"NONE of it was new to Pharma and ALL of it was new to us trying to understand this ostensibly serious disease." Says Bret.
Hey Bret. You could have understood a lot better how ELEGANT THE "TECHNOLOGY" was by reading Jill Glasspool Malone's Linked In literally ONE WEEK before you sat down with Bob and Kirsch to "save the world".
"Robert is the inventor of mRNA vaccination. The documentation is clear. In 1986, while at the Salk Institute/UC San Diego as a MD (Northwestern)/PhD (Salk/UCSD) student, he worked with RNA for his dissertation. Early on this included structure and modeling analysis, but it soon expanded beyond that. In 1987, he invented naked and lipid mediated RNA transfection. in-vitro (1987) and in-vivo (1988) lipid mediated mRNA transfection were developed at the Salk/UCSD."
"Robert left the university knowing that what he had invented would change the world someday. That he has never doubted."
"This was and is Robert’s work, his passion. *He is thrilled that all these technologies are working. He is thrilled for his part in that. He freely credits that other people have worked to develop this. But to have poured his heart and soul into this – *decades of work and to have someone else get credit for his work in the national press is demoralizing and disheartening. "
Do not let him scrub Bob clean.
If Big Bad Pharma knew ALL about this, then didn't the professed INVENTOR also know?
Gosh, Bret, if me it it was ALL new to me and it was, this sure sounds like a ringing endorsement to go get the shots.
Did you discuss that with Bob? About being thrilled and stuff?
I think the mRNA tech is creepy. That's why I didn't get the jabs. And Weinstein's was effusive about the technology. But he made clear that it had a fatal flaw. They can't control where it goes, and the immune system will attack any compromised cell (heart, brain). He did not endorse the jabs in this interview. He never got the jabs.
I wonder if these sciency types have cognitive dissonance now. They do a lot of awful things to living creatures (human and animal).
I don't know. They have kids, too. I don't think they want to live in that world either. Maybe it finally dawned on them that they aren't in the club. The blob can make whatever shit jabs they want. We don't have to take them. They can shove their mandates up their shriveled asses.
I'm well aware that they aren't stopping. I don't have any heroes. I was surprised to hear Weinstein speak directly about the operation and, perhaps, hopeful that it would jar some of the people on this side of the divide from their illusions about what our government might do to us ('cause our government isn't really our government).
“… Because the marks want Goodies. The marks want to BELIEVE.” So effing WHAT the (so-called) “marks” want!! Expose the con and expose the con artists and there’ll be fewer “marks”.
If you only want to know what’s (so-called) “real”, why exclusively focus on the negative? Your final reality, as a motivated reasoner, will be negative. The Abyss is staring back into you, SH, or so it seems.
Just listened to the entire podcast. Yes, it's true that he seemed to be thrilled about mRNA technology and he deliberately sidestepped, together with Carlsson, a detailed discussion of why people are being killed or injured by it. But he did mention Denis Rancour's 17 million dead number and he was pretty clear on the plan to cede sovereignty to the UN. I would say that he did a pretty good job of gaining credibility as a spokesperson for the resistance, which I suspect was the purpose of this podcast.
We don't have to like or trust either one of them. Carlson has a big audience and Weinstein just said the quiet part out loud. I'm not sure it really matters. They are just two guys talking, but many people on this side of the divide still cannot go down that road.
Russell Brand has been saying this clearly already. Did you know Moderna hired ex FBI to flush out his past? Russell’s error was making his 4th step work public. Britain been building a massive Moderna complex
It's interesting and probably not a mere accident that we never see any Alt-Elites comprehensively condemning the mRNA technology, and we only see a handful of Alt-MiddleManagement condemning it, but mostly Alt-Peasants. One wonders whether there shouldn't be a "Palace Revolt" where the Alt-Peasants throw out all the Alt-Elites or at least submit them to a "Peasant Trial" where they are interrogated and vetted. At such a Trial, if an Alt-Elite gushes about the mRNA technology at all as "amazing" we would hear that sound of the game show buzzer for Wrong Answer, followed by a consolation prize (maybe a free set of Samsonite luggage) and calling security to escort them out of the premises.
It's not about the jabs. That was a massive experiment. It's all about what comes next with this technology that's going to be the true killer. Stay tuned.
The jabs are a part of the experiment. Perhaps the most efficient part. Why wait around for people to be infected when we can just scare the shit out of them and convince them to take multiple injections of our special mRNA potion?
They don't care about more jabs because once they have the control grid in place, in theory, people will be forced to get jabbed to participate in society.
Was good to listen to because its what some percentage of Tuckers viewership will do so and you can be ready to deal with what you know in water cooler conversation.
This entire interview/exercise in "explaining to the gullible" is sickening & evil. How long did it take for Bret to write this & run it by his handlers pre-Tucker?
Wanta bet that all these gatekeepers like Wankerstein (who are now back-tracking like crazy & excusing their previous support for con-vid tyranny/ Lockdown Op/vaxx etc.) have stocks &/or payoffs for this beautiful new mRNA technology. (Basing Bret's early support on their "ignorance" of HOW bad the known Big Farma greed/lawuits reputation was is complete & total BULLSHIT peeps! You all can see this clearly now, I hope. No trust in liars ever. None.)
Bret is gaslighting us here. Tucker is gaslighting us. DON'T BE GASLIGHTED. Kay? (Bret promoting John Campbell is a tip-off for the gaslighted version!!)
