Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Hey Sarah, I have quite a tip for you and your subs.

Have you ever heard of Chlorine Dioxide? I will tell you where to get but understand I don’t want to see it disappear. Hey I just figured it out a couple weeks ago. That stuff seems to have been declared public enemy number one over the years. I do NOT know how strong it is or if it even works. Currently I am pretty healthy but I am ingesting a small amount daily. I don’t feel like it can hurt you.

For those of you who are curious please reply to me. I will send it after this thread cools down. Like I said, I’m very suspicious that if this goes wide open it will be cracked down on. I just want the folks interested in it and I will show you an easy way.

I would like to see some of you experiment along with me. If we deem that it is indeed as effective as advertised I will buy a shitload of it.

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Chlorine Dioxide Solution is a staple in my world. I've been using it for a couple of years now. I make it regularly. I've done Protocol C, but now just keep it on hand. It is an EXCELLENT thing to have around.

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Same here, Sarah! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Lol ok I can’t resist. Was at the hygienist a couple weeks ago. She was giving me hell about dipping lol. She said well I have something that will help your gums. Its not bad btw.

She said she had a mouthwash to buy and she wouldn’t stop plugging it. Said numerous times it was like sucking on a chlorine tablet. I have a pool and knew she was speaking in a hyperbolic fashion.

Couple nights late on a survival blog my friend mentioned CLD. For some reason the lightbulb in my brain went off. So I checked the mouthwash CloSYS on Amazon. Sure enough it’s Stabilized CLD. When I use the mouthwash I always swallow it afterwards.

I don’t have any ailments at the time being but wonder how it performs; especially with bacterial infections. I don’t know what percentage makes up the CLD in the CloSYS formula. So no clue what the safety levels of it happen to be. Have gone bonkers trying to synthesize the shit but can never seem to understand exactly what it needed. So I have given up several times.

Am curious as to how you get it. To what level is effective and such. Does it work for bacterial or even fungal infections?

The reason I feel so strongly about it has been the media’s blitz against it over the years. Another reason is for prepping for potential hard times ahead. Amygdalin (Apricot Seeds), IVM, HCQ, VD have all had war declared on them. Anything you can share would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks ☺️

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This is the CDS expert imho:


Making it is pretty simple, Kalcker has a video showing exactly how to do it. It’s much cheaper to make it yourself, and all supplies can be purchased on Amazon.

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Pretty sure the constituent chemicals for making CDS are too common and in such widespread use for other things that although there may continue to be a fear/info campaign against CDS, you'll always be able to get the precursors. I've been delaying starting it myself, but your mentioning it here has made me interested in getting around to giving it a go-go-go (5 Gs, couldn't resist). On the acronym list, I'm familiar with amygdalin (B13), IVM, and HCQ, but not VD...unless it's an older, shorter version of STD. Please advise at your convenience. Thanks.

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Lolol you said VD and I was like wtf do you mean. Shit I’m sorry confused even myself Vitamin D.

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Well, those are my initials, so there was some extra incentive to ask about it. :-)

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You guys have a link that I can go to? Am curious as to how it has helped and to what degree. Curious to know what it hasn’t worked on too. Any tips are appreciated.

I had all but given up. Was too confusing trying to figure out how to take it. However my experience at the dentist made me almost feel like it was serendipitous.

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I am your fah-thah.

(Schwartzenegger doing Darth Vader)...

Topical disinfectant info, lots to read. Here's one starting point :


Those not familiar with chemistry think this is bleach. Be cautious & do your research.


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You can’t be my father dammit. Lol thanks for the link will check it out. Very curious about anecdotal evidence if you guys have some.

Lol oh PS if you go with CloSYS don’t not use the flavor vial if you plan to swallow it. Have ingested a healthy amount last week or so. It does not feel dangerous. However as stated i don’t even know what reasonable amounts are?

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Yes I’m interested

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WOW, Luke.

I have never heard of this. Now I have to do some research

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I'm highly interested and extremely motivated especially for information about chlorine dioxide in nebulizer form, if there is any. It's a story I'm writing...

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Chlorine dioxide should not be inhaled. Hydrogen peroxide (3% or less) is quite effective nebulized and inhaled, but CDS, as far as I'm aware, should never be intentionally inhaled.

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Jun 30Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Currently nebulising highly dilute hydrogen peroxide and distilled water for lung cooties. It's awesome.

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It works well as a gargle for throat cooties...especially if there's a lot of post nasal drainage. Really helps get the film off the tonsils.

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Thanks for the info! I'm still wrapping my head around things. Ahh yes I had heard about hydrogen peroxide nebulizers...

