.

I have figured out a way to send private info in Substack comment sections, so if you get into a complicated problem, I can send my email info if really needed.

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Got it...in that case I suspect Sarah will be OK if I put it here...but will wait until I'm sure.

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I’m in Canada. They say Ivermectin is supposed to be cheap but pharmacies here charge a lot for it.

That said, I do know a doc who prescribed it for people who were sick and it did seem to speed recovery. I took it myself and I agree I recovered quickly. Would I have as quickly if I didn’t? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I agree they should just be straight about what they provide without the fear/urgency. That’s business (so they say...although one would have hoped they were really going to be different).

Ivermectin is an effective treatment for parasites, we know this. If it turns out to be effective for respiratory colds and flus, I’d rather use that than something that is more toxic, particularly if it doesn’t wipe out the micro biome in the process. And I do take vitamins/minerals etc as well.

I’m going to suggest not to throw the baby out with the bath water and never use Ivermectin because it’s been both championed and demonized throughout all the Covid bullshit. There are some pharmaceuticals that are useful even if Big Pharma is horrible. What we need is the freedom to choose what we feel is best without fear or criticism or interference.

I would love to see what Liam Sturgess has written... could you provide a link please Sarah?

Thank you Sarah for looking into this and a great article. Integrity should matter, and providing information and services should not be using fear. We’ve had more than our share these past 4 years.

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Don't forget money whore Dr. Drew.

Now shilling for YouTube fitness fraud, VShred and prior shill for Giardasil and covid jabs.

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Never trust Doctors pushed by the major media establishments.🤮🤢💉

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Thanks Sarah! I'm glad you posted this. Besides the fact that these are still pharmaceuticals and their use of FEAR marketing tactics, some people may still feel a "need" for these products, if/when SHTF especially if one isn't well-versed in homeopathic or natural options to combat whatever may come their way. (I just used colloidal silver and black seed/cumin oil to defeat a very painful salivary gland infection.😊) Anyone can buy these same drugs but get more quantity for less money by purchasing from AllDayChemist.com. I've purchased from them in the past. I sent a paper check to a US address so I didn't give up my CC info. It took about 3 wks to get my order, same time as TWC, it looks like. No RX or consult needed. I'm pretty sure there was no shipping charges.

***Contagion Kit - ADC $134.50 vs TWC $299.00

HCQ - 200 mg -30 tabs (+10) $18.00

Ivermectin -12 mg - 30 tabs (+2) $57.50

Azithromycin 250 mg 30 tabs (+18) $25.50

Budesinide - 0.5mg/2ml 30 vials (+20)$33.50

Typo on their page. Vials are 2ml, not 20ml.

"Free" Cheap nebulizer -$45 value

I bought a nice nebulizer for $47 from healthproductsforyou.com

$179.50 total with good nebulizer

***Medical Kit - ADC $194.00 vs TWC $299.00

Augmentin - 875/125mg -30 tab (+2) $55.00

Azithromycin Z-Pack 250 mg -30 tab (+24) 25.50

Doxycline + probiotic -100 mg -60 caps $13.00

Metronidazole - 200 mg - 90 tabs (+15) $7.50

500mg n/a, take 2.5 - 200 mg, still ahead 15 tabs

Ivermectin - 12 mg - 30 tabs (+5) $57.50

Bactrim - 800/160 mg - 30 tabs (+2) $8.00

Fluconazole - 150 mg - 5 tabs (+3) $12.00

Ondansetron - 4mg - 30 tabs (+24) $15.50

Of course, you are missing out on the little TWC storage bags. 🙄 You can save $50 on these kits with a "membership" which run from $9.99 to $199.00 PER MONTH! Not sure if the cheap membership qualifies for the $50 discount. You're still better off buying from ADC, because overall cost AND the following disclaimer.

*After kit purchase, a clinical intake form is required to complete your medical provider’s evaluation. Once approved, expect to receive your kit in 2-3 weeks.

**Prescriptions are administered at the sole discretion of your provider. In the event of allergy or other medical condition that is a contraindication for a medication, it shall be omitted from the kit *without substitution*.

