Why does everything have to have a GLOBAL SOLUTION?

Me, I beleive in small local innovations - PLURAL. Why are we wasting the zillions of brains of human beings and just listening to a few?

I refuse to play again. I have nothing against stocking up on tried and true medicines....Personally, I beleive everything should be over the counter now....like HCQ, IVM, Antibiotics, etc. and painkillers.

I do NOT want to go to a Hospital ever again, or even a doctor.

Sarah, can you just tell them to phone the next one in? I am really too busy trying to survive the coming

economic meltdown to be bothered.

Please leave a message about the latest pandemic after the beep. BEEP.

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Lol, i just commented something along the lines of what you just said. Im tired. So effin' tired of their method acting. I feel like Godzilla might get my attention but only if he's raiding my garden

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Good lord, not my jalapeños!!!!!! NOOOOO

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Exactly. Flat Earthers desire planar solutions.

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Just right out the gate, Flurm.

I love a good snort laugh first thing in the morning 🤣

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I need a planar solution like I need a planar wart.

Planar fasciitis.

I'm not much of a planar. My wife hates that.

"I love it when a planar comes together"

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"Why does everything have to have a GLOBAL SOLUTION?"

It does when they want to kill everyone; worldwide.

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But be sure to purchase your Wellness Company Home Care Kit before you die!

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Me don't take stock in allo medicines.

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"Why does everything have to have a GLOBAL SOLUTION?"

"Ka-Ching!" "Ka-Ching!" "Ka-Ching!" go the merry bells of Big Pharma's cash registers!

That's why. 💩

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"Why does everything have to have a GLOBAL SOLUTION?"

Because evil, lazy, unimaginative people are great at conspiring (working as a team).

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I recently had my first encounter with the 'ro. It wasn't fun. My daughter tested positive first (the doctor wouldn't see her without a negative test). I tested negative for a couple days, even though I had a temperature of 102.5F. I had this feeling in my chest that I associated with being in the pool too long, so I took the ivermectin I bought two years ago. I could feel the effects within minutes. The queasy "being in the pool too long" feeling went away. And, then, I felt it wear off. In my experience, it definitely did something. Would I have had the same course without the ivermectin, etc.? I can't say. I'm just glad I had it.

There is a huge variation in the recommended dose of ivermectin between the TWC and the FLCCC. I took 12 mg and then upped it to 18 mg (recommended by TWC) and took it for several days. The FLCCC recommended dose is based on weight and substantially higher. They also recommend HCQ for this current plague variant. Kory and Marek are critical care doctors which may explain their intense interventions. Dunno.

I also purchased an emergency kit for myself and my husband from the TWC. They arrived just in time. We both took doxycycline (me for a sinus infection, my husband for probable pneumonia). What's the point of having a doctor if the doctor won't see you when you're ill?

I understand your unease with the marketing. I don't like it either. But I do believe they are trying to help people. We don't know what the evil globalist bastards have planned for us, so forewarned is forearmed. I don't know about Kory or Marek but McCullough has indicated he thinks this was an intentional attack.

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I had my first encounter with covid back in 2020, and a second one in 2020. I didn't get tested, didn't take anything, and I recovered from it twice. The second time felt more flu like than the first. My comorbidities like A-Fib, Diabetes, and heart failure which I was diagnosed with after a recent hospitalization are far worse than Covid.

I'm not saying don't get alternatives, but the immune system is a remarkable thing, even a compromised immune system. I am unvaccinated and unmasked. Life is risk. Life is also reward.

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None of us took the jabs, and we avoided the plague for nearly four years. Our daughter is a teacher, so she's exposed to all manner of bugs. She had strep throat twice in her first year, which she'd never had before. I hope year two goes better.

I see no reason to tough it out if there are safe alternatives (fever reducers, cough medicine, vitamins, nasal wash and gargle). Kory and Marek are critical care doctors. McCullough's pregnant cousin died early on in the pandemic. IMO, they are trying to help people, but I understand the unease with the commercial aspects. Have you ever counted the drug commercials? It's obscene.