I have no idea if Weinstein or Carlson or any of the other so-called thought leaders in the so-called medical freedom movement are controlled opposition. Neither do you.
If Weinstein and Kory and many others want us to trust them (as much as that is possible), they should explain why they've done 180s on masks or lockdowns or the jabs. Perhaps they have in the past, but I neither have the time or inclination to find out.
I do my own research. I make my own mind.
I come to my own conclusions but often defer making a decision. I don't care if Weinstein or Carlson or Kory is controlled opposition. It doesn't affect me. I don't need Sage or Sarah or Sasha or you to tell me what to think.
Over the past few days, I've seen several authors misrepresent what Weinstein said in the interview. I seen several more people react to it based on the misrepresentation. I've been personally attacked by three of the authors for pushing back. How dare I think the wrong thoughts. How dare I not come to the pre-approved conclusions. It's starting to feel like cult in the comments section.
Do you really think "winning" the argument over where Weinstein or Carlson is controlled opposition changes anything? It isn't possible with the current information. It's only conjecture. You are sure you know. I don't really care one way or the other.
Over the past couple months, we've been directed to suspect several louder voices in the so-called medical freedom movement (Kory, McCullough). Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been called into question because they were promoted by the persons under suspicion. There is no respect for dissenting opinions or even questions. Come to the appropriate, pre-approved conclusions or you are captured and suffering from hero worship.
Meanwhile, the monster continues with his plans for creeping tyranny.
We are legion.
They are few.
They cannot succeed without our cooperation.
So we don't cooperate.
No matter what.
The rest, frankly, is noise and distraction.
And I'm starting to wonder why certain people are trying to distract me.
the mRNA Technology had a flaw according to the US Patent Office - . The Patent office REJECTED FAUCI's application because US Law requires that a VACCINE PROVIDE A ****PROTECTIVE RESPONSE**** an immune response is NOT enough.
I find your condemnation of both Weinstein and Malone to be surprisingly unconvincing unless it is your contention that they should only be allowed to “shout condemnation” according to your script with your permission. Being a biologist by “trade” makes Weinstein eminently able to appreciate the “elegance” of some aspects of the way we are created e.g. the complexity of the existence and function of dna, rna, and mRNA making our existence as sentient beings possible. Even a working stiff like me appreciates the beauty of it.
Malone, according to him, eventually gave up on the technology because he, after years of research, was unable to find a way to use it without it being toxic to the human body. He, as well as others, warned both pharma, the alphabet agencies, and the public of the probable consequences of going ahead with the “genetic therapy” without solving the problems first. The alphabet agencies, of course, silenced them by deplatforming and slandering them.
Your approach to this monumental disaster we’re experiencing seems to be to assign guilt by proximity or association. Similar to holding Samuel Colt guilty for any murder committed with a revolver based on his early designs. Your anger and rage is appropriate. A bit more discernment is desirable.
In that same interview, Bret Weinstein also said: "Let's face it, we have a large global population. MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO USEFUL ROLE, through no fault of their own. They have not been given an opportunity in life to find a useful way to contribute."
Sounds uncannily like he's calling us useless eaters. Like planting the seed that we're just taking up space.
SOME people have no useful role, sure, but MOST people have jobs.
Who does he think grows, harvests, and sells the food he eats? Who cooks, serves and does dishes in his favorite restaurant? Who fixes his car, maintains the roads he drives on, looks after his kids while he's busy being useful? Who unclogs his sink, installs his high-speed internet?
And of course we must accept Bret's judgment because he is so serious and sincere; the "little" people are not as well credentialed as he , the common is just so little. Give me a break. My life is as important to me as the life of my fellow man. Pompous jackass or not.
Hi Tereza. In retrospect, reluctantly agree. Identifying with their anti-establishment posture, I liked them at first, and read their book ... but now sticking their podcasts in the same barn I would have kept the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson or Michio Kaku.
Haha that's a fine barn you have. Requires regular mucking out, I'd guess.
And I know you're busy but there's more speculation on the manufactured quakes in my latest, prompted by you. Another rabbit hole to fall down but at least rabbit pucky is less smelly ;-)
LOL. Will check out that link ... and though just guessing, there is a strong probability that the weaponization of geoengineering has probably reached that point. I am still fuming about Lahaina, but a bit more than 12 hours ago, Ishikawa prefecture got smacked with another mag. 4.4 quake. https://www.data.jma.go.jp/multi/quake/index.html?lang=en. When it rains, it pours.
fwiw- I recently listened to an old audio of a 9/11 truther, Victor Thorn, and he talked about how the 9/11 truth movement was planned in advance (along with 9/11), so that they would have their operatives in place to control the truther movement and not look at the Zionist/Mossad role. And I think the same holds truth for Covid--they knew some of us would not buy their BS psyop, so they had their appointed "thought leaders" all over the place, to control the narrative.
I have to disagree quite vehemently here. "Israel did it" is a propaganda stream massively pushed by people such as Christopher Bollyn. James Corbett and Alan Sabrosky, other controlled opposition agents, also push it, however, even when I believed all the "Israel did it" propaganda I wondered how people could think Israel was responsible as obviously everything needed to be done under the auspices of the US government.
"Israel did it" is one of the multiple streams of propaganda whose purpose is to suppress the most important truth of 9/11: death and injury were staged.
What has been used for 9/11 - as well as for other big psyops - is a False Dilemma propaganda strategy. We were given two options:
Story A - 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters did it
Story B - the US government did it
... when the reality C. is that the US government was responsible but they didn't kill and injure the people.