Available to US residents only.

Cannot ship to military addresses or PO boxes.

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Contagion kit.

Sounds scary.

What is a contagion?

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I was just going by their advertisements. This doesn't reflect my personal feelings.

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Aww man, wish my article (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth) on viruses would've made the list of "germs cause pandemics (see here)" lol... but totally agree with the FEAR PORN the WELLNESS COMPANY is doing.

Listen, drugs, as in petrolium based chemicals known as pharmaceuticals are always going to be a last option. Yes, this includes Ivermectin that 2nd Smartest Guy pushes as well. Drugs, always last last resort.

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Imagine that - Canadians peddling fear when we are told all is still safe and effective- gotta watch those quiet ones from Canada - the younger sibling that gets the older ones in trouble by flying under the radar . Sarah your radar is as pitch perfect as your marvelous singing bowls.

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That made me smile, Linelle. Thank you.

Update on that...I’m FINALLY having the next sound check with the sound guru this weekend. There’s been a special elevated mic box made, fancy mics...it’s pretty elaborate lol. I can’t wait for you to hear it!

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Sounds like that will be really exciting for that other part of your life Sarah . I am looking forward to hearing and seeing the video . I still can feel how powerful the sound you created from those bowls , resonated at such a deep level . Thank you.

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♥️ I love this, Linelle. Thank you.

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“I think I’ve solved it...

Dr. ‘X’ ,

In the lab,

With a ‘virus’...!”


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Thank gawd you got here. Phew.

Nice work Professor Plumsauce.

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Be sure to insist on the Original Recipe Plumsauce, not that (W)HOisin stuff from Wuhan. Yes, it's an essential sauce, and goes great on your duck or gyoza, and there are hundreds of recipes out there, but several of my FOIA requests have yet to generate a free sample of the isolated substance...Oh sure, for $8.95 per bottle with $20 shipping they'll ship.

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As SK is pushing them - “React19”


may be fertile ground, as event 201 continues to unfold ...

(damn ellipsis button stuck again!)

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a day late, a dollar short, but what the heck...

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How do they keep people living with hind brain/fear based reactionary thinking?

They restrict SALT, they demonise SALT.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

The adrenals sit quietly on top of the kidneys unless there is an emergency.

Dehydration or hyponatremia / low salt is life threatening.

(Low blood volume raises heart rate, increasing work load.)

The adrenals release all their adrenal cortical hormones not just aldosterone.

Aldosterone throws the kidneys into reverse. It’s like driving a car in reverse down to the shops. The car is built to drive forwards but now that function is disabled.

The adrenals also release adrenaline and cortisol.

Increasing feelings of anxiety and increasing blood sugar.

Restrict salt and this is maintained chronically. Can you see why the kidneys become dis-eased? The adrenals become enlarged? The blood sugar levels become diabetic? The anxiety becomes panic attacks?

So if THEY wanted to manipulate people it’s a great strategy to broadcast advice that causes chronic dehydration, maintains the production of adrenal cortical hormones that cause fear based reactionary / hind brain thinking.

So many strategies to weaken us into subjugation. Our powers of resilience are obviously amazing.

Put SALT front and centre because water follows salt.

All salt stores are raided in in states of dehydration or hyponatremia. For example muscles, joint capsules, bones, eyes, mucosa ... this is why the elderly shrink, their joint capsules lose salt and water.

Hip and knee replacements arise from dehydration.

Alcohol dehydrates. Hangovers result from salt depletion. Salt plus water is the remedy.


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Thank you jane.

Do you add sea salt to your water? I had been adding the phour salts, but I don’t think they are agreeing with me and was planning to switch to just sea salt. Curious to hear what you do. I appreciate your work in this space so much. Thank you!

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Hi Sarah

I use ancient lakes magnesium enriched salt from Western Australia, lake Deborah an old sea bed. They also make an electrolyte balanced salt, I use that too.

Look out for hand harvested family run salt businesses.

Yes, I add salt to my water. Start my day with 1/2 tsp and add more as the day goes on.