The spike protein (viral or jab) persists in the tissues long after infection. I happily take TWC Spike Support (and bromelain and curcumin) to help clear it out and, perhaps, reduce my risk of longterm problems. I developed two autoimmune conditions three weeks after my first flu. I don't want a repeat.

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What did you do to avoid it?

The virus was here in 2019 in the Autumn. And I would stand up and argue that even if the virus was officially leaked in 2019 at a known time or it was accidentally leaked, how do we know it wasn't out even before that? Part of the problem in all this is the hubris of certainty. The summary is the question, can something exist before it is discovered?

Has your daughter ever had a sore throat before? Do you find yourself testing for diseases more than you ever had in the past? I read over the symptoms of Strep throat, I think I may have had it a few times...but don't remember being tested. I was never diagnosed with it.

As far as "toughing it out," it depends on what you mean by toughing it out. I take Nyquil and Dayquil when symptoms are persistant, and I am sure there are plenty of other alternatives as well. We all have similar pandemic stories as well. I had two friends who died with Covid. I know others who are suffering from vaccine injury.

The point here is to try and fight the fear. And part of that is even raising the hand in front of others who may very well be straight arrows in all of this and ask "What's with the commericials?" He may be collateral damage in all this.

I would be the first to tell you there is a real need for real solutions to diseases and not the medical theater of masks or the government option of an experimental vaccine. McCollough may very well be facing a "no win situation" as in no matter what he does, he will face some sort of fallout and criticism. Only he knows for sure if his motives of saving lives are pure. I certainly don't claim to know the answer.

Is Covid the only disease that persists in tissues long after infection? I have heard arguments early and often about how horrible Covid is, and how it is so much worse than anything under the sun. If it is, and if it is government created, then there is our answer. There should not be any debate about this. The government should pay. No amnesty, no quarter, do not collect 200.00, do not pass go.

Maybe part of my seeming lack of empathy is I have a lot to live up to. My father was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis around his early twenties. He was told he would not live past 60. We celebrated his sixtieth Birthday in 2001 and he died six years after. He never told us kids to mask, keep us at arms reach, or demanded accommodation. He didn't lock himself in a room, and he certainly did not "avoid" a disease.

That isn't to say, he didn't have supplements, medications, and such out the wazoo. Some days it felt like a launch checklist getting him from his bed to the wheelchair. And I see it reflected in my life at 57. I am a diabetic amputee with comorbidities. From the little I have dealt with medications they all have risk rewards associated with them. I had a fun little interaction with percocet in 2021...they freely gave it to me...and I didn't need it. See I know the metric for needing a pain medication, and I didn't need it.

The metric on "toughing it out." in my opinion is, can you bear what you are experiencing? What are the risk rewards of relief of those symptoms? Only you can answer that question.

I have lived most of my life in fear, which makes me recognize it for what it is. I think caution is good, but living a life of safety really isn't a life at all. But what do I know, I am just a Bare Faced Plague-Spreader.

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It was the first time I'd been sick in years. My husband had a serious bout of something in early February 2020 after some work visitors from China. No one else in the family got sick. I thought it might have been the 'ro but who knows.

I've been taking high doses of curcumin for almost two years to treat frozen shoulder. My orthopedic surgeon gave me a prescription for an NSAID that said there was a risk of heart attack or stroke with every single dose. I demurred and looked for alternatives. The PT and orthopedic surgeon could not believe how quickly I recovered range of motion...which was only possible because my pain was under control...which was only possible because the curcumin suppressed the inflammation.

The normal course of frozen shoulder is 2-5 years of pain and restricted range of motion. After the inflammation and pain subside (usually a minimum of two years), they recommend physical therapy to break and stretch the scar tissue formed from the inflammation. Some people require surgery to break the adhesions. Most people cannot tolerate physical therapy during the inflammatory phase.