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Sarah have you noticed any benefits using it to treat infections (bacterial, fungal). Wondering how effective it has been for people who have a lot of experience with it. Am going to the links you shared and see what I can find there….thanks again

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TBC- for the above I’m talking about chlorine dioxide solution…

However you can do the gas in a shot glass over an infected ear or wound and that also works well.

CDS in combination with DMSO is VERY effective as well.

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Yes…it’s my choice for any ear/sinus issues, wound care, mouth or throat issues, and skin stuff. I give it to clients ALL THE TIME. It’s awesome.

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Has it helped with anything internally where it needs to be ingested? I have drank plenty of my new mouthwash. Seems benign thus far. Not really sure home much I can take. Unfortunately CloSYS doesn’t give the percentage of the active ingredient CDS I guess it’s called. Thanks again 😊

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Jun 30Β·edited Jun 30Author

I would refer to Andreas Kalcker's protocols for dosing.

Making chlorine dioxide solution is really quite easy. Chlorine dioxide is a gas...you make it in a shot glass and add distilled water around the shot glass before enclosing in a hinged jar. It takes about 24 hrs and you need to repeat the initial gas phase...when finished you have the put the gas into solution, hence chlorine dioxide solution. It keeps for a good while and is much more convenient to use. I've not used MMS, however as I understand it, CDS seems to be easier on the stomach as well.

Anywho...I did do Protocol C (internal ingestion of 10ml CDS in 1L of H2O for several weeks). I didn't have any ill effects...I also wasn't experiencing any terrible symptoms to begin with, I just always try and check something on myself before recommending to clients (if possible). I'll say that I don't love the taste, but it's tolerable.

Something to remember is that chlorine dioxide is an oxidizer so you want to space out your dosing such that you are taking it without any antioxidants (foods, juice, supplements), as you will negate it if taking together. Also, should you experience any ill effects (stomach, etc), you can simply drink some OJ/apple juice or take some Vit C.

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Good palm face-plants.

Especially w/Ashley & her Dad tribute. We're a bunch of sickos laughing around a barn burning.

I know, I know speak for myself.


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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

That one. Classic!

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I had to learn unlearning myself. Still one mustn’t forget the lessons of the past. Unless you were just a flaming idiot. Then by all means dump it.

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Jun 29Β·edited Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Last Friday was found wanting...

Thank Goodness for this Friday!

(as always- right on 🎯)

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I fell off my meme game last week...got covered up with travels and slipped.😣

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Your meme game is back on! I ❀️ the very last meme (umbrella-ella-ella) and want that merch!

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

that sounds a bit more like travails...?


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Traveling travails lol.

Was with the extended family…which is laborious and exhausting these days.

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Smaller glass ... You have a splendid future as a life coach.

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Sheer awesomeness! Thanks for the laughs. Some of these are hard truths.

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.... double-plus good - "Why isn't China concerned about global warming? Because they already have a communist government." Pure gold. ;-)

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Meme-tastic memes today, Sarah. Thanks for the weekly bits of hilarity!

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Thank you.

It feels good to be on the other side of my "vacation" with the extended family. Made it through without any overt fighting with my doctor brother...despite bringing up hospital death protocols, PCR (not) tests, and cell culture (not) isolations. 🀣

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Proud of you, Sarah! It is hard to deal with white coat demi-gods - even if family. I once was in that deluded crowd, but age and life trauma eventually tends to break one free from the Medical Matrix... Stand strong.

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Thank you. I mostly approached it by asking him to explain things to me.

πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ I just don't understand the PCR tests and I really want to. Like, how do they work? Just walk me through it.

πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ When you were in medical school, did they teach you that it is ever appropriate to vent someone who is breathing on their own? What about suppressing respiration on a patient already struggling with respiration with an opioid like morphine? Would administering a nephrotoxic drug like Remdesivir make sense in that situation?

It was backdoor and kind of an asshole way to do it, but I *think* I might've managed to plant a couple of seeds. I got a couple of long pauses when he couldn't immediately answer my questions. You know, before his programming kicked in πŸ˜….

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Hopefully, your planted "seeds: will grow and enable him to awaken to reality. If he does, however. there may be unintended consequences as being freed from the Matirx can and will effect faith (religious convictions) , job, relationships, and life direction.

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I know these well...

Unfortunately I don't think an awakening is imminent. It would require a complete rearrangement of his world.

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Exactly... But, Universe does provide rearrangement frequently - whether it is wanted or not!

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Your use of the term "medical matrix" rang a bell-- are you familiar with the work of the late Roy Maaters? He used to use that term due to his experiences with docs years ago, way pre-rona.

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Maaters or Masters?