All the purported evidence for death and injury clearly undermines itself - the ludicrous miracle survivor stories, the "loved one" stories that don't add up, the testimony by reporters that no injured are being admitted to hospital or trauma centre, the obvious staging of the people at the windows, the alleged injured all fitting "drill" injured and the nonsensicality of the firefighter so-called "oral" histories, etc.
Moreover, while we can see how thousands of health professionals can be propagandised and coerced into injecting millions of propagandised and coerced people with substances that injure, maim and kill and provide no benefit whatsoever on the back of over a century of fraudulent science, the same cannot be done with demolition professionals. There is no way to propagandise and coerce demolition professionals to only partly evacuate buildings rather than fully evacuate them prior to demolishing them ... especially not for a terror story where only the BELIEF in death and injury is wanted, not the reality (while currently we know they WANT to kill people).
Psyops are not about doing things for real unless they're wanted for real. They want it all to be about MIND CONTROL as much as possible. And having both the believers and the disbelievers of their narrative get it wrong is their ultimate. When EVERYONE gets it wrong it's so much better for suppressing the truth.
Not saying at all that Israel wasn't massively involved of course or that it wasn't essentially a Zionist operation - but truth can be used as effectively as a lie as propaganda. The thing is though it's very obvious than every man and his dog was in on 9/11 including my own prime minister, John Howard, who just happened to be paying a "surprise" visit to Washington on the fateful day.
As psyops are not about doing things for real, do you think the "wars" in Ukraine and Gaza are psyops like Covid 19? That the people being killed are smaller in number than many are led to believe?
I've certainly seen it said and certainly they fake stuff in wars ... but how much I'm not sure. Wars, even though they often feature individual psyops, still involve death to some degree ... sometimes a great degree I think but I really don't know.
The Dancing Israelis is propaganda targeted to the anticipated disbelievers of their nonsense story. I know because I swallowed it hook, line and sinker. When I saw that story I thought to myself, "Oh I get it, they got "outsiders" to do the dastardly deed of killing all those poor people in the buildings."
How do we know about the Dancing Israelis? From the mainstream media. Why would the MSM give us a story that undermines the A-rab terrorist story? Because they know that the believers of the terrorist story will simply ignore this information while the disbelievers will latch right onto it.
The important thing isn't who exactly brought the buildings down - Mossad may well have had something to do with it although I'm sure there is no way that Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI) owned by the Loizeaux family wasn't involved, after all they tell us they cleared away the rubble - the important thing is that the buildings were fully evacuated before demolition.
Yes, but regardless of how involved Israel was in 9/11 all the information forming the "Israel did it" trope - true or false (the Dancing Israelis was completely staged) - is propaganda to make us think OUTSIDER Israelis committed the dastardly deed of bringing the buildings down with all those poor people in them ... when the destruction of the WTC was simply a demolition job that followed normal protocols namely FULL EVACUATION BEFORE DESTRUCTION. It doesn't matter who brought the buildings down ... they were evacuated before destruction.
I watched the entire interview today. Yes, I was bothered by his enthusiasm for the mRNA tech. I think it's creepy and unnatural. I feel that way about all "vaccines" now. I was also bothered by his focus on Pharma's global power and influence. Clearly, Pfizer and Moderna are working for something else. They are the subcontractors.
Not far into the interview, though, Weinstein talks about the fatal flaw of the mRNA technology. You cannot control where it goes and it doesn't stay in the arm. It goes all over the body in a random fashion and induces an immune attack on any cell that has been co-opted. While Weinstein didn't mention the role of the DOD, he did talk about the WHO amendments and the attempted global coup.
I'm not defending him. I understand why people are suspicious of many of the "thought leaders" in the so-called medical freedom movement. He may be a spook. But the end of the interview was very different from the beginning. I'm glad I pushed through.
In the end, does it matter? If Carlson and Weinstein are sincere, they are still just two guys talking somewhere in Maine. We have the power of no. We don't comply. No matter what.
You wrote: "In the end, does it matter? If Carlson and Weinstein are sincere, they are still just two guys talking somewhere in Maine. We have the power of no. We don't comply. No matter what."
Agree. Right now in this point in time, the only power we truly have IS to say NO. And I’m afraid if we don’t SERIOUSLY start taking down the monsters responsible- we may lose that power very soon. God Speed to ALL.
>>>>>>Not far into the interview, though, Weinstein talks about the fatal flaw of the mRNA technology. You cannot control where it goes and it doesn't stay in the arm. It goes all over the body in a random fashion and induces an immune attack on any cell that has been co-opted.<<<<<
That is INCORRECT . Fauci attempted to have the mRNA technology patented in 2004. The Patent office REJECTED his application because US Law requires that a VACCINE PROVIDE A ****PROTECTIVE RESPONSE**** an immune response is NOT enough.
Alas, it is also a weapon that has been released against our species.
Those 2 things may be connected. One ostensible reason; multiple actual reasons.
They can keep this up forever, CS. Keep us spinning our wheels, chasing the laser pointer for decades if needs be. Their plan would include exactly that, plus a safety factor.
When you plot to decimate our species, your backups will have backups. CIA plotting a false flag would have nothing on the layers planned for in this cull.
How do we pull the curtain on this Wizard of Oz show?
We need more media presence, flyers from planes! Something!