In my last visit with the orthopedic surgeon in June 2022, after she congratulated me for doing so well, I told her that I'd never taken the NSAID. I pulled out my bottle of Omax HydroCurc and told her what I'd been doing. Her response? "I can't prescribe that." She'd never seen anyone recover so quickly. She and the PT were effusive. And there was no way she was going to deviate from her protocol, even privately. I hope I got through but who knows. That experience made me a believer. As it turns out, curcumin interferes with the spike protein, which may be why I avoided the 'ro for so long despite exposures. Unfortunately, I'd slacked off in my supplements in the weeks before I got the 'ro.

My daughter is a teacher in her second year. It's been one infection after another since late August 2022. She realized her sore throat was strep because it was all over the school. Some parents think it's okay to send their feverish child covered with red spots to school. Weird, right? My daughter had plenty of colds and sinus infections and a couple ear infections as a child, but I don't remember her ever having a sore throat not connected to a cold and never a sore throat as she described. My mother had a heart murmur (which may have played a role in her death at age 30) from undiagnosed (and, therefore, untreated) strep infection. I take it seriously. On reflection, it's probably unusual that my children didn't have strep throat.

Viral protein remnants persist in the tissues for a very long time after infection, especially if the infection was significant. This is not unique to SARS2. The covid spike is particularly nasty, so I want to do what I can to clear it out. It may be a waste of time and money, but it won't hurt me.

I'm sorry about your father. My grandmother (my mother's mother) had severe rheumatoid arthritis. Almost every joint in her body was fused at the end of her life. She was blinded from the steroids she took for years and completely dependent on others for everything. She lived to be 75 and spent the last decade of her life in a hospital bed. She was always positive. She never complained. She was remarkable. Whenever I feel sorry for myself, I remember her.

I have two autoimmune conditions that started within weeks of my first flu infection in 1998. They have dramatically changed how I feel from day to day. They have dramatically changed how I live my life. But I consider myself lucky. I know it could be worse.

I'm sorry for your health conditions. I think you're right to be skeptical of medical providers. I know I am. I learned the hard way. I don't like the advertisements; but I do think McCullough, Kory, Marek, etc., are trying to help people. And they've paid a very high price professionally and personally for their opposition, so I give them the benefit of the doubt.

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I think from what I have read here, you take health to be your responsibility. I was taught this lesson from my father as well as evidenced by his longevity magazines and his extensive reading, and his sea of supplements and medications he took. He never talked to me about it, but he was saying in action "I don't agree, I will not die before 60." To be honest, the option never occurred to me. When I helped with the arrangements for his birthday party, it never occurred to me that it was far more special than I realized.

In reference to the virus, for me I still don't think it is dangerous enough to warrant avoidance. But I had these comorbidities before Covid. So the only way I would know for certain that Covid is the culprit for brain fog and fatigue...is if I never had fatigue and brain fog before, which I have.

Regardless, exposure to a virus doesn't necessarily mean infection. We saw this on the Diamond Princess, and throughout the months preceding the official lockdowns. Even in your immune compromised position, you can't know for certain if you will be infected until you are infected. Before 2020, I thought part of life was getting a cold and sickness. There were some years where I would catch three colds in a given season. I sounded so hoarse I could only sing Neil Diamond songs at Karaoke.

I went to school sick many times in the seventies and eighties. My parents drew the line at spots appearing on the skin...unless it was due to poison ivy. I remember going to school with Hall's cough drops and Sucrets, Sudefed, and also that spray stuff that would numb the back of the throat.

I tend to think as you do in terms of McCollough and Co, at the same time I think I must be vigilant and intellectually consistent. There are a couple times I have seen McCollough videos where he appears to act somewhat odd. Maybe he isn't used to being on camera, maybe he feels self conscious. Maybe it's because all of our calibration is off due to three years of masking. It's like seeing Malone, who may also be only helping other people, but he appears to have this desire to insert himself into the middle of all this. I find that impulse to be suspicious.

