ive been watching tucker and russell for a year or more now, they both have lots of good things to say.

tucker may work at fox but he has a contract that allows him to say wtf he wants.

i dont agree 100% with either of them but they are awake enough to help push more normies in the right direction and am glad they are out there

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Agreed. I felt like I needed to check myself on underlying messages that perpetuate the evil. Although I agree with a lot of what they say, I feel so strongly that we must not be courted into unknowingly absorbing the fear of whatever - China, Russia, Pfizer, gain of function, the left, the right, all of it....the fear drives the hate...that drives the divide...all of which "they" need to continue.

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Amazing polly has more one the alternative media.


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OMG. Cynthia, thank you for pointing me to Amazing Polly.

The one you linked was 🤯!! I had a long drive today and listened to her podcasts for most of it. I listened to the Dr Peck book she recommended (I was only familiar with The Road Less Traveled, which I read probably 20ish years ago), it was really great as well. And now I can say that I am a huge fan....and will definitely be working on a writeup highlighting some of the research she has done. Again, thank you.

I can't believe that I'm still surprised about the depth of the fuckery (*shitfuckery, actually), but it still manages to shock me.

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Forrest Gump, the movie, immortalized

"Stupid is as stupid does". We all know what that means, eh.

Earlier than that, the Dune movie had this quote about fear had a profound effect on me.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

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Ah the famous RB-YNH kiss. I started my YT to respond to Russell's Luminary interviews. I missed Russell 1.0 altogether and my daughters were shocked to find out he was my new doppelganger. He started doing them when he'd been brought down to earth by getting sober and losing his career, and going back to college for a double major in global studies and religion, I think it was.

Back then he interviewed a lot of everyday people and had long, deep conversations. No matter who he talked to, he always expressed love for them and interest in their ideas. And Yuval, in particular, had a lot of ideas that I agree with. That nations are spells cast by legal shaman. That money is the most successful religion. And there was something shockingly critical of Israel I caught in one video.

So I've done several videos on Yuval and Russell, two before I was on Substack:

Legal Shamans vs. Economic Witches: https://youtu.be/Fz_6iAngaLA and Alien Nation: https://youtu.be/I8nafyRhubI and two on Substack with text: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/yuval-harari-and-the-metawealth-miniverse and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/polarization-on-esther-perel-and yuval harari.

and Why Russell Brand? my very first video: https://youtu.be/V3JpDatCydM for your amusement ;-)

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I can't wait to watch your videos, Tereza, thank you!

I saw this pic a while back and tucked it away in the memory bank - I swear I saw another one of him with someone else that was surprising to me, but I can't remember who and couldn't find it.

I still agree with much of what RB says, and find him to be one of the voices that speaks closest to the truth. In fact, it was this feeling about him that prompted me to question the underlying messages that might still be coming through. My point in including him along with Tucker was simply to encourage discernment and inquisition of everything and everyone, most of all, oneself.

I will continue to listen to RB's show. I certainly don't hate him...I just want to avoid falling into the fear trap, which seems to be peddled from all sides...also the corruption happening on both sides, but I left that alone for another piece LOL.

As always, thank you for your insight 😘

Cheers to margarita snorts!

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Oh that would be such a joy to have you watch me! You're not the first to point out that photo to me as a reason not to trust RB. Most of my early YT followers are from his fans. I used to hit refresh repeatedly at 10 am and have a comment on one of my vids ready to cut-and-paste into his thread before it got deluged with thousands.

Maria from Australia found me that way and she sent me to Battleground Melbourne, on which I did an episode on the lockdowns there. But then she became alarmed by The Kiss and started questioning one of her other heroes, Esther Perel, for appearing with YNH. So I did the Polarization episode on that.

I haven't listened to him lately since he started doing commercials. And I think fame has always been his first drug of choice, and it's tugging at him again. But I'd put his ethical consistency up there with Ron Paul's. I was on a video call where he called on me and I talked about my book, which details how we could create the decentralized economies that he and I focus on. He said to post where people could get my book and I said my question was whether I should put it on Amazon and dance with the devil. His answer was "dance with the devil but don't go home with him." So that's what I did.

In this episode, I talk about the platform I share with him, and it was one of my RB followers who coined Socio-Spirituality to define what I'm doing: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/socio-spirituality-and-small-scale.