We r running out of time. Cai construct epstein names trickling out must mean something big and bad is really going on RIGHT NOW because this is the diversion squirrel.
Guess what it might be, just a theory, banks going bust with your money?
It will be presented so nicely though. Just like Disney World when they fleece you. It is Magical and Fun and don't you forget it.
Certainly NOT an elegant technology... Clever, absolutely, to get a cell to read a "man made" genetic code, wow... Okay I understand the scientific significance of that ...
But to use it .. or as Bret said "deploy" it ... to float through the human body instructing any cell it encounters to express a Frankenstein "non self" protein is insanely stupid.
Knowing the biodistribution of the nanolipidparticles and still "deploying" this on the world is murderous... They KNEW where it went .. and they know any cell it touches is no longer functioning as it should, and generally will die, many transfections in the same region leads to tissue necrosis, if the cell is not dead after transfection genetic dysfunction is highly likely, genetic dysfunction leads to cancer, autoimmunity etc etc...
Elegant NO WAY...
Building a car is smart, driving it high speed into a wall or off a cliff is dumb.
Having the primitive ability to transfect a cell with lab made mRNA is smart, but injection of this tech into billions, with random cells transfected ANYWHERE in the human body, with no long term studies, no knowledge of what might happen in a multicellular being seems dumber than driving off a cliff...
Otherwise, Bret at least highlighted the legal killbox (IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty) being prepared for western nations, that was a good part.
Also enjoyed (in between the elegance references)
Paraphrasing here:
Using an emergency "to sneak it by the obstacles that would ordinarily prevent, a DANGEROUS technology, LIKE THIS ONE, being widely deployed"
Did he slip up and speak the actual truth there? Notice the use of the word "deployed".
Okay. But never give it to young people and never ever mandate it. I don’t do medical. Any and every medical decision should be 100% voluntary and private.
Ha I thought the same thing. I think he’s my age or younger but he looks terrible. I think maybe because he and his wife have bragged on their podcasts about how many injections they’ve received in order to travel the world. All those “vaccines “ can’t be helping. In his lifetime he’s probably received more jabs than George Frazier.
Like Biden. About 80 and he comes across more like a 90 year old. I am
72. I know a ton of clear thinking and strong acting 80 year olds. Biden is way older acting than his age. Similar to Bubba Clinton. Give the man a cheeseburger. He looks like a vampire 100 years into a hunger strike.
Maybe his health and diet regime is one prescribed by the Food and Death Association. You know? The "lot's of fruits and vegetables" diet - loaded with glyphosate based herbicides, pesticides, and grown in completely dead and depleted soil.
By the way: Don't smoke cigarettes. They mess up the effects of all that aluminum, barium nitrate, and strontium, geoengineering assholes spray into the atmosphere every day...
Glad that many people aren't buying the controlled op. Unfortunately others are singing praises to this interview. Enter the post-attack normie management team.
Bad Bad Pfizer for passing all that Emergency use legislation and that Prep Act, and for forcing the DoD and the NIH to fund their work, and for locking us down like that and for instituting those jab mandates and for banning HCQ $ IVM, and for censoring and deplaforming all the independent journalists, time we boycott those scoundrels. to keep them from instituting all those bad policies....Oh wait, I forgot WE DID IT! WE WON! so never mind.
"NONE of it was new to Pharma and ALL of it was new to us trying to understand this ostensibly serious disease." Says Bret.
Hey Bret. You could have understood a lot better how ELEGANT THE "TECHNOLOGY" was by reading Jill Glasspool Malone's Linked In literally ONE WEEK before you sat down with Bob and Kirsch to "save the world".
"Robert is the inventor of mRNA vaccination. The documentation is clear. In 1986, while at the Salk Institute/UC San Diego as a MD (Northwestern)/PhD (Salk/UCSD) student, he worked with RNA for his dissertation. Early on this included structure and modeling analysis, but it soon expanded beyond that. In 1987, he invented naked and lipid mediated RNA transfection. in-vitro (1987) and in-vivo (1988) lipid mediated mRNA transfection were developed at the Salk/UCSD."
"Robert left the university knowing that what he had invented would change the world someday. That he has never doubted."
"This was and is Robert’s work, his passion. *He is thrilled that all these technologies are working. He is thrilled for his part in that. He freely credits that other people have worked to develop this. But to have poured his heart and soul into this – *decades of work and to have someone else get credit for his work in the national press is demoralizing and disheartening. "
Do not let him scrub Bob clean.
If Big Bad Pharma knew ALL about this, then didn't the professed INVENTOR also know?
Gosh, Bret, if me it it was ALL new to me and it was, this sure sounds like a ringing endorsement to go get the shots.
Did you discuss that with Bob? About being thrilled and stuff?
They may be spooks, but I encourage you to watch the entire interview. He definitely does not endorse the jabs.
Just the elegant beautiful technology.
cm the dude is creaming in his pants about gene editing.
Next rollout will be better.
I think the mRNA tech is creepy. That's why I didn't get the jabs. And Weinstein's was effusive about the technology. But he made clear that it had a fatal flaw. They can't control where it goes, and the immune system will attack any compromised cell (heart, brain). He did not endorse the jabs in this interview. He never got the jabs.
I wonder if these sciency types have cognitive dissonance now. They do a lot of awful things to living creatures (human and animal).
Go look at the mRNA stuff that Moderna has in the pipeline.
They didn't stop, cm.
This is an ongoing Operation.
Bret and Tucker are trying to let you in gently. Is it a warning or an announcement?