I have the people I've liked over the last three years as well, but I wouldn't say I look up to them. I think Dr. Drew has his heart in the right place, but I still have a hard time with him taking the J & J vaccine for travel. He will tell you himself he didn't need the vaccine, and yet took it. He complied. I'm not sure he ever said "I'm sorry I complied."

I complied and wore a mask a few times during the pandemic. But no one is following my recommendations. So it really costs nothing for me to say "I felt like an idiot on uber rides, in a doctor's office, and in hospital corridors wearing a mask."

Sorry about your grandma. My dad had a similar problem with methotrexate wherein he developed non Hodgkin's lymphoma which magically went away fairly quickly after a bout with chemo and he stopped taking it.

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What a delight to see you on Substack.

Thanks for sharing all that. What are you doing for the brain fog?

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I don't really think of myself as immunocompromised despite the autoimmunity. As a child, I was rarely sick. My brothers, on the other hand, were dropping like flies. They had mumps multiple times. I never got sick. I had the smallpox "vaccine" three times because I didn't react. When I was I was ten years old, though, I had rubella. I was so sick that our pediatrician insisted my brothers have gamma globulin injections. Needless to say, my brothers were not happy with me. No broken bones. Three stitches. Rarely sick. I took my health for granted. I was a late bloomer wrt to autoimmunity. I really never considered that I was at risk despite my grandmother's RA. I rarely get sick even now, but I do feel tired and crappy often.

I learned to take charge of healthcare the hard way through my experience with my children when they were young. I was let down repeatedly by multiple doctors. Since I didn't have much experience with illness, especially respiratory infections, I wasn't prepared. It was a painful and frustrating process. My children had most of the "vaccines" on the ACIP schedule, which I deeply regret. I worry that it has permanently affected their health.

Allopathic medicine has its place, but the profit model has overtaken the practice of medicine. Clinical medicine is on life support. We should all take responsibility for our health and our healthcare..and know when we need help. But, no, I will never take another drug just 'cause some guy with letters after his name says so...not even McCullough.

WRT the opposition doctors, I give the benefit of the doubt to those who have spoken up and paid a heavy price. McCullough was at the top of his field in cardio-renal. He was highly published and well regarded. Now, he's in danger of losing his right to practice medicine. Kory and Marik have also paid a high price. All of them had many more years of practice ahead of them. I don't agree with them on every issue. I'm not sure what to think about Malone. I have my doubts, but the jury is still out. I'm not looking for a leader to follow or a hero to worship. I'm not from Missouri, but show me.

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About to order Omax HydroCurc on your recommendation for my household. Spouse has chronic shoulder inflammation (after a bout of frozen shoulder) and ortho surgeon is pushing NSAIDs to try to break the inflammation cycle. When you said "high doses" how much were you taking and what have you read about what's a safe range?

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The bottle recommends one a day. I started with three a day and ramped up over a couple weeks to 12 pills a day (6 am, 6 pm), which I took religiously for about fifteen months. I started to roll back this past summer to six once a day but have decided to ramp back up to 12 for now (I have a bit of a stock pile). I expect to take it for the rest of my life as frozen shoulder can reoccur in the same shoulder, effect the other shoulder, or effect both. It is associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which I have.

The pills are small and easy to swallow. They don't upset my stomach. I don't have any GI symptoms even at the high dose. I've read that high doses of curcumin can exacerbate kidney stones in people at risk, which I am not. I definitely don't want to develop kidney stones, but the pain and disability was overwhelming. I sat with ice packs on my shoulder in the corner of the couch for a couple months. It's the shoulder in my dominant arm, which made the ROM restrictions even more of a problem. I couldn't open the shampoo bottle and washing my hair was a trip. When I went for the x-rays at my first doctor visit, the radiology tech gasped at my attempts to take off my necklaces. I figured I was an extreme case even for them.