So I don't always agree with him, but I think he might be the most articulate voice the opposition has, with the largest following. And I suspect this photo is being surfaced without context for a reason. Thanks for letting me post my notes for a future episode, In Defense of Russell Brand: you must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss ... ;-)

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Yes, I came to Brand after his awaking into sobriety via Jordan Peterson. I agree with your general assessment as to his character and expression of compassion. Buddhist?

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Nice to see your new profile pic, Guy! I think he identifies with all the religions, which is a place we differ. I've done two episodes on his conversations with Jordan, pre-Substack:

Waking the Dragon Mom: https://youtu.be/E7IxL3WOf1w

The Divine Feminine: https://youtu.be/ja_ADXTe7G4

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‘But should the revolution actually come, don’t be too quick to follow Russell Brand into the breach.‘

This is from a verge article on the Messiah Complex doc on Russell Brand. Worth a read.


As is Miles Mathis’ genealogical look at Russell Brand. He too thinks Brand is potentially dangerous.


I fell for Brand in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. And as for his podcast I enjoyed him more before I read up on him a bit. Now I’m wary.

May be wrong here, but …..

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I still listen to him...and I agree with most everything he says. I want him to be what he says...and until he shows otherwise, I'll continue to listen to him. I have just learned that to keep my ear to the ground, always...and that I should never get too attached to someone and their charisma...I am solidly in the wait and see corner about everything, particularly ANYTHING in the media.

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Just watched the amazing Polly I linked to separately. She shows who the backers are for Rumble and all these alternative voices. Very interesting.

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I will definitely watch it this afternoon. I'm in between clients and want to wait until I can watch the whole thing without interruption.

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Someone else sent me the Miles Mathis genealogy. According to him, both RB and Ben Franklin are descended from royalty, have inherited wealth and are secretly gay. That wouldn't turn me against them, as Miles thinks it should, but they're two notorious womanizers, both of whom came to terms with that in their lives.

I never saw Brand's early work only listened to over 100 hrs of his interviews after his fall from grace. He jokes about his Messiah complex all the time. Tell me what Brand says that's misleading--not just where you disagree (I do with him on veganism, for instance). I haven't yet found him to be dishonest.

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I see that this wasn't a listening situation LOL. I took a look. I'll file it away like I did with the Harari pic and Rothschild marriage.

Here's the thing...I really agree with the message I hear him putting out there. He seems to be speaking the most truth of any mainstream-ish voice. I like that and I'll continue to check in because he also makes me laugh, and I like that too.

I wouldn't want opinions to be formed solely on bits of my past, pieces of my family history, associations and conjecture, etc; so I am happy to offer grace until otherwise given reason.

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Oh right, Luminary is a paid sub, $35 a yr when I joined. I've actually only listened to Russell on it and he's left there now and is doing his interviews on Rumble, I think. But I honestly liked the early interviews best that often weren't even with famous people. They were real conversations, at a relatively slow pace (for him). Some of them are on YT. I'm *almost* wishing for another pandemic for him, so he can slow down. But I'm not willing to go quite that far. But I still think there's a serious operation underway to discredit him with the Harari kiss. What's the Rothschild marriage? Is that his wife now?

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I have seen the Rothschild name pop up in relation to him more than a few times. Funny, all the clips I just tried to pull up have been scrubbed from YouTube... and there are lots of pages that no longer exist. SO....🤷🏻‍♀️

It was a quick little search though...I gotta go pick up the kiddos.

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I will take a listen and let you know my thoughts. I almost always agree with what he is saying, and like you, didn't know much about him until post-fall from grace. I've heard mutterings here and there; Harari, Rothschilds, etc...

If there's one thing the past few years have taught me, it's to question any and everything. And to be careful weighing in...and even more careful becoming emotionally tethered to any part of any narrative. And by emotionally tethered, I mean personally committed; thus feeling as if someone (or group of people) is reciprocally committed to ANYTHING - including you, just because they speak to your heart (which is a personal weakness for me)...

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The illusion is failing. Public trust in institutions, including the medical industrial complex is falling rapidly.

My girlfriend tiktoks and she sees a lot of women complaining about misdiagnosis and how drugs given have more side effects than benefits.

That used to be shouted down with shame.

Now they're sharing stories!

Even if they still trust vaccines, there's something subconscious going on where they're not getting the booster and mask use is pretty low too!

Humanity just got abused and now has trauma. There is wisdom in trauma as Gabor Mate wrote in his new book. It protects you from being had again. Hopefully, people will be able to reconnect to this and integrate it consciously.

