Welp…another upside down year draws to a close and I’m left to reflect on the absurdities that adorn seemingly every aspect of the current reality. Let’s see, where to begin….
Gender doesn’t exist now, and if you say it does you are a transphobic racist. What is the definition of a woman? Fuck you for asking. And do you even have a biology degree?
The vaccines AREN’T WORKING and it is OBVIOUS. Mention that after a multi-boosted gets Covid for the 5th time and you’re an anti-vaxx science denier.
This horse-shit study made it to PRINT: COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash, which speaks to much larger issues within the scientific community.
Elections in the US and elsewhere are questionable, at best; totally fucked, at worst.
Our government is actively colluding with social media. This is like the really drunk uncle that shows up for dinner and everyone just pretends that shit’s normal. On one side of the isle we aren’t talking about this collusion because Orange Man Bad and he didn’t win. And the other half is certain that WEF darling, Elon Musk, is riding a little blue savior bird to free us from all censorship, whilst revealing the bad guys and remediating all evil.
The world is on the precipice of handing over basically everything to the World Health Organization and almost nobody knows about the treaty that could completely fuck us all.
Please bear with me, I know I’m a little dark (because…see above) but I promise that I will end on a positive note, albeit probably sarcastic. Here I go…
I spent Christmas with my extended, doctor saturated, family in North Carolina..
doctor saturated = super vaxxers
super vaxxers ≠ open to talking about it
It was SO WEIRD. Everybody was sick af. It almost seemed like, and I know this is out there…the vaccines might not be working.
→DO NOT bring that up, Sarah←
One of my brothers and his whole family just got over Covid a month and half ago. Their 6yo daughter has had strep 3 times since. She also had an active ear infection. My brother had trouble finding a pharmacy to call in a script. Because there is a shortage of amoxicillin there. My other brother’s daughter has had 4 ear infections recently. My third brother’s son (the fever kid, if you happened to see that thread) is still running 105 fever every other week, and his new brother (5 mo) was also actively sick. The whole crew has been bouncing the H-Flu around for months…and my sister in law’s mother has gotten a very rare form of Alzheimer’s that has popped up and is progressing rapidly. Oh… and they’ve all gotten Covid, of course.
Thank GAWD for the vaccine though…
→peers into crystal ball←
✨because it would’ve been so much worse✨
So, as you can imagine, it was REALLY challenging for me to find other stuff to talk about. But I did. Just kept it light and bull-shitty.
Last year, I couldn’t keep my mouth reigned in and it wasn’t ideal for the holiday vibe. I did better at that this year, although I felt like I should not push my luck, and I left a day early. I did NOT bring up the Notorious GVB this year, as it was not well received last year. (I also can’t take credit for this amazing nickname. It was Sage Hana)
If you aren’t familiar with The Notorious GVB (aka Geert Vanden Bossche), I encourage you to give him a read or a listen. You should be forewarned that GVB is a smart mf and his work can be a little thick to digest. Surprisingly, my dance degree didn’t require virology, immunology, or pharmacology, so I’ve had to do some “brushing up”, if you will. Anyway, I took the liberty of breaking down some of his theories for us lay people ⬇️.
If you read only one GVB article, I suggest this one:
Now….let’s see, where are we? Well, some new papers have been published that are pretty unsettling. There was this one, published on Christmas Eve: The trainwreck of all trainwrecks: Billions of people stuck with a broken immune response, covering this study, Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination…sounds moderately concerning, right? So you can imagine all the coverage it got on the mainstream “news”. Oh, what’s that? You didn’t see Rachel horse mouth Maddow or Anderson Crapper’s coverage? Me either.
The man, the myth, the legend, Igor Chudov breaks it all down like only he can. →Spoiler alert: It looks fucking bad. Here’s an excerpt that sums up the problem:
It is a good idea not to have inflammation in response to pollen. It is a bad idea, however, to train our immune system to ignore replicating pathogens such as Sars-Cov-2.
How would “immune tolerance,” induced by repeat antigen shots such as mRNA injections, look like when the person is infected with Sars-Cov-2?
It would look like a “mild” infection without a serious fever that would last much longer than necessary and cause organ damage. The sufferer may say, for the first week, that they are thankful for vaccines and boosters making their symptoms mild. Then they start wondering why the infection is not going away.
Such tolerance may explain why boosted people are the slowest to clear Covid-19:
Dr Ah Kahn Syed also wrote an excellent article on Arkemedic’s Blog regarding this tolerance.
→ Spoiler alert: It concurs with Igor.
Trainwreck is the word. You see, what Rintrah (and Ersa) are saying is that the fact that there is a switch of Immunoglobulin-G (which is your standard memory antibody) to the rare form of IgG4 following mRNA COVID “vaccines” means that the immune system is collapsing.
Here’s another breakdown:
And then there’s this:
And this:
So where does that leave us? I’ll be honest, I’ve been feeling particularly salty about the whole situation. Not only does health prognoses look pretty grim for a lot of people I love, but the doctors and experts that I have come to trust (and oddly care about), seem to be arguing amongst themselves. I will not give that behavior any reinforcement by linking to it or elaborating much further, but I will say that it has contributed to my saltiness. I have neither the time nor the energy to sift through he-said, she-said bullshit, and the bottom line is this:
I don’t actually know any of these guys.
There’s a doc that I have relied on that reminds me of my dad (who passed away in 2013). His delivery of information is eloquent; calm and succinct, and it’s comforting. He reminds me of my dad. But I don’t actually know him.
There’s another doc that was a lone voice of reason and guidance for me for a long time. His protocols helped me help others by providing reliable references for me to turn to and pass on. His protocol cured my parosmia. I don’t know him either.