Before I saw the orthopedic surgeon, I'd been taking the max dose of ibuprofen OTC. It barely touched the pain. I had some MegaFood Turmeric that I understood was for inflammation, so I added it to my supplements. Perhaps I'm more sensitive than others, but I could feel it blunt the pain ever so slightly and I could feel it wear off. When the doctor recommended the NSAID RX with the warnings of heart attack or stroke, I started searching for options. I wasn't going to take pills that could literally kill me with each dose for an unknown and unknowable period of time. I found the following paper, which lead me to HydroCurc. FYI, HydroCurc used to be called BioCurc. They changed the formulation (can't remember the details) sometime last year.


I'm not a doctor, so I can't recommend it per se. I can only say that it worked and continues to work for me. I didn't know the curcumin was effective against the SARS2 spike. I read that two weeks ago (Dr. Makis?). I would recommend that your spouse start slowly and ramp up. The lipids in the formulation might cause GI upset. Also, as the paper makes clear, not all formulations of curcumin are equal. It is hard to absorb and quickly metabolized.

Good luck! I hope this information helps.

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Problem with Mcculough for me was he pushed the shots for elderly. And he continued to promote the PCR covid viral testing which Mullis stated “ does not ever test for infection. Ever “. How can one trust someone who ignores the obvious?

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This 🙌🏼

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It's always "for the children!"

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There's a guy on Twitter, that is pretty much all he goes on about with his #DAVOSsafe hashtag. If it isn't about the children being victims, it is them being vectors. If they can make this about the children, they have the mothers.

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I'm not a big fan of children ... they tend to be vicious beast up until they are socialized...

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I am a big fan of children. Lol, but you're not wrong. 😂 My friend and I were saying our grand kids are feral.

Little people in my life are why I get up in the morning though.

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‘until’ he says…

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Don't forget bout Grandma.

If they happen to be still alive.

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Except for abortion.

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Catastrophic contagion has been a sword of Damocles since I’ve read it. Or maybe chekhov’s gun is a better metaphor. If they come for the kids, this will be a phase change. It’ll be on.

I wonder if China has swapped out a lot of schools a/c and filtration units. Like the US is doing now. You know, for better ‘air quality’.

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I was on the board at a very small school during Covid...under 30 kids. They got $2 million in grants during Covid. There were many, many stipulations...one of them was ventilation and air "purifiers".

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But no one invested in the ultraviolet lights up by the HVAC outlets, did they?

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But wait! There’s more! A free bottle of Wi-Fi connected coronathrax hidden in every unit!

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My brother is an architect ... he was showing me photos of these massively expensive ventilation retrofits that his office has been working on in schools... he'll take the fees but he's shaking his head at the madness of it all

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Companies that offer architectural design software had marketing campaigns to help designers model new buildings to comply with covid 19 in mind. i.e., 6 foot distancing everywhere. Any industry that could make a buck off the grift went for it. It's never going to end because the sheeple fell for it all; hook, line, and sinker.

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Just like every single clothing company, and even companies not related to clothing selling their very own branded masks. Masks that were proven ineffective. Making a buck, and virtue-signaling in one easy step!

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Sarah...so, truly interested in knowing here...air purifiers have been a thing for quite awhile (pre-psyop) for removing dust and allergens using HEPA filtration...is there something wrong with using them now?🤔

P.S. Your commentary and notes in this post are excellently informative. And your “Sarah spits out coffee” part made me laugh to the point that I almost spit out my Jameson’s ...which would have been a real tragedy. 😅 Cheers to you!

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In regard to the air purifiers, etc...

It is undeniable that these systems were widely pushed, and very often required and tied to monies granted via CARES Act, etc...this was the case with the school I mentioned earlier. If the money wasn't used in very specific ways, and certain requirements met - air purifiers were one area that was required...then the money had to be returned. I'm sorry I don't have it handy, but there was a recent study actually showing positive correlation between covid infection and use of these air blowers.