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I've been away for about a month...lot's going on I need to catch up on.

Very good post. Those graphics and the Media Controllers subject, have been rolling around my brain for months. Glad to see someone with writing chops, do it justice.

Brand is a bit too inclusive for me. I wonder when they start to mainstream pedophilia, if he is going to have a big warm hug and kiss for the perv who openly pushed for their rights..."all love is equal love" don't ya know. What I will say, is when I watch him, I laugh my ass off. He has some of the best delivery and dry (brit) wit out there. I like him better before he switched to the long format, but whatever. I think he believes what he is saying and putting out there, but for me, he is bought into the philosophy that got us here.

Tucker is the same but in a bowtie and without the yucks.

Hard right turn....

I wonder if people consider that in order for this all to turn around (several decades from now...not in an election cycle or single season of their fave netflix series) they need to deprogram the kids and then retrain them.

The "awakening" we all talk about, hope for and extol, is worthless unless you can find a way to slow the runaway train down, before it get's to the next sharp curve or washed out bridge (I know f what I speak, as a former locomotive engineer).

Along with that, the understanding that it is US/WE who feed the machine/monster. Your suggestion of a Cancer/larger healthcare paradigm shift, lends itself equally well to all things big business, entertainment, sport.

Cut off the blood flow, and the limb will withers and die. Cut off the money supply to companies bent on societal re-engineering or destruction and they either perish or change course (albeit a temporary one).

Since shortly after WWII the gov, corporations banks, media and entertainment sold Americans the means of their destruction. So much so, that the thought of going on strike, giving up social media, ditching tech, or not wearing a mask and being denied entry into a grocery store, struck fear in the hearts and minds of people around the world...and still does.

It's baffling, that they just got away with killing MILLIONS of people, right out in plain sight...and so long as people have AC, the internet, netflix, sports, doordash, twitter, FB, booze, porn, drugs or any of the distractions/escapes...not a thing will be done about it.

Not surprising though...they shot a President in the head, in front of hundreds of people and life rolled right along.

Something I ponder and ask from time to time...

What would it take (as in what F'f up shit would have to happen...for people (let's say 50% of Americans) turn away from....XYZ?

The choices I usually give are sports, entertainment, social media, coveted brands, convenience services, organized healthcare/Pharma and the government education systems.

All of those (and others) have in one way or another, overtly pushed the Agendas, that are responsible for what we are living in now.

So lucky you, to get my first real (looooooong) comment after my hiatus.

Nice work Sarah!!

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I’m honored! Glad to see you here :)

I’ve been on a bit of a “hiatus” while moving our business. We did/are doing our own buildout and we have five kids...this has really thwarted my substack rants.

I’ve got thoughts literally about to pressure vent out of my head so...writing hiatus is drawing to a close so I don’t lose clients or friends. This space is necessary for me, or feels that way at least. Hopefully Elon doesn’t fuck it all up

--> 😮‍💨<-- ME

Not holding my breath for that...

At any rate, it was nice to hear from you...welcome back ☀️

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This may help catch you up while everyone else is watching Russel B pat himself on the back, blather and laugh. Yeah, he us funny once in a while but not much substance. If anyone can handle substance, pls peruse this. Although it is not funny.


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Brilliant, Sarah!

Brand was kissing Havari? Really? I used to listen to Brand pre-covid, a little. I haven't since then. (No time, no interest.)

Yes. Fear. The thing to fear is fear itself. Back to basics. It is important for us to be looking at the joy and fun within us and around us – great meme! –and laugh, laugh, laugh at this craziness. With laughing at the bullies, at the liars, and especially at the (perhaps) good intentioned pedlars of fear, craftily hiding their message of fear with giggles of truth and those awake to evil who peddle that fear. Oi vey! LoL!

And I will 2nd and re-iterate Sarah's recommendation: please watch the Couey Alexander videos on how cloned RNA explains beautifully and elegantly, the way the plandemic got started. Salting the mine and using a test to enrich the salt. Throw in a bought media, a few planted medical articles and ... presto, whaddya know, squirt goes the needle and zip goes the heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjsLLQQ-460

Couey talks about this twice, the 2nd, most recent, includes Mike Yeadon. I like the first one better, with just Paul Alexander, because the description of the mechanism and plan is very clearly laid out there, more so than it was with Yeadon. For both go to https://gigaohmbiological.com/. I think that this is a turning point discussion. I also love that the cloned RNA seeding doesn't preclude venom, although they don't talk about it. In the Yeadon video, Yeadon mentions the deduced reality that many plans were put into motion, and venom was one of those also put into motion, imo.