Yet another doc penned a book. It was one of the first that I read outlining the nefarious nature of the Covid pandemic. I find his demeanor to be inviting and compassionate. I also do not know him.
This list could go on and on - and could include a number of fellow substackers. These folks make up an unexpected support system for me, and I assume many others like me…if you read anything on substack over the holiday, this support system was obvious. There was gratitude for this community and camaraderie that was palpable. This support system becomes increasing necessary, at least for me, with each piece of evidence that is added to the heaping pile of terribly grim shit. These people don’t know it, but they have been woven into my little support system; the support system that keeps me feeling (moderately) sane.
I hate to see and hear the bickering. It makes me feel exhausted and deflated. And there is truly no way for me to get to the bottom of any of it….because none of this is first hand.
So, if there’s anyone still reading (thank you), here’s where I’ve landed…
We’ve been at this long enough to see who has been the most accurate with their interpretations and guidance. I know whose advice has served me and I will continue to listen to all of these people. Contrary to how it might seem, given my snarky sarcasm and sharp tongue, I’m of the belief that on any given day, most folks are doing the best that they can. I am try to remain keenly aware that everyone is fighting a battle that I know nothing about, and I do my best to lean into grace. I certainly appreciate all the grace that I have been granted throughout my life, particularly when I felt I didn’t deserve it.
I will move into the new year with hope that the freedom fighters and truth seekers, working tirelessly to bring light to the darkness, will find grace for each other - and for themselves.
A lot of people have told me that I should stop looking at all of it because it can easily be upsetting and consuming. True, and if you’ve read this far, then you probably know this firsthand.
“Just stop reading all that, Sarah. I don’t look at it and I’m blissfully unaware.”
Well, good for you. That just isn’t me.
So there must be a reckoning. Or I will be a bitter ass bitch.
In addition to extending grace before judgement or assumption whenever possible, my focus moving into the new year will be on what I can do to impact my little slice of the world. My reach is not far or wide, but the depth I am wiling to dive cannot be overstated. I don’t need to read more papers or studies to prove what I’m seeing with my own eyes.
Cardiac events are happening.
Clotting is a problematic factor in multiple ways.
Explosive cancers are happening.
General immune function is subpar.
Cortisol levels are generally elevated.
What can I actually do?
Study up, bitch. So that’s where I’m headed.
The vaccine is in billions of people, including many people that I love.
How can I help them?
That’s my focus.
***I was working on this article last night and had come to a stopping point. I was just scanning my inbox, when a piece from Tessa Lena came through. She addresses these same issues that I’m wrestling with, albeit much more eloquently and beautifully, and I hope the world reads it. If you are unfamiliar with her, do yourself a favor and give her a read.
And on that note, I’ll leave you with the World Council for Health’s spike detox guide and links to the books I chose to dive into over the holiday.
Cheers to you. Thank you. 🥂
My holiday reading choices:

I just recently found your Substack, I think your attitude and demeanor is one of the few appropriately outraged(not a good enough word, but don't have a better one now) people on team reality.
I have the same feeling about many of the 'experts' out there, obviously most are not 'experts' at anything except repeating what they were told without any ability to understand cause/effect. I have barn-yard animals that demonstrate a better ability to understand cause/effect than most humans I know. One thing the plan-demic has validated that I have been scolded for my entire life - Recognizing that most humans are FUCKING MORONS.
Seeing posts like yours that show an understanding of EXACTLY what's been happening from the few humans with an IQ bigger than my goats has been a savior for me, I would have 'gone postal' without posts like yours. I see some people I follow are toning down their outrage, that depresses me. Please continue with what you are doing!
Brilliant! Thank you.
I just sent this to a good friend [unvaccinated) after he sent me this heart breaking email...
"My daughter “fully jabbed” is getting sick constantly, with facial rashes and now what appears to be apendacitas. She has had one attack and hospital doctor is doing tests.
Over xmas [ my ex-wife] “fully jabbed” developed a lump in her neck, her brother died of cancer 4 years ago.' "
This is an excellent explanation from Dr Jessica Rose on why we are seeing massive increases in rapid onset cancers post jab....
IgG4 and cancer - a mechanism of action for cancer relapse and onset
"As you all know, IgG4 has come onto the hot-seat lately in the context of the mRNA shots. I was prompted this morning after watching Chris Martenson’s summary video of Jikkyleaks’ new FOI findings to look into the relationship between IgG4 and cancer. Again, cancer statistics in VAERS and from clinical settings are completely atypical since the roll-out of the COVID shots and I have been sounding the alarm on this for over a year.
Now I don’t want to scare everyone, but persistent re-injection of a messenger RNA that encodes a foreign, highly immunogenic protein, is NOT a good idea in this context. This is precisely continuous antigen stimulation by spike protein. Not only that, since we know that both the mRNA and the spike protein are long-lasting in the body, you mightn’t even have to re-inject yourself repeatedly qualify as undergoing continuous antigen stimulation. In fact, I would bet that this would be a given. Furthermore, I would bet that due to this continuous antigen stimulation, the IgG1:IgG4 subclass ratio is inverted in people who are persistently making spike, and that these people would be subject to cancer promotion, rather than suppression.
My take home message: This is why people are experiencing relapses of cancers previously in remission and this is why new and rare cancers are appearing as well. "
AND the reason we are seeing cardiac and other problems emerging post jab according to Dr. Aseem Malhotra - Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on the mRNA Vaccines
BTW Dr Aseem Malhotra does an excellent job of explaining just how f*cked up our medical systems have become in this video if you haven't seen it yet. Great video to send to blue pillers..