The more nefarious take on this of course, is that these systems were somehow specifically used as vectors. I've not got evidence of intentional dispersement, other that the recent paper I mentioned...which I'll try and find and link - in between clients at the moment, so I'll circle back later.

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Thanks so much, Sarah! That’s good enough for me. No need to take time to look up that paper. If correlation was found, that casts suspicion over all those products...which will seem to require a whole new level of trust/verification with mfrs and sellers of even smaller, non-industrial-sized units. Damn it!

Sending you wishes for a Monday filled with, at the very least, moments of serenity. Thanks again. ✨

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Thank you, Michael 🙏🏼...

Sometimes I wonder if people even read the post when I look at the comments. Being an asshole doesn't serve anyone, except maybe Snarky Sarah momentarily, so I try to honestly explain my reasoning and rationale for different choices.

I appreciate your words...thank you.

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The idea is that They can be made with loose particles on them like - lnp, metals, spores or whatever else causes Respiratory Distress and when they system's fans go on, they spread the stuff. That's the idea right now, anyway.

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Thanks very much Peter! Hadn’t heard that. Makes me wonder if that’s been verified by someone we would trust.

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Yes it would need to be verified and repeatedly verified by other Indy Scientists. I'll keep an eye out.

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Shouldn't it be on anyhow? I mean duping adults into taking experimental injections...you had me at that.

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Wait, they are trying to make depopulaton more equitable and efficient?

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LOL! Not quite a coffee spit! A very good chuckle though. Yup, back to what I called 'MBA-itis' More Bad Activity in Delusion of beneficence. Hmmm. M-BAD?

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1. One thing I think needs to be looked at about the Mycoplasma pneumoniae in China is the massive flooding in multiple areas which puts lots of untreated sewage and other stuff in the streets and waterways. That alone can create disease outbreaks. Another is the jabs China gave their population for Covid. The Chinese are not forthcoming about adverse events in their population.

2. Here in the US and in Europe we are being invaded continuously by peoples coming over open borders from all over the world. There are not many being checked for diseases they carry nor for vaccinations. I know Tuberculosis is on the rise here as one example. But we are supposed to worry about these next pandemic diseases while they do nothing about the borders. All part of the plan, I guess, but the trust in the governments, their heath agencies, and the news media has been broken.

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China is a filth hole. I now know some of the collapsing people in the vids are fake, but, while I never thought they were from the wuflu, I surmised it was entirely probable due the the brown soup they call air over there. I'm surprised they manage as well as they do in their fucked up environment.

I don't know if you watch the china show or serpentza, but they've got some interesting takes on the propaganda. Those floods were horrible and much of the most egregious damage was the result of the horrendous decisions of the elite. That the debris is still lying around and causing disease is not surprising.

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Didn't someone say a year or two ago, this next one would be killing children?

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Yes...Catastrophic Contagion.

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Yes, and Bill and Melinda famously said on video; "They'll pay attention *next time*!

Of course everyone will, even those who might have woken up, because no one's going to risk their kids' lives so will default to compliance JUST IN CASE they're not lying this time. They had this all planned, down to every last evil detail.

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I rem watching Bill rub his hands together while he spoke those words...

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And the smirk on that bitch's face

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Yet they are killing the kids now. Humanity will have to twist itself in to a pretzel to pay attention to these psychopaths as far as trusting them or complying in hopes of saving their kids. 🙏

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If not killed then at least sterilized by the vax.

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It would help if the shots they have been pushing on the children could be analyzed for possible contamination or immune destruction properties. Faith in medicine is at an all time low.

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Been done .. read @naomi wolf

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There’s no need to analysis... The human innate immune system is 100% jacked up from massive injections, starting at just hours after birth... 😩

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Yup. Gill Bates.

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Good God someone please bring these MOTHERFUCKERS DOWN!!!!! I’m so sick to death of all of it. As a FORMER very shy person- this shit makes me so damn angry it has awoken the mama bear in me in public now. EVERY SINGLE PERSON needs to call these bastards out if our planet is to be even attempted to be saved. GOD SPEED MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST.

