NYT Readers Still Really Love the Booster Train + I'm Looking Forward to RFK Explaining How EO 13887 and OWS Aligns With His Commitment to Children's Health
I'll wait.
“When the match is very good, as we anticipate it would be with the current circulating strains, you get actual protection from infection for several months,” said Dr. Paul Sax, the clinical director of the division of infectious diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
“Once you are vaccinated, you have a lower risk of infection for at least several weeks,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco. “It might even be longer than that,” he said, because the vaccines are so closely matched to the dominant variants that are currently circulating.
And the vaccines will provide protection against the worst outcomes from Covid — developing severe disease, getting hospitalized and dying — for months.
I mean…”actual protection for several months” or “at least several weeks”?!?!
And just in case you were wondering if the New York Times readers are still sharp…
They are. 👆 Good catch, roseberry.
And THANK GOD Katie G and the fam got all their boosters last fall so they can enjoy their DNC “covid”. 👇
Hey guys, I think Carl might be on to something👇
Stay on the case, Carl! Keep us posted about that Novavax bro 👍
Vick is staying just ahead of the next variant…keep up the good work, Vicki! Don’t let “covid” win 👊
Javadba is feeling pretty scared that vaccines are available so infrequently…which is pretty scary. Just throw a mask or two on, grab a Monkeypox/Flu combo and you should be all good, Jav.
Peter to the rescue!
Good point, Pete 👆
Can I get it for free?
Many private insurance plans, along with Medicare and Medicaid, cover the cost of Covid shots. And children can receive free vaccines through a federal program. The C.D.C.’s Bridge Access Program, which has provided about 1.5 million free Covid shots to uninsured and underinsured people, will not be renewed for this year. But Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, director of the C.D.C.’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that the agency had found $62 million in unused vaccine contract funding that would be sent to state and local immunization programs to help cover the cost of shots.
Since we are talking children…
👉 Hey Bobby…in light of your announcement today concerning your commitment to protecting the health of our children, can you please address the herd culling murder shots being delivered to children for free through this federal program?
Yeah, the shots that were ushered in after Trump signed Executive Order 13887 in September of 2019.
The ones, according to his daughter, that he ordered on January 13, 2020.
Can you please speak to how the MEDICAL COUNTERMEASURES, delivered via Operation Warp Speed - that are still being given to children, align with your stated allegiance to the health of our nation?
Let me just get out in front of the haters straight away.
Trump wasn’t duped. He signed that shit and the murder shots were rolled out on his watch. And he’s pretty proud about it.
Trump called the vaccine, "one of the greatest achievements of mankind" and praised his administration's success in getting the vaccine developed on his watch.(source)
The RFK “can’t say anything about vaxxines because…blah, blah, blah” is bullshit. That argument has gotten us fuck all and I’m sick of hearing it.
RFK SAYS he’s pro vaccine.
"I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine."
👆 THAT is what he SAID.
Look, I love cleaning up all the things. I agree the population is incredibly unhealthy overall. I want the kiddos to be healthy.
But focusing on cleaning up school lunches is kind of like putting a bandaid on a brain tumor. Babies start their life as a pin cushion on DAY ONE with the current vaxxxine schedule.
And I’m over not talking about it.
Or pretending that people didn’t say what they said.
Or meant something else that they didn’t say.
I mean...just replace "vaccines" with "prophylactic Ivermectin" and you have TWC Tier Two media and the same level of discourse.
Let’s hope that these people can be honest. Remember Trump is indebted to the Rothschild cabal and cannot tread in the sacred areas like vaccines or Israel. Maybe that shot fired on 7/13 was a warning to stay on script or else. Bobby knows how mean and cold these killers are. Forget about the leaders. It’s up to all of us to scream NO FUCKING WAY!!!