Are you considering faking a pandemic or terrorist attack and worried that you might not have an expert ready to answer questions?
Don’t be!
There’s no need to have experts prepped and ready to answer hard questions. In fact, they don’t even need to be able to answer basic ones!
Just roll them out to the public, let them squirm, and then pretend that this inconvenient situation didn’t even happen.
And what’s super cool is that this strategy is incredibly versatile.
You can effectively usurp the rights of citizens by faking a pandemic OR staging a terrorist attack….
Here’s a great example I pieced together for you with TOP EXPERTS not answering super reasonable, basic questions that should be easily answered.
👍🏼👍🏼 Fake it til you make it, experts 👍🏼👍🏼
And you might be thinking that it would be a bad idea to mention stuff like,
“They’ve repeatedly faked pandemics.”
Nah! That doesn’t matter either.
Just tell them we’re at war with whatever…and DON’T WORRY, it can be something invisible…as long as you are herding them into the curated arms of guiding them into a brighter future and “alternative treatments”.
It’ll be helpful to use buzz words like HEALTH, WELLNESS, and FREEDOM.
But make sure to keep reminding them about the next “emergency” while you’re herding guiding them. You know, just make them feel like they are “choosing” an alternative😉.
Experts agree that there are proven ways to boost acceptance of your fakery. I covered this here:
For example, having a little plastic rectangle with a window, that people can snot or spit on, that TELLS them that they are sick (especially when they inconveniently aren’t experiencing any symptoms)…is very effective. You can call it a test.
You could also have some drive through tents where untrained un-medical nonprofessionals are temporarily are hired to “supervise” the snotting/spitting process and then let an app ***ALERT*** them that they are sick from their non-symptoms.
Then they can easily text out their results to help spread your “pandemic” fakery for you!
Do you need a genetic sequence for your plastic rectangle? Hell no! And you definitely do not need a whole sequence.
The best way to “find the sequence” is to just use a computer program that rearranges stuff until there’s something that you can pretend is a thing. Then just tell the people that the computer said so and science and stuff.
Make sure you put out some confusing science graphics that mean jack shit like this one:
You can be sure that people will KNOW you’ve sequenced something scary and will be CRYSTAL CLEAR that it’s going ape shit with a helpful graphic like this:
Don't forget the zombie apocalypse shite with people dropping dead in the street on cue.
😹 "We have a team of doctors that are warriors to defend humanity..."
----"What I normally say is, it's going to be intense, the second shot, but you are already in."
Signed, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Visionary Warrior