SV40 BAD, But the Future May be Brighter...
Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Ok y’all. I am going to bullet point exactly what I was implying in my post yesterday.
Solve That Mystery
The “breaking news” that the herd culling murder shots (commonly referred to as Covid-19 vaccines) were contaminated with the very concerning SV40 cancer enhancer-promoter and you can now sue people is:
Not really news at all.
Read about it from Katherine Watt HERE.
Or Sasha Latypova HERE.
Or Maria Gutcia HERE.
Very concerning, as it appears to be intentionally organized. A preplanned part of this shit show…throw these “vaccines” under the bus, along with Pfizer BAD.
A development to pay close attention to - specifically because our neurologically programmed brains’ inherently want to solve the mystery and GET THE BAD GUY!
Why is this concerning and something of which we should stay keenly aware?
Because I think they will throw these (now CLEARLY deadly, terrible) murder shots out. Those were the bad kind, made by the baddies.
But let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water, guys.
That SV40 stuff should have NEVER made it in….we KNOW that it causes cancer! #Polio.
Mistakes were made. And we won’t ever let that happen again.
But wait…It wasn’t the mRNA platform that was bad. It was the SV40 part. And we won’t ever do THAT again.
The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review
mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future May be Brighter
Dr. Malone was also cautious. Calling the SV40 sequence fragments “small and residual,” he said the implications of the contaminants, while unknown, might not be as dire as some predict. “This is not full SV40; it’s DNA fragments,” he said, of certain key sequences involved in DNA replication and gene expression. “SV40 is associated with tumors…(but) this isn’t that. In my mind the risk is not acute; I’m not hyper-alarmed about this.”
In an interview after his remarks to the audience, Malone told me, “In my opinion, it is a smoking gun, demonstrating the failure of the FDA to follow its own internal guidance and policies and international norms in regulating vaccines. It is the most egregious example I’ve ever seen. In a normal world, I would expect it [the vaccine] would be pulled.” (source - his own stack)
And here we have double speak.
In my opinion, planning for the future (meebeeee with RFK, wink, wink).
SV40 contamination is not something to be alarmed about. Unless it is, in which case, FDA BAD, pull that shit.
Either way….the future is left available to be brighter with mRNA.
And then I come home to this BULLSHIT today.
They can’t wait.
Hey mom, how would you feel about enrolling your kid in a trial for an investigational shit shot that might protect him from a virus so concerning that most people have never even heard of it? Go fuck yourself.
Watch for it, folks. The future of mRNA may be brighter. Because all the bad stuff was from Mistakes Were Made. SV40 is BAD. And we know better now.
Roll up your sleeves, useless eaters. And your kids’ sleeves.
It’s time to do some sperimenting.
"...enrolling your kid in a trial for an investigational shit shot that might protect him from a virus so concerning that most people have never heard of it? Go fuck yourself."
Three words that make sense...
And should be repeated...
Eligible 9-15 year old children must be in good health in order to participate. Because we gonna get you all!!! Would you like some candy little girl???