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Also see: SPARS Pandemic scenario

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Yes...and Event 201.

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See also: Dark Winter

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Catastrophic Contagion begins when they release the lab made pathogen designed to exploit the damaged immune systems of the Vaxxers... and kill them

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That’s exactly what I expect..

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It's m pneumoniae, and it appears to be ravaging Chinese kids because they're woefully vitamin A deficient. This isn't an issue in the West since most kids do eat cheese, eggs, and other common things that keep your levels topped up. Not the case in China.

Also, m pneumoniae tends to make the rounds every four years ( I don't know why, but it tracks). So yes, we'll likely see it, too, albeit less severely, and let's hope they'll be less stingy about antibiotics than they were with covid. Of course if they're trying to start another scare, all bets are off :(

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My ex-husband's niece is currently in hospital with it.

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so sorry hoping she feels better soon!

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Vitamin A.

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Ouch. What country are you in, if you don't mind telling?

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She is in Florida.

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I’m in CFL is it the White lung stuff? The pneumonia showing in kids in Ohio?

Thanks and people should not be scared. They should be ready for it. Shit you can’t get a better red flag than what Gates just said.

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Remember Palestine train derailment?

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Ah yes...preceded by White Noise...

I'm sure that has nothing to do with any illnesses either....

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A horrible thought just hit me. How many kids in the West were jabbed with the covid shots?

More rhetorical than anything. Here they started jabbing from 6 months up

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I'm quite sure that there are many children with immune systems that have been devastated by the jabs. It's my opinion, but I would bet that this uptick in pneumonia is directly correlated to the deleterious effects of the jabs. My understanding is that this is usually an issue in the immunocompromised....

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There’s definitely a lot of kids who took that jab (1&2). Probably significantly reduced their immune response to about anything.

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Lots of UK kids in high school offered nasal flu potions at start of autumn term. Who would trust what's in them?

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My daughter had M pneumoniae at the end of October. Two weeks later, we all had our first encounter with the 'ro.

M pneumoniae is not killed by Augmentin (amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium), which is the first line treatment. I don't know if they can differentiate mycobacterium pneumonia from other bacterial pneumonia with imaging. I pushed the idea because of something that happened to my son when he was a child.

The ER doctor prescribed Doxycycline (100 b.i.d. for five days) for my daughter. It knocked it out quickly. I also learned that Azithromycin resistance is a problem in our area (Philadelphia suburbs). When in doubt, they might prescribe both Augmentin and Doxycycline.

They seriously considered admitting her to the hospital because her heart rate was elevated (130+), but she responded to the first dose and some pain meds.

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I'm glad she's okay. Surprised at the augmentin because doxy is usually the first line of treatment for mycoplasmal infections (be sure to take with food!)

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If taking Doxy, do not take with dairy. It binds up the doxy. 4 hours before and after Doxy for any dairy is a good margin.

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Augmentin is the first line for bacterial pneumonia. I don't know if they can differentiate between mycobacterial and other bacterial pneumonia with imaging. Perhaps they can. I just pushed the idea because of my son's history.

People with reactive airway have trouble clearing mycoplasma infection. Most healthy adults and children can clear it without intervention, which makes this current outbreak concerning to me. When my son was ten, his airways were at 60% (per spirometry), but he had no symptoms. They thought their machine was broken. A course of antibiotics cleared the infection, and he went back on low dose daily inhaled steroid to blunt the inflammation. He took sublingual allergy immunotherapy (allergy shots without the shots or risk of anaphylaxis) for many years and has been off all allergy and asthma meds for several years.

My daughter tolerated the doxycycline quite well. I was unfamiliar with it, but she had no ill effects.

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White lung pneumonia is mycoplasma pneumonia. Listed on page 30 as a side (intended) effect of the bioweapon jab. Page 30 of the papers that Pfizer wanted to hide for 75 years. There it is.