Like the Day Tapes.
I don't know. They have kids, too. I don't think they want to live in that world either. Maybe it finally dawned on them that they aren't in the club. The blob can make whatever shit jabs they want. We don't have to take them. They can shove their mandates up their shriveled asses.
Ran into this with David Martin at Brussels.
They all use NLP. They all say a lot of stuff and let motivated reasoners SEIZE on what they WANT to hear.
Because the marks want Goodies.
The marks want to BELIEVE.
I'm well aware that they aren't stopping. I don't have any heroes. I was surprised to hear Weinstein speak directly about the operation and, perhaps, hopeful that it would jar some of the people on this side of the divide from their illusions about what our government might do to us ('cause our government isn't really our government).
“… Because the marks want Goodies. The marks want to BELIEVE.” So effing WHAT the (so-called) “marks” want!! Expose the con and expose the con artists and there’ll be fewer “marks”.
If you only want to know what’s (so-called) “real”, why exclusively focus on the negative? Your final reality, as a motivated reasoner, will be negative. The Abyss is staring back into you, SH, or so it seems.
Just listened to the entire podcast. Yes, it's true that he seemed to be thrilled about mRNA technology and he deliberately sidestepped, together with Carlsson, a detailed discussion of why people are being killed or injured by it. But he did mention Denis Rancour's 17 million dead number and he was pretty clear on the plan to cede sovereignty to the UN. I would say that he did a pretty good job of gaining credibility as a spokesperson for the resistance, which I suspect was the purpose of this podcast.
We don't have to like or trust either one of them. Carlson has a big audience and Weinstein just said the quiet part out loud. I'm not sure it really matters. They are just two guys talking, but many people on this side of the divide still cannot go down that road.
This is Tucker's role in the whole Rodeo.
Furrow the brow and feel your pain.
And be naive and Gosh! Really?
Russell Brand has been saying this clearly already. Did you know Moderna hired ex FBI to flush out his past? Russell’s error was making his 4th step work public. Britain been building a massive Moderna complex
There’s too much focus on Tucker Carlson & Bret Weinstein being bad guys and not enough focus on the truths these two men are revealing.
It's interesting and probably not a mere accident that we never see any Alt-Elites comprehensively condemning the mRNA technology, and we only see a handful of Alt-MiddleManagement condemning it, but mostly Alt-Peasants. One wonders whether there shouldn't be a "Palace Revolt" where the Alt-Peasants throw out all the Alt-Elites or at least submit them to a "Peasant Trial" where they are interrogated and vetted. At such a Trial, if an Alt-Elite gushes about the mRNA technology at all as "amazing" we would hear that sound of the game show buzzer for Wrong Answer, followed by a consolation prize (maybe a free set of Samsonite luggage) and calling security to escort them out of the premises.
It's not about the jabs. That was a massive experiment. It's all about what comes next with this technology that's going to be the true killer. Stay tuned.
The jabs are a part of the experiment. Perhaps the most efficient part. Why wait around for people to be infected when we can just scare the shit out of them and convince them to take multiple injections of our special mRNA potion?
They don't care about more jabs because once they have the control grid in place, in theory, people will be forced to get jabbed to participate in society.
Was good to listen to because its what some percentage of Tuckers viewership will do so and you can be ready to deal with what you know in water cooler conversation.
I'm sure that lots of Tucker Carlson's fans never considered this whole thing a depopulation event caused by our own governments who want us dead.
So...I guess that is a start.
It’s called free speech. 🎤
This entire interview/exercise in "explaining to the gullible" is sickening & evil. How long did it take for Bret to write this & run it by his handlers pre-Tucker?
Wanta bet that all these gatekeepers like Wankerstein (who are now back-tracking like crazy & excusing their previous support for con-vid tyranny/ Lockdown Op/vaxx etc.) have stocks &/or payoffs for this beautiful new mRNA technology. (Basing Bret's early support on their "ignorance" of HOW bad the known Big Farma greed/lawuits reputation was is complete & total BULLSHIT peeps! You all can see this clearly now, I hope. No trust in liars ever. None.)
Bret is gaslighting us here. Tucker is gaslighting us. DON'T BE GASLIGHTED. Kay? (Bret promoting John Campbell is a tip-off for the gaslighted version!!)
Lucinda, no one is gaslighting me. Not even you.
I have no idea if Weinstein or Carlson or any of the other so-called thought leaders in the so-called medical freedom movement are controlled opposition. Neither do you.
If Weinstein and Kory and many others want us to trust them (as much as that is possible), they should explain why they've done 180s on masks or lockdowns or the jabs. Perhaps they have in the past, but I neither have the time or inclination to find out.
I do my own research. I make my own mind.
I come to my own conclusions but often defer making a decision. I don't care if Weinstein or Carlson or Kory is controlled opposition. It doesn't affect me. I don't need Sage or Sarah or Sasha or you to tell me what to think.
Over the past few days, I've seen several authors misrepresent what Weinstein said in the interview. I seen several more people react to it based on the misrepresentation. I've been personally attacked by three of the authors for pushing back. How dare I think the wrong thoughts. How dare I not come to the pre-approved conclusions. It's starting to feel like cult in the comments section.
Do you really think "winning" the argument over where Weinstein or Carlson is controlled opposition changes anything? It isn't possible with the current information. It's only conjecture. You are sure you know. I don't really care one way or the other.
