That is a masterpiece.

Excellent digging and uncovering.

Cross posting this.


On a serious note, this just illustrates the magnitude of all the things THEY are doing, that we are missing...as we are artfully distracted with by the Scamdemic soap opera.

We need to move from finding out about these moves accidentally, to predicting and searching for them, before they happen.

Great work!!

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Thank you ....and no kidding! If I managed to dig up dirt, I cannot imagine what else passes by, never noticed.

Glad you enjoyed Rackamid as much as I did😂

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It's going on the coffee mug list.

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This is when I really wish we could do gifs in comments. This would totally get Kip from Napoleon Dynamite.


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That would so be constantly used.

We need to start a movement calling for gif support and edgier emoji...where are the gallows, guillotines and mushroom clouds??

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🙌🏼 PREACH 🙌🏼

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"Coincidences are so hot right now."

Love it, gonna use that line in Real Life.

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Good work.

Should we send a copy of this article to Mr. Jonathan Kanter at the Injustice Department, Washington DC?

And mail and hand deliver many copies to the US District Courthouse in DC? Finishing the hand delivery to every guard processing all bodies through the metal detector at door. That way when they see/greet the Judge coming and going daily, they can see him for who he really is.

I can have someone hand deliver dozens of copies to Court House offices and Supervising Judge, etc., just give me the thumbs up. Signature for receipt is very important so it does not just find its way to the waste bin. In that regard, mailing with signature required is better. Hanging in the cafeteria may give more people time to read. One would think this hard work should find its way to Glen Greenwald or Tucker Carlson for an episode on Antitrust run amuck in America.

What does everyone think?

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Thank you! 🙏🏼

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the future looks fun huh

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We just have to keep at it....you're doing good work, Ray.

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Thankyou Sarah. Nice work. 😎

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Hello, Sarah. Excellent work. Thank you.

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Hiya Guy ☀️

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I was doing contract work for LHC Group when it went public. I think they spent about 5 million to go public. It looks like it paid off.

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Brilliant as always, these crooks need to fall sooner or later. They can't take their wealth with them when they die. Oh that's right! They want to be gods and live forever. That's what the whole faith in AI is for them.

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Once I wrapped my head around the depth and scale of it all, I see it everywhere.

It's brilliant, really...

Because it literally sounds completely impossible... and as you're trying to explain it, you come off sounding like a raving lunatic.

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Yup. (Which is one of the reasons my sister and her husband didn't talk too much about it to anyone. And were very slow to open up to me because they had no idea how I would be able to process that after a 15 year estrangement.)

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Excellent digging. Love that you start with Tim Gielen’s doc. He is Dutch, like me. I have been trying to pass it on to those awake. Once you see, you can never unsee!

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It's true. And once you see it...it is literally everywhere.

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It is!

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Very scary INDEED

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Germany was reeling from the excessive punishment put on it following WWI which is why the Weimar Republic was so culturally debased and why the citizenry was primed to accept the apparant savior Hitler (funded by US bankers and oligarchs). The worldwide depression only made things worse (and left the international bankers and industrialists unopposed).

Not only was the US ahead of Germany in eugenics (which is why the US was given a shout out by Hitler in his Mein Kampf), the US made gold illegal and demanded it turned in in 1932. And afterwards, imprisoned and stole the Japanese Americans freedom and wealth in WWII times.

It is one big club and we are not in it just coincidentally.

Anyone who believes that judges are just from and like us little people does not understand what is going on.

While I love Rogaskis heart and determination, believing that one can deal with powerful liars is in an international organization designed to dominate over you is suicide. Just get out of the UN and its WHO and World Bank and take care of the ourselves. Void all entanglements tomorrow!

(and prepare to have an accident brought to you by the government Mafia agents. No offense meant to the common mafia.)

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