Brisbane is extremely humid, loads of rain, sun. Lino and carpet feel dam under foot right now.

Coffee/tea/alcohol, stress, heat, cold - add salt

I’ve just posted my third article

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?


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Unfortunately it looks like Ancient Lakes doesn't ship to the US :(

If you have a second choice, I'd love to hear. Thanks again!

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James Dinicolantonio, The Salt Fix, recommends Redmond Real Salt


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I neglected to mention that I ordered his book yesterday, at your recommendation. I've got a hard copy on the way, but I started the audible version yesterday. I appreciate you pointing to it. Thank you!

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His book interviews are good to listen too as well, biohacker asked some great questions



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Thank you so much for all the information you share.

Another fantastic post Jane.

I just upgraded my subscription to your excellent work!

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Thank you for your support, Sarah, this is a lovely surprise!

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It's lovely when real people do real work and share real information that is really helpful.

Thank YOU!

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I guess we all got that TWC email. Mahalo for this latest edition of CS.

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Good work, Sarah...thank you

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--But actually, FEAR NOT, Wellness Members…The Wellness Company has the solution!--

Made me chuckle....now I'm grinning

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Dr. McCoullough & Harvey Risch are very credible Drs who hired the head of the Wellness Company to make this available. I get sick of marketing methods myself but perhaps in this case maybe the tired marketing methods need to be looked past? I don't think these doctors know enough about marketing to know that what they got was the establishment as their marketer?? Maybe they have been compromised by the lure of money??? Thoughts? I have no reason to doubt the value of ivermectin.

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Posted above, but seems relevant here:

They are WELL PHARMA. It’s completely different.

And just to be clear (and I probably should’ve included this in the post), I am not knocking the vitamins and treatments. I’m not in a position to weigh in on that.

I still point inquiring souls to McCullough’s covid protocol as a resource. The advice I took from him helped cure my very unpleasant parosmia that developed 6 weeks after I had whatever it was we are calling covid.

I don’t know who knows what, but I’m pretty sure that everyone is not completely read in on all things. I don’t think everyone is just planning evil plots behind closed doors.

I also know that everyone is dealing with shit I know nothing about. Including a lot of people that are placing an immense amount of trust in this company.

And I hope this company IS different. I would LOVE to have brighter future where a person’s health really IS their provider’s #1 priority.

With full transparency as part of the mission, I think an honest disclosure about investors’ interests is reasonable. Kristin Elizabeth and Liam Sturgess uncovered some very concerning details over at beyond the maze.

I raised, what I consider to be, reasonable questions for TWC founder; which he has agreed to discuss only in a private conversation. Considering some of his affiliations, addressed at length in Kristin’s article, I’m only comfortable with a public conversation. I also feel like this is reasonable.

Anyway...this was a long response 😂

(Apologies for not linking Kristin’s excellent work, I’m on my phone atm)

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Man, these pics of Coulson.... If you cracked open the dictionary for 'agent'...

"Hello fellow kids! I am not an agent! Here, have some health meds."

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Ivermectin may be for a real disease.

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Careful it can make you sterile!!!

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Now that's interesting.

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What gets me is the amount of people who still believe all of this bullshit. I have lost respect for a lot of people over the last four years.

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Sarah! Do NOT Shut Up. Thank you.

P.S. That the TWC founder will only answer your questions privately is very concerning. What the hell is the big deal there? Grrrr. I’ll look up Kristin’s article.

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To be clear, he said that he would do an interview for me to post.

I already posted my questions. They are not going to change. So let’s skip the private phone chat and just answer the questions....

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Ahhh...right, I remember that now. Perhaps a phone interview is better for him than typing answers? Whateves...the important thing is that you get to ask clarifying follow-up questions as well. And Kristin’s article does indeed bring up some worrisome interactions.

I am with you in holding an optimistic hope for parallel health systems to be developed, and there is at least one that I currently know of: Dr Shawn Baker’s Revero Health


I will stay tuned! Thanks again, Sarah.

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Thank you for the link; bookmarked it!

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