Anyone shilling for mRNA might as well put a big fat brand on their forehead.

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Yes, it should be required. So we know from the start.

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whenever anyone praises mRNA or crows about possible benefits, the brand magically appears, for those that are paying attention! or that *should* be what happens.

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It's not even like they are trying to hide it. Shows how stupid and ignorant they believe everyone to be...

And sadly, I guess they aren't really wrong.

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the descriptor I like there is BRAZEN.

they may have always been like this, but I started really noticing it after 9/11. blatant lies and promotion of illegal and immoral things.

but as you say, it appears to work fine on some…sadly.

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Great stuff, Sarah.

Well displayed example of the hands in two pots psyop. And follows the tried and true pattern of create the issue and be the hero that fixes it.

Your next look will be at the push to push it into the food animals. Well, why would they reserve for simply animals? Spray it on the veggies, too, meeebeee? Chemtrails? Of course, the 'science' has claimed that mRNA is unstable. And Sasha has pointed out that the volumes of mRNA being created cannot under any circumstance keep up with demand. WTF is being pushed into arms and sides of beef, then? And the zoo animals, of course. Maybe that is ... us? Are we the zoo animals something human-like or maybe reptilian is watching with curiosity, like rats in a cage?

That was a great premise in the book Hitchhiker's' Guide to the Universe - the answer is 42. Who here has the numerology skills to decode how that applies to Malone as MK Ultra agent?

Ooops! Where am I? Maybe that was a dream of me beginning to free associate here, in a public space.

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Spiel-unkers beware, Kabbalistic numerological analysis of 42 leads to a deep rabbi hole...

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Double down is all they have left, take as many folk with them to hell. It’s harvest time till they get caught up / hung up.

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They messed up.

The Catastrophic Contagion exercise describes a disease that hits kids very hard. But the kids aren't getting the jab which would create that disease.

I don't know why they pushed the bad stuff in the first round.

It really buggered up the reputation.

I can't believe how people like McCullough still think mRNA could work.

Perhaps because they're idiotically focusing on the spike protein as the issue, ignoring the freaking fact that moderna had issues with the lipids before covid.

Are they this stupid? Perhaps. Except for Malone. But Malone got the shots, hahaha sure.

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The lipid nanoparticle is a whole other can o worms...

I've been dabbling in there.

Also the graphene part.

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Whatever it is, it causes cell death with ends up looking like...

Spike protein lol.

It also tests for that in their fancy super duper genetics and PCR testing.

They're only looking for a fragment of a gene, which matches a certain damaged cell. The poison makes the "virus" appear.

Also, toxins can change DNA. No need for fancy mRNA which honestly never has been proven to work!

Virology is a backwards "science" where the result of cell death is called the cause.

Maybe the issue is that a lot of these medical freedom doctors still have the mentality of trusting the history of their field.

When control experiments are done without viruses, the same result happens.


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I grew up in the Doctors are Deity paradigm. I have been gobsmacked by the lack of critical thinking among that community. Trusting the history absolutely...and absolutely REFUSING to consider anything otherwise. Brainwashed. High aptitude for memorizing shit. Rote memorization is impressive but has no chance of dancing with the devil. The doctors have been largely underwhelming, and I guess I am disappointed because I expected more.

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20 years of safety security and convenience turning a population into a bunch of jellyfish spineless brown shirts globalists wet dream. This cycles is known as the mass Faust effect. It happens frequently as population increases towards parity with EVILoution

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Good read and watch. I watched the whole video. Interesting.

The line that made me want to throw up was from the Psychologist in the center. Something like ...how are people going to follow us and do what we tell them, in the future ?...🫣😡🤯 with all the distrust of medicine now?

Drew smartly said people are not.

I heard clearly Malone's 2 aspirin references but I am not understanding the significance.

Or, what I am suspecting, I hope I am wrong.


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The aspirin references were an example of how a safe and effective drug had a rocky start coming to market. Rocky start = killed people.

But now aspirin is in everyone's medicine cabinet and hey, it's even an early treatment for Covid. I'm surprised he didn't mention it being used for cardiac issues as well.

I think this is sowing the ground for the mRNA walk back that's already starting. The mRNA jabs for Covid initially didn't go well, but that doesn't mean that mRNA is entirely bad...and that it doesn't have potential elsewhere - like for cancer.

The quote from Renz was in reference to Peter McCullough's review of a paper from Jessica Rose and Tess Lawrie (there was one other author whose name escapes me)...

When I listened to the Dr Drew thing yesterday, it was painfully obvious to me that this was the underlying message. I didn't highlight, but I probably should've, the 3 of them talking about the devastating loss of trust in the medical system...because when the next thing comes (and I think they even said "the next thing") it could be really bad and people might not listen.

Anyway...do you remember hacky sacks? The Dr Drew podcast, and frankly a lot of the "talking" right now, reminds me of the kids that played hacky sack in the courtyard. Just juggling that little beanbag between each other, not problem. Oh, and the weaving in of RFK at every opportunity...that's being overtly pushed everywhere as well.

OK...off to work! Thanks for your support FIF♥️

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Ok, got it, thanks.

Do u know what Malone was referring to ( he is so damn confident and arrogant but smart enough to cover it up a little bit, even though it still sneaks out in his beautiful multimillion dollar, mRNA Patent funded productions) when he said something like.... Dr. Drew, you've come a long way .....? I guess Drew initially fell for all the BS Plandemic?

Not that I really care about either of these guys. Malone is someone to keep a watchful eye on though, through peripheral vision is enough.