And Yeadon's argument about why this was a planned genocide is simple, elegant, and not really easily discounted or discredited.

Sarah, love the meme!

Fear is the the thing, to catch the minds of the kingdom. Let us look inside for the fears that have been planted, and begin to weed them out of ourselves! Take agency for our own lives. My having stopped watching, reading and listening to all news, mainstream and otherwise, was such a great rest and gave the space to process fear removal. Jumping back into the fear world being manufactured by we the good guys, has been the fascinating realisation that we, the so-called awake, are only partially awake to the extent that we are likewise using fear or thinking that fear is the key to help wake people up. Sorry. Wake up! Fear is the thing, to keep us in chains, regardless whether or not it is the WHO or the lovely people of Whoville who are mongering that fear. And that includes the good guys.

You got me ranting a little, here, Sarah. I'm not sure whether to apologise or to thank you. Maybe both? Why be choosy?

Thank you!

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Guy, your rants are always welcome here, I love them :)

What I really love about JJ Couey's theory, and he says as much in the interview with Paul Alexander, is that it allows for so many people to have not been completely wrong. I commented similarly about this on one of Sage's threads...I absolutely believe that there is evil fuckery behind all that has gone down, but I do not believe that ALL the doctors and scientists were complicit and just willing to hop aboard the Murder Express. Certainly money and power coerces, but not to this extent. I just don't think the conspiracy can possibly include so many. Doctors SAW people very ill with their own eyes - and "they" needed that piece...the PCR fraud allowed for background corona noise to "diagnose" covid infections, and then terribly wrong protocols and procedures were already in place that let pneumonia run its course, and ultimately kill many.

And all of this was dependent on a great misunderstanding of viruses...and FEAR, of course.

I wanted to include so much more in this post, but it was already lengthy, so I'll flesh it out more in another piece. I will say work allows me an intimate view of how fearful people are regarding their bodies, health, and medicine. For example, I wrote a pelvic floor workshop at the beginning of the plandemic, online of course. I cannot overstate the disassociation and paralyzing fear women have with their most intimate system. From the first appointment a woman has with her OBGYN, almost without fail, she is absolved agency over what belongs MOST OF ALL, to her. Her parts are now the charge of her doctor and she should be VERY careful not to do anything that might mess it up. The fear is planted and flourishes and literally uncouples her from her womanhood. My experience running these groups has been profoundly impactful in my quest to encourage not only women, but everyone, to take back their bodies.

It's YOUR body. No doctor knows it better than you. You are in charge of your health.

It's YOUR child. No doctor will care about your child more than YOU.

Ok, now I'm ranting LOL....I'll stop. I have a client coming in shortly.

Thank you for your insight, Guy.

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I agree with your highlight of Couey's point. It has been pointed out, elsewhere, that 1 million Germans, directly or indirectly, were involved in the killing of the 6 million Jews with thousands of concentration camps. The retelling of that history is that it was an evil few with not so many camps.

So... there aren't too many organising conspirators, and yet, the society colluded with the crime by abstaining from compassion through the use of fear. A curious conundrum. Will finding them guilty help? Nuremberg was a bit of a psyop to distract us from the real evil of what happened, the removal of personal responsibility by the citizenry from their actions.

You did a course about the pelvic floor! OMG, that is such a great synchronicity with Simon Borg-Olivier coming into my life. He has a great focus on the pelvic floor in his 5 Dimensional Flow yoga. I have been finding the process of becoming aware of the yoga of relaxing 'front, middle, back', of the pelvic floor (or urinary sphincter, perineum, and anal sphincter) a powerful and important part of the process of bodily awareness. So interesting and the practice is providing me with a changed energy and grounded peacefulness.

If you are open to sharing an outline of your course, I would love to see it.

Disconnection from our body, especially that of our sexuality, has been one of the great tools of fear. (Church certainly knew and exploited that!)