I've heard of Roy Masters, but not Maaters...

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Jun 30Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Oops! Roy Masters! Thanks for the correction!

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Interesting, TNB. Had not heard of him. Will research.

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Fun memes!

About that "fluoro lay-down" in Perth in 2021


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Jun 29Β·edited Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

IMHO most ppl understand that the gov't lies...what really throws them is when doctors lie. (IMHO, that throws docs the most!)

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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah


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Jun 29Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

You give me a huge lady boner! 🀣🀣🀣

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Jun 30Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

This is the greatest moment of my life.

I made that Assange meme.

And also, the fluoro lay-down was the worst day of my life.

What a ride.

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It's included in my Aussie post. Which is coming, albeit slowly.

Your write up of that day pierced my heart. I'll never forget it.

Thank you for standing for what it right, not what is easy. You are an inspiration.

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Jun 30Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

I remember your comment about not being sure if you would have stood up to this. Another Substacker from the US who I like very much is coming to grips with what is happening in the US right now and s/he has been asking me specific questions about how I survived the cognitive war of attrition here. I think a lot of people in the US are understanding that what they thought their country is, and what rights they have, do not actually exist. Or if they do, the power structure does not care.

I have what amounts to about a 30 point plan to how I stayed unjabbed and under the radar. It's essentially a manual for how to survive tyrannical regimes under cognitive warfare scenarios. I was thinking about publishing it but not sure how it would be received. I think first people have to admit there is a problem, and a lot of people are still clinging to the illusion of freedom.

Thanks for reading my blog post.

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Substack long ago disabled my ability to like comments (except comments on notes and through my notifications screen).

I would like to read your 30 point plan.

When the scamdemic kicked off, we were in the middle of family court. The only reason my child avoided the injection was that they were (only just) of legal age where it was technically their choice. They made the decision, alone, with their doc. They're a very stubborn child and said hell no they don't want it. I kept out of the whole thing (on paper) and 'got away' with having an uninjected child, even though family courts were making kids get it left and right at the time. Other than that, it wasn't difficult here in NZ to avoid for us. It was a very scary time though, as we didn't know if things were going to head to concentration camp level and were preparing for that possibility. My husband is self employed, I've been too disabled to work for over ten years, and we homeschool. No masking, no injections, no testing, at any point (except my husband wore masks when visiting his dad in hospital sometimes). I went to the hospital as part of family court crap. I refused the mask, they fought me on it, I refused anyway, they ended up letting me in to attend the appointment. I don't even know how, I just kept saying no and the guy at the door gave up and let me in. I told my husband we will run and hide in the forest before I'll allow anyone near our family! That still may be required as convid was only one step in the greater plan. Your right, people will need to realise it isn't 'over', and they aren't 'free'.

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Jul 1Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thanks. Perhaps this is the encouragement I need.

Regarding 'running and hiding in the forest' it is very easy to find isolated rural people with IR/heat drones. People are much larger than small mammals like mice which are easy to see and they can see your heat sources from any cooking. There will be no running and hiding if they want to find you. The people who 'go missing' - the authorities simply are uninterested in spending the resources in finding them but it's the same in urban areas. Same with people who think they can board themselves up in attics and walls. In those cases they simply use heat to find people. All this is very old technology.

The only reason they did not go all the way in Australia, even though they legally could have was the threat of [redacted] by those who would not submit.

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Jun 30Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

OK, I looked up the paper towel germ thing. It's for real, especially with recycled paper in them. That b/c they have to use starch and fillers that the germs love. Their recomendation: "wash your hands after using paper towels." For real. And do you dry your hands with a paper towel after washing them? But then you have to wash your hands b/c you touched the paper towels. And on into infinity. Sounds like some marketing genius to get people to use more paper towels.

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Jun 30Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Love the memes. Thank you!

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Jun 30Liked by Conspiracy Sarah

Thank you for the info on Chlorine Dioxide. I've been curious about it for a while.

I had one concern about the products linked and that was the measuring shot glass. Nearly all markings on glass measuring cups (and other markings on glass) have been shown to contain lead and other chemicals at unacceptable levels, even ones from reputable companies. Often these are claimed to be "lead free" and it's true the glass itself is lead free but the markings are not. Source https://tamararubin.com/?s=measuring+cups. I will look for similar cups without the painted markings (etched markings).

I've gotten very cautious about lead which remains in the body at 90% according to her site.

Also, I think the distilled water is important. My city water has some bad toxins in it.

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I did not notice that I linked shot glasses with markings...that was an oversight. I was doing it from my phone - never a good idea.

I just use plain glass shot glasses. Thank you for the heads up!

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Glad to hear we can use plain glass ones. I already have those.

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