Over the past couple months, we've been directed to suspect several louder voices in the so-called medical freedom movement (Kory, McCullough). Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been called into question because they were promoted by the persons under suspicion. There is no respect for dissenting opinions or even questions. Come to the appropriate, pre-approved conclusions or you are captured and suffering from hero worship.
Meanwhile, the monster continues with his plans for creeping tyranny.
We are legion.
They are few.
They cannot succeed without our cooperation.
So we don't cooperate.
No matter what.
The rest, frankly, is noise and distraction.
And I'm starting to wonder why certain people are trying to distract me.
HEY! (Most) People don't ask the right questions...
the mRNA Technology had a flaw according to the US Patent Office - . The Patent office REJECTED FAUCI's application because US Law requires that a VACCINE PROVIDE A ****PROTECTIVE RESPONSE**** an immune response is NOT enough.
Attachment page 5 .
Therefore the ONLY way that the same could be profitable and used in the marketplace was as an EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION PRODUCT (EUA)
CAN YOU SAY FRAUD? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find your condemnation of both Weinstein and Malone to be surprisingly unconvincing unless it is your contention that they should only be allowed to “shout condemnation” according to your script with your permission. Being a biologist by “trade” makes Weinstein eminently able to appreciate the “elegance” of some aspects of the way we are created e.g. the complexity of the existence and function of dna, rna, and mRNA making our existence as sentient beings possible. Even a working stiff like me appreciates the beauty of it.
Malone, according to him, eventually gave up on the technology because he, after years of research, was unable to find a way to use it without it being toxic to the human body. He, as well as others, warned both pharma, the alphabet agencies, and the public of the probable consequences of going ahead with the “genetic therapy” without solving the problems first. The alphabet agencies, of course, silenced them by deplatforming and slandering them.
Your approach to this monumental disaster we’re experiencing seems to be to assign guilt by proximity or association. Similar to holding Samuel Colt guilty for any murder committed with a revolver based on his early designs. Your anger and rage is appropriate. A bit more discernment is desirable.
Made shill quota for today, clocks out
Of course he did. I think Malone is sketchy?
Tucker has on his signature furrowed brow "concern" face.
Tucker's Brow: Seriously guys. Get a room.
He couldn't do his job if he had Botox.
I'm surprised his tongue isn't hang'n out.
In that same interview, Bret Weinstein also said: "Let's face it, we have a large global population. MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO USEFUL ROLE, through no fault of their own. They have not been given an opportunity in life to find a useful way to contribute."
Sounds uncannily like he's calling us useless eaters. Like planting the seed that we're just taking up space.
SOME people have no useful role, sure, but MOST people have jobs.
Who does he think grows, harvests, and sells the food he eats? Who cooks, serves and does dishes in his favorite restaurant? Who fixes his car, maintains the roads he drives on, looks after his kids while he's busy being useful? Who unclogs his sink, installs his high-speed internet?
A kinder gentler Yuval Harari. 😅
His warm squishy eugenics centre is showing!
Exactly, he slipped there a bit…..
OMG! Admittedly, he has an absolutely essential role in spreading second-level propaganda only to better hide the truth.
After that comment, I can't disagree. That was a dead giveaway. Who goes around thinking most people serve no useful purpose?!
Yep, when people show you who they are, believe them!!!
Someone please tell me how any of us have any right or qualifications to determine the worth of another human being.
Exactly! How can we know how useful another person is?
And of course we must accept Bret's judgment because he is so serious and sincere; the "little" people are not as well credentialed as he , the common is just so little. Give me a break. My life is as important to me as the life of my fellow man. Pompous jackass or not.
I failed to thank you for your comments. Again I thank you, sisterly love.
And to you
Dark Horse Pucky.
Hi Tereza. In retrospect, reluctantly agree. Identifying with their anti-establishment posture, I liked them at first, and read their book ... but now sticking their podcasts in the same barn I would have kept the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson or Michio Kaku.
Haha that's a fine barn you have. Requires regular mucking out, I'd guess.
And I know you're busy but there's more speculation on the manufactured quakes in my latest, prompted by you. Another rabbit hole to fall down but at least rabbit pucky is less smelly ;-)
LOL. Will check out that link ... and though just guessing, there is a strong probability that the weaponization of geoengineering has probably reached that point. I am still fuming about Lahaina, but a bit more than 12 hours ago, Ishikawa prefecture got smacked with another mag. 4.4 quake. https://www.data.jma.go.jp/multi/quake/index.html?lang=en. When it rains, it pours.
Cheers Tereza
That list is crazy, Steve. It seems like it's ongoing and endless.
makes better fertilizer too.
Had to look up 'Pucky':
1- toy fairy figurines
2- also feces
Either or both could apply to Dark Horse Pucky. Thanks, LOL.
Same. Or Puck in Shakespeare.
Dark horse podcast. Interesting name, one of the 4 horses of revaluation.
Great post!
fwiw- I recently listened to an old audio of a 9/11 truther, Victor Thorn, and he talked about how the 9/11 truth movement was planned in advance (along with 9/11), so that they would have their operatives in place to control the truther movement and not look at the Zionist/Mossad role. And I think the same holds truth for Covid--they knew some of us would not buy their BS psyop, so they had their appointed "thought leaders" all over the place, to control the narrative.
I have to disagree quite vehemently here. "Israel did it" is a propaganda stream massively pushed by people such as Christopher Bollyn. James Corbett and Alan Sabrosky, other controlled opposition agents, also push it, however, even when I believed all the "Israel did it" propaganda I wondered how people could think Israel was responsible as obviously everything needed to be done under the auspices of the US government.