Even before that is breath. In a recent lesson, Michael Stone commented that if we cannot trust our breath, then what can we trust? One of the hidden dangers of pranayama is that it is taught in a way that control is required, which sounds fine, except that 'control' is often rooted in fear. We are fear-managing our breath. Much more powerful is to be curious about our breath. Another great yogi from Vancouver has suggested that our translation of 'pranayama' is incorrect; that the better translation is 'free the prana', free the breath. "Yinsights: A Journey Into the Philosophy & Practice of Yin Yoga" by Bernie Clark https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/1902757

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I love your reply and agree with everything you say 99.9 %.

How do you prepare for or do you just ignore, the coming of the CBDC and subsequent control of citizens by our corrupt banking system?


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Thank you, FreedomIsNotFree.

That is a great question. Up until recently I've been ignoring it. It has recently, I'll say with some synchronistic 'chicanery' from the Universe, or whatever, been singing more loudly into my consciousness.

Your question is now another birdsong, so I think it is time for me to look at this more closely. I will begin a dive and write up on that.

I recently watched a couple of good looks at the history of money in the last few thousand years.

The first is a focus on the development of the fractional banking system with the central banking system with a focus on the USA. It makes a strong argument against the gold standard (with which I fundamentally agree. https://youtu.be/mDlnM481Gcg

Did you know that the book, "the Wizard of Oz", was in part a secret book arguing against gold? See David Graeber's excellent look at the history of 'money' in Debt: The First 5000 Years. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6617037-debt

The other one, a series of 4, are about the Babylonian Cartel, aka the Rhadanites.

"The Babylonian Cartel, Rhadanites & Stolen Identity: A Discussion W/AIM"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/CugJgvCWSrGC/. This is an interesting one as it has some overlap and conflict with the Khazarian Mafia that Clif High references.

I'll work on a look at crypto and write something up in the next few weeks.

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I only recently learned of The Wizard of Oz/gold connection...🤯

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Creature from Jekyll Island sums things up nicely for the last generation and a half.

Now we need to defend from CBDC with decentralized hard coin/cash banking and bartering or we are screwed. That want to control us no matter what and they are insane, diabolical and Psychopaths so they never ever stop.

We need same decentralized Internet also. Quickly.

Anything that can be hacked into " Digital Currency " is dangerous and up for grabs and can be used to control you in the wrong hands. And it WILL make its way into the wrong hands or the wrong hands will find it, only question is when. We know why and how.

Clif High seems like a savvy guy.



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GD, thank you very much for those links.

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You're welcome.

I'll be using Stevens' song in my next post. It will be fun.

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Sounds like a boondoggle to me.

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Oh, the boondoggle post is coming....I couldn't remember the word last night though🤣

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Great word, thank you for enlarging my vocab. So much boondoggle out there now. That will likely come to a screeching halt when ( and if ) the shit hits the fan. The Bible says the fan is poised. And Lord knows we have plenty of Evil " Leaders "/Offenders really, pushing things to the edge for their kicks and insane giggles.


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Thankyou Sarah. The idols keep falling. Are these Sages ‘sweet summer children’? Russell Brand... it’s true they pick likeable middle folk... I don’t know if any promoted personality I liked is who I thought they were

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Thanks for pointing out the great common denominator to all of our current struggles Sarah, not the V, not Russia or China, but the media, which is the message. This is why I like to go straight to the source each morning and pray to the Sun. Way more honest.

Our enemy is addiction to tech, which controls the message, hidden in plain sight: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/the-1-emf-youve-forgotten-about

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Nice map of the media land$cape. Puts things into perspective ^^

Wow, that Harari is all skin and bones. His geeenius head must be absorbing all the nutrients.

To be fair to Brand, one should note when and in what context that was (IDK). Maybe Harari did offer him some thoughts that would seem beautiful. Harari certainly has the skill to tell Klaus what he wants to hear, and thus attain and maintain the parasitial position that he has.

Like someone 1925 or so being shown some of Hitler's paintings and hearing some thoughts of his appreciation of some works of art, music, might have thought something similar, while such photos, in 1946, would be rather bad optics.

I don't think Brand is smart enough to be another evil henchman playing a game, he doesn't strike me as a total puppet, either,. There is the apperance of some development process. Granted, it's from a low number of sample points over the years, I haven't listened to him that much.

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F'in fantastic. Thank you for this. Fear, rage, Something Must Be Done-ism. All of it just feeds the beast.

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Wow. That was a surprise at the end. Russel Brand hugging and kissing !🤮 little Yuval.

That just saved me some time moving forward. Not another minute with RB. I had heard he was owned and just putting on a " show". Now confirmed. Controlled Opposition.