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Oh, dear, Sage, this is getting boring. You are right over the target again. It is much more fun if we can disagree, but you are not playing fair! You are not dissembling and dodging, so I have to agree with you again. Completely.

You are, quite literally, right on the money, the very, very big money, so far beyond the puny Wellness Company (although that is not money to, you should excuse the expression, sneeze at) and we should all be VERY afraid for our children.

Now we will have to get granny vaxxed to save little Bobby and tiny Suzie.

How noble we are, at every age, to sacrifice our immune competency and our freedoms for each other. How heart stirring is the common good!

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Thank you.

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The new, so called ‘epidemic’ of Mycoplasma pneumoniae also termed “white lung syndrome” is caused by the covid vaccines as revealed by Pfizer themselves.

Check out page 37 of Pfizer’s Adverse Events Report.




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Thank you, Annika...I may write this up.

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Hey, Hi Sarah!! I'm not writing much, bcz I'm still recovering from this ΡΝευΜ0Νια... Hit me so bad, my 02 levels were < than 80!!! One month later, although I take tons of vitamins + minerals 8m stillat higΗ 80s... I'm in ΤΧ, but thank G0d, I spent all my savings in getting treatment, Azi8romycin ...anddd other anti lΝflamat0ries... Please,Sarah, D0 a follow up/ Write/Χροse zem 4latrogenic.MaIfeαsaΝcΕ!!! My PUBLISHED Name[is different]as an R+D Medicinal Synthetic Org scientist, jnj,Philadelphia, in CNS,IMMUNOSUPPRESION, GΑΒΑ RecΡΤΟr, is even in Google books...+ GI0ΒαΙ.ΡατεΝΤs... here s another Great link on ΖPak+ latrogenic DΕΑΤΗS https://tkp.at/2023/07/25/rueckgang-von-antibiotika-anwendung-wegen-geaenderter-leitlinien-fuehrt-zu-todesfaellen/

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Jus found out that this MucoplasmαΡΝευΜ0Νιαe, hs bn circulating in Western Europe, since this summer ! My hubbie's family has it,anddd they r b00sted + υρ graded, "zere" in Paris... "Ze$💉ed, αre ΜακιΝg us Sιckkk.... A Greece Doc, just lost ΗΙS license, 4showing Χrays of Ραtients w Infected Iυngs[WΗΙΤΕ]... Med8calB00ks101! Tried 2treat them w lV AZ/Zpak, + was RΕΡ0RΤΕD 2EU MedclAgency... :(

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I'm going to look into this...thank you Annika. And glad to hear you are on the mend....I'm sorry you have been so sick and have had a slow recover. These motherfuckers are trying to kill us in so many ways....

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♥️♥️🙏 ty Dear Sarah... felt really alone...anddd scared...


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Why am I not even slightly surprised to learn this?

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Number one: I doubt a pneumonia can become a worldwide pandemic, it seems scientifically impossible... As it's often a secondary bacterial (although sometimes viral and fungal) infection on an immune compromised person.

Of course if they blame a virus for causing the pneumonia (like they did with covid) then they can try roll out the next psyop... Even though the high replication error rate of coronaviruses should never have enabled a worldwide spread of covid, if it is a coronavirus, in the first place.

Chances are it's an op to sell the new RSV, mRNA of course, vaccine...

Save the children this time, instead of save grandma... As kids often contract RSV...

Number 2: it seems this has been a long term op for the WHO to gain power (WHO partnered with WEF and UN)

First 2 mins of this👇


It's part of the plan

So their fear porn is part of the planned psyop mentioned above "10 years of planned pandemics", as told by a supposed WHO whistleblower, and the doco is well over a year old...

The current media narrative almost confirms what she's saying... 10 years of pandemics, which would bring us to ... Hmmmm... 2030?? Agenda 2030?

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Hey, CS, I would love to connect with you. My email is Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com. We have LOTS to talk about and I would love to have you as a guest on my podcast, the Dr. Rima Truth Reports.

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