There is no way he took the Chinese made Pfizer shot with the toxins, nor did his wife. They knew it was a "Bioweapon ". He knew Fraudci et al could not have put anything together in months time. He would have looked up the DOD Contract in a millisecond. And to chase a Plandemic with a mRNA shot that does not change for the changing virus. That is kindergarten level Immunology. Why would he take what his enemy, he called a Fraud and a Liar was espousing?

Aw, no...chances are minuscule he took it but he did premeditate enough to have a video taken of the acting. So many contradictions.

Everyone is protecting their butts now! Except the really stupid ...Practioners still way behind the eight ball. THAT is really amazing!! Who will be the last man/woman standing ?

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Dr Drew was definitely not hating on the bioweapon jabs from the start. In fact, I'm pretty sure he is still recommending his patients of a certain age get them. I occasionally listen to his podcast to get a read on the mainstream story...

Re Malone and taking the shot - if you go back and watch that darkhorse podcast from 2021, it seems odd that he doesn't mention his "near death" injury from the jab. Seems like that would've been something to mention when everyone was sharing their vaccine stories...🤔

But, what do I know🤷🏻‍♀️

The keeping your arms straight link at the end will take you to a JJ Couey video where he goes back and watches the whole podcast....pretty interesting to revisit.

Have a great Sunday...I've gotta hit the road.

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My take home on that trio interview from way back that I will never forget was Pfizer's Study Graph ( from FOIA - Japan via Dr B) of organ and tissue uptake of the Injection contents that cause chronic inflammation by design ( spike protein production etc. ) = dysfunction

The OVARIES are the highest on Pfizer's graph exponentially, by far! Malone pointed out that he thought they ( he ) were able to do that with a particular + charge. He is the expert.

So nice of him to keep broadcasting this LOUD AND CLEAR moving forward! ( sarcasm ) Guess he hates kids also. Unless they are expensive genetically engineered foals.

This was a huge light bulb going on.

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Hi Conspiracy Sarah, I just subscribed. Loving your stack but I think the aspirin rabbit hole is not an issue. I have read about the theory that aspirin was to 1918 Flu as remdesivir is to Covid. No, aspirin is a miracle drug like ivermectin and HCQ. Doses may be fudged on purpose like they did in the fake HCQ trials to kill people with toxic doses of HCQ. Perhaps they did that 100 years ago with aspirin but more likely it was vaccine damage and bacterial pneumonia that killed back then, just like today. Still, I’m here for it, ready and eager...

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I actually hadn't considered that he was making the aspirin comparison to remdisivir. My point with the aspirin story that was mentioned twice in that podcast was that I think it was a soft pitch (slow pitch?) to warm the audience to the story of a drug being misunderstood at first, in this case with dosing (bonus that it was for the 1918 flu epidemic) and turning out to be an important medicine that is widely accepted as safe and effective. I think they are priming that same story with the mRNA injections...I think that walk back is already starting to happen. For example, this paper from Peter McCullough (reviewing a paper by Jessica Rose and Tess Lawrie):

"The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review

mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future May be Brighter"


Let me know what you think :)

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So....great! 😞

Peter M a plant also?

Who isn't ? The numbers are getting lower and lower.

Where does he think all the peri and myo carditises are going to go?

I guess the fact he is calling them " vaccines " to continue to fool the public gives us the answer to my first question. Sadly.

This is a perfectly ( almost ) orchestrated long theatre event. I want the curtains to close and the lights to come on. I will give it a hearty applause.

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Maybe Dr McCullough was an isolated incident, but I've come not to really expect the best case scenario. I held out a long time with Dr. Malone...he reminds me so much of my dad, I think it was more nostalgia than anything. I just couldn't believe that he might not be exactly who I thought him to be. They are falling like flies now. Seems everyone's got at least one hand in a pot or two, save a few.

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I saw that and was quite upset that Peter was making that play. Still, I don’t think one can compare aspirin with a genetic lipid nanoparticle countermeasure.

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I definitely don’t think so either...I just think the telling of the aspirin story will prime unsuspecting minds for the intended narrative uptake.

They were working on mRNA, for all of those years (unsuccessfully), as a cancer treatment. So stories of other well established medications, that most everyone probably currently has in their cabinet, will create a tangible, relevant president. I mean, aspirin was killing people in the Spanish Flu epidemic and now you’re taking it to prevent a heart attack...good thing we didn’t just scrap aspirin!

In my opinion, that bit on the show was manipulative and obvious. Also brilliant because he’s not wrong; the difference between a medicine and a poison is dose. He brought it up twice, which makes it much less likely to be an unplanned comment, imo.

And I could be completely wrong. Maybe it was about Remdesivir, IVM, or HCQ...or just a fun fact 🤗 story time moment.

I just see the mRNA walk back everywhere now...and I think it’s got the potential for the most profit; which, sadly, seems to always be what it comes back to. Every time.

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I agree with your gut feeling on this. F ing Theatre. Prewritten scripts. We are just watching a show. The Truman Show and very ironically, Jim Carey is still starring in it.

I just met a woman ( in person ) at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital whose husband, they just hung a 1 million $$ IV bag ( yes, 1 IV bag -she was there and paying - one way or another ) CAR-T and then he quickly died. Of course I asked her if they warned her if it was unlikely to work. She said " yes ".

Another " Royalty " woman paying cash from UAE but I am not sure what she is getting.

I suppose the Snake Oil Trick to people who are desperate and dying and will do anything to live, IS the oldest Trick in the book. From Evil, Greedy persons. These people are so much more prevalent these days ( and medical ) it is astounding.

They plan to make it exclusive ( it is already ) so they will make a ton of cash from it.


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