Thank you

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hugging your enemy is kinda something russell would do, im not surprised or upset by it.

russell has a lot of good things to say and shouldnt just be dismissed because you dont entirely agree with something. if we did that we would all be very lonely

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I saw this pic a while back and just tucked it away to be aware of.

I still agree with much of what RB says, and find him to be one of the voices that speaks closest to the truth. In fact, it was this feeling about him that prompted me to question the underlying messages that might still be coming through. My point in including him along with Tucker was simply to encourage discernment and inquisition of everything and everyone, most of all, oneself.

I will continue to listen to RB's show. I certainly don't hate him...I just want to avoid falling into the fear trap, which seems to be peddled from all sides. I was using it mostly as an example of why discernment is important...always.

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Any person or group who is paid big dollars to push an overall agenda BY THE EVIL PUPPET EERS SHOULD BE DISREGARDED. PRECIOUS TIME IS BEST SPENT ON INTELLIGENT OBJECTIVE facts being presented by a non puppet provider. This is assuming he/she is bought and paid for like some Politicians by Blackstone, JP Morgan, Vanguard, WEF, Robert Murdock. You will be influenced by whoever is paying your bills. This is the big problem now, this is how Soros corrupted the country, education system etc.

Look at the Doctors working for the Hospitals. Some just passively killing people by looking the other way. Not objecting to the muscle relaxant and Remdesivir being ordered for their patient by one of their colleague " medical team members " that is standard procedure all of a sudden.

One is Judged by their money trail. Hands down.

If for instance Sarah took money from Soros, Hates, etc. no matter how much, this is called corruption and manipulation. This is how the Evils are so successful.

It is disgusting if one does not have the character to say NO! And go somewhere else's to make a living. NO EXCUSES. DO NOT COMPLY. This is how the Mafia works. They often start small and subtle if need be. Like a drug dealer, to get you hooked. On the money.

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Here is more Bang for your Buck ( Minutes, because time is....)

Let's see RB tackle this.


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" Controlled Opposition " is meant to capture and control you and lead you down a path so you won't go other places with your thought processes and act out against the enemy.

You are missing the whole point of the article. He does say some " good things " as you say, to suck you in, like the old lady in Hansel And Gretal. You are then captured in the lady's house. Or Russel's " House ".

Thé Evils use " Controlled Opposition " to make headway and be more successful more quickly.

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take what is useful and discard what is not. i do this with EVERYONE i meet/speak to

this whole narrative of controlled opposition is divisive and utterly unhelpful

in fact, people that talk like you make me instantly think, this guy is CIA because they want us divided

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So you deny it is used in a Psych Ops

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i deny nothing, i explained my position, i take what is useful and discard what i dont agree with

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So when you read Scientists writings and studies etc. by Controlled Opposition, how do you decide which info is " useful " since the Study/writings are tainted? And paid for by someone pushing an Evil agenda. Plenty of examples out there. I am happy to send you one or two.

Take for example the Moderna Study data. How do u pick and choose what you "agree with " in the Study?

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Take what is useful here. Actually, take it all because it all may be.


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Mar 28, 2023Edited
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This was my reaction. Look how alien Yuval Noah Harari's reaction is. it immediately reveals how Harari is done in by simple human physical contact. That image is going to stay with me. It shows how cold and detached is Harari's world view - his weltanschauung.

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Yes, they are all sexually abused ( and abusers ) and emotionally void shells of human beings acting out the Homicidal Mania Program. Genocide.

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I'm not sure that this warrants writing him off. to do so is creating the division that the cabal are using. It is their tool. So... is he sucking up or being genuinely compassionate with the enemy. That is the question. Can I have the wisdom to discern that and be compassionate"

Tereza Coraggio https://substack.com/profile/24578383-tereza-coraggio talks about this in an interesting way in her substack 'Forgiving Hitler'. https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/forgiving-hitler/

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russell is a bit of a hippy, he 'loves' everyone. i saw him on bill mahers show the other week, he said to the co-star (forget his name, some cnn guy) that he loved him, then absolutely took him apart verbally

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Mar 28, 2023
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Agreed. These guys ( B.Hates included ) must hide all the time when they are not on stage under the lights spewing their verbal diarrhea. We need to track them like they are tracking us. For safety.

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They gave Russell an offer he couldn’t refuse. What an about-face.

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Might appeal Sarah.

The Decline of The West . . . . . . https://les7eb.substack.com

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