May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

See, "Crocodiles don't swim here" has the opposite punctuation problem as "The Health Freedom Summit is launching with trusted voices like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Naomi Wolf, Del Bigtree, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and 60+ others in an epidemic of deceit ..."

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

A wonderfully brilliant series!

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Thank you!

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

That was great! Thanks Sarah!

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

another load of gems, thank you.😊

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thanks, Sarah! We need some lightness and humor to keep us going! Fantastic!

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

That will last until 4th of July! Outstanding collection!

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May 25Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

You had me at "Mavis knits a scarf" lol


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This one got me…had to put it first 🏆

Glad you enjoyed 😁

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very excellent collection Sarah, Thank you for compiling them into what seemed like a mile long of funny/sad. happy Week-end

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Fantastic! TY

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Professor Hedberg FTW, again... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGxjIBEZvx0

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I see what you did there.

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May 24Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

The Atlantic.



Climate Change Canadian.


All brilliant!

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

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Great work, nicely played.

After the Chad comment, next day the stickers went up.....funny that 😁.

Nice of them.....🥸, to help 🤣👍

Keep memin' and dreamin'

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Great to see some offensive tackles getting the recognition they deserve on the covers of SI and Cosmo. Been watching football for 40+ years and I can honestly say that OTs are the unsung heroes on the gridiron, making countless holes at the line of scrimmage for the RBs. I've always said, "a running back is only as good as the big asses in front of him." Proud day for me.

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What u share is great!💕

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Oh I so needed these. Thank you Sarah!

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