"Israel did it" is one of the multiple streams of propaganda whose purpose is to suppress the most important truth of 9/11: death and injury were staged.
What has been used for 9/11 - as well as for other big psyops - is a False Dilemma propaganda strategy. We were given two options:
Story A - 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters did it
Story B - the US government did it
... when the reality C. is that the US government was responsible but they didn't kill and injure the people.
All the purported evidence for death and injury clearly undermines itself - the ludicrous miracle survivor stories, the "loved one" stories that don't add up, the testimony by reporters that no injured are being admitted to hospital or trauma centre, the obvious staging of the people at the windows, the alleged injured all fitting "drill" injured and the nonsensicality of the firefighter so-called "oral" histories, etc.
Moreover, while we can see how thousands of health professionals can be propagandised and coerced into injecting millions of propagandised and coerced people with substances that injure, maim and kill and provide no benefit whatsoever on the back of over a century of fraudulent science, the same cannot be done with demolition professionals. There is no way to propagandise and coerce demolition professionals to only partly evacuate buildings rather than fully evacuate them prior to demolishing them ... especially not for a terror story where only the BELIEF in death and injury is wanted, not the reality (while currently we know they WANT to kill people).
Psyops are not about doing things for real unless they're wanted for real. They want it all to be about MIND CONTROL as much as possible. And having both the believers and the disbelievers of their narrative get it wrong is their ultimate. When EVERYONE gets it wrong it's so much better for suppressing the truth.
Not saying at all that Israel wasn't massively involved of course or that it wasn't essentially a Zionist operation - but truth can be used as effectively as a lie as propaganda. The thing is though it's very obvious than every man and his dog was in on 9/11 including my own prime minister, John Howard, who just happened to be paying a "surprise" visit to Washington on the fateful day.
As psyops are not about doing things for real, do you think the "wars" in Ukraine and Gaza are psyops like Covid 19? That the people being killed are smaller in number than many are led to believe?
I've certainly seen it said and certainly they fake stuff in wars ... but how much I'm not sure. Wars, even though they often feature individual psyops, still involve death to some degree ... sometimes a great degree I think but I really don't know.
The “Dancing Israelis” kind of points to who had skin in the game re 9/11.
The Dancing Israelis is propaganda targeted to the anticipated disbelievers of their nonsense story. I know because I swallowed it hook, line and sinker. When I saw that story I thought to myself, "Oh I get it, they got "outsiders" to do the dastardly deed of killing all those poor people in the buildings."
How do we know about the Dancing Israelis? From the mainstream media. Why would the MSM give us a story that undermines the A-rab terrorist story? Because they know that the believers of the terrorist story will simply ignore this information while the disbelievers will latch right onto it.
The important thing isn't who exactly brought the buildings down - Mossad may well have had something to do with it although I'm sure there is no way that Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI) owned by the Loizeaux family wasn't involved, after all they tell us they cleared away the rubble - the important thing is that the buildings were fully evacuated before demolition.
Yes, but regardless of how involved Israel was in 9/11 all the information forming the "Israel did it" trope - true or false (the Dancing Israelis was completely staged) - is propaganda to make us think OUTSIDER Israelis committed the dastardly deed of bringing the buildings down with all those poor people in them ... when the destruction of the WTC was simply a demolition job that followed normal protocols namely FULL EVACUATION BEFORE DESTRUCTION. It doesn't matter who brought the buildings down ... they were evacuated before destruction.
I watched the entire interview today. Yes, I was bothered by his enthusiasm for the mRNA tech. I think it's creepy and unnatural. I feel that way about all "vaccines" now. I was also bothered by his focus on Pharma's global power and influence. Clearly, Pfizer and Moderna are working for something else. They are the subcontractors.
Not far into the interview, though, Weinstein talks about the fatal flaw of the mRNA technology. You cannot control where it goes and it doesn't stay in the arm. It goes all over the body in a random fashion and induces an immune attack on any cell that has been co-opted. While Weinstein didn't mention the role of the DOD, he did talk about the WHO amendments and the attempted global coup.
I'm not defending him. I understand why people are suspicious of many of the "thought leaders" in the so-called medical freedom movement. He may be a spook. But the end of the interview was very different from the beginning. I'm glad I pushed through.
In the end, does it matter? If Carlson and Weinstein are sincere, they are still just two guys talking somewhere in Maine. We have the power of no. We don't comply. No matter what.
You wrote: "In the end, does it matter? If Carlson and Weinstein are sincere, they are still just two guys talking somewhere in Maine. We have the power of no. We don't comply. No matter what."
Yes, this. Exactly.
Agree. Right now in this point in time, the only power we truly have IS to say NO. And I’m afraid if we don’t SERIOUSLY start taking down the monsters responsible- we may lose that power very soon. God Speed to ALL.
We don't comply and never consent.
>>>>>>Not far into the interview, though, Weinstein talks about the fatal flaw of the mRNA technology. You cannot control where it goes and it doesn't stay in the arm. It goes all over the body in a random fashion and induces an immune attack on any cell that has been co-opted.<<<<<
That is INCORRECT . Fauci attempted to have the mRNA technology patented in 2004. The Patent office REJECTED his application because US Law requires that a VACCINE PROVIDE A ****PROTECTIVE RESPONSE**** an immune response is NOT enough.
Attachment page 5 .
Therefore the ONLY way that the same could be profitable and used in the marketplace was as an EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZARTION PRODUCT (EUA)
FRAUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brave New World.
MRNA is the key.
Alas, it is also a weapon that has been released against our species.
Those 2 things may be connected. One ostensible reason; multiple actual reasons.
They can keep this up forever, CS. Keep us spinning our wheels, chasing the laser pointer for decades if needs be. Their plan would include exactly that, plus a safety factor.
When you plot to decimate our species, your backups will have backups. CIA plotting a false flag would have nothing on the layers planned for in this cull.
How do we pull the curtain on this Wizard of Oz show?
We need more media presence, flyers from planes! Something!
We r running out of time. Cai construct epstein names trickling out must mean something big and bad is really going on RIGHT NOW because this is the diversion squirrel.
Guess what it might be, just a theory, banks going bust with your money?
It will be presented so nicely though. Just like Disney World when they fleece you. It is Magical and Fun and don't you forget it.
Cue the movie UP.
I believe they want to do more than "decimate" our species. Decimate only kills off 10% of us. They want to kill more like 90%.
I agree. So enjoy your life in your relatively natural body in the relatively natural world to the fullest beautiful human animals!!!! God is love.
Certainly NOT an elegant technology... Clever, absolutely, to get a cell to read a "man made" genetic code, wow... Okay I understand the scientific significance of that ...
But to use it .. or as Bret said "deploy" it ... to float through the human body instructing any cell it encounters to express a Frankenstein "non self" protein is insanely stupid.
Knowing the biodistribution of the nanolipidparticles and still "deploying" this on the world is murderous... They KNEW where it went .. and they know any cell it touches is no longer functioning as it should, and generally will die, many transfections in the same region leads to tissue necrosis, if the cell is not dead after transfection genetic dysfunction is highly likely, genetic dysfunction leads to cancer, autoimmunity etc etc...
Elegant NO WAY...
Building a car is smart, driving it high speed into a wall or off a cliff is dumb.
Having the primitive ability to transfect a cell with lab made mRNA is smart, but injection of this tech into billions, with random cells transfected ANYWHERE in the human body, with no long term studies, no knowledge of what might happen in a multicellular being seems dumber than driving off a cliff...
Otherwise, Bret at least highlighted the legal killbox (IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty) being prepared for western nations, that was a good part.
Also enjoyed (in between the elegance references)
Paraphrasing here:
Using an emergency "to sneak it by the obstacles that would ordinarily prevent, a DANGEROUS technology, LIKE THIS ONE, being widely deployed"
Did he slip up and speak the actual truth there? Notice the use of the word "deployed".
Yes slipped again…..
He knows. Blaming pharma for it is like blaming the delivery man for the shitty pizza.
Thank you.
They got paid for it. Sorry, but sudden death by “pizza” sucks. Pharma has no moral compass. It’s all about the 🤑🤑🤑
Sarah, you tell it like it is👍
we just have to work out the kinks on this beautiful tech. next time we swear millions won't suffer and die
Okay. But never give it to young people and never ever mandate it. I don’t do medical. Any and every medical decision should be 100% voluntary and private.
"..a (thousand points of light) Bright Future.."
These establishment tools are desperate not to be seen as 'anti-vxxx'.
"The rate to which it was scaled up was positively incredible."
As if he doesn't know mRNA has been in development for yonks.
Weinstein looks more than a decade older than his biological age.
So whatever diet and health regime he is on, don't follow it.
Ha I thought the same thing. I think he’s my age or younger but he looks terrible. I think maybe because he and his wife have bragged on their podcasts about how many injections they’ve received in order to travel the world. All those “vaccines “ can’t be helping. In his lifetime he’s probably received more jabs than George Frazier.
You mean Foreman.
Yes Joe Foreman
I heard Howard Cosell was a Mandela effect. Joe Frazier and George Foreman. Ya’ll are hysterical
A little humor doesn’t hurt, now and then.. 🥊
Like Biden. About 80 and he comes across more like a 90 year old. I am
72. I know a ton of clear thinking and strong acting 80 year olds. Biden is way older acting than his age. Similar to Bubba Clinton. Give the man a cheeseburger. He looks like a vampire 100 years into a hunger strike.
Clinton looks dreadful.
Maybe his health and diet regime is one prescribed by the Food and Death Association. You know? The "lot's of fruits and vegetables" diet - loaded with glyphosate based herbicides, pesticides, and grown in completely dead and depleted soil.
By the way: Don't smoke cigarettes. They mess up the effects of all that aluminum, barium nitrate, and strontium, geoengineering assholes spray into the atmosphere every day...
For real? Should we be smoking? 😀
Does nicotine interfere with the chem trail poisons?
American spirit “ organic “ cigs
Great post. Thank you, Sarah.
Glad that many people aren't buying the controlled op. Unfortunately others are singing praises to this interview. Enter the post-attack normie management team.
Bad Bad Pfizer for passing all that Emergency use legislation and that Prep Act, and for forcing the DoD and the NIH to fund their work, and for locking us down like that and for instituting those jab mandates and for banning HCQ $ IVM, and for censoring and deplaforming all the independent journalists, time we boycott those scoundrels. to keep them from instituting all those bad policies....Oh wait, I forgot WE DID IT! WE WON! so never mind.
Ha ha yeah Pfizer must have gotten a hold of all the Epstein john videos in order to get the politicians all over the world to force